After having developed a paradigm that can reverse organizational dysfunction, we found that the same people who complained about workplace abuse wanted nothing to do with a fix. We don’t know why that is the same, but it takes less than five minutes with anyone engaging organizations to trigger a manifestation of their fear of success. Having demonstrated this phobia thousands of times, no exceptions, it is concluded that success phobia is far more common than the fear of failure. As the stakes in organizational dysfunction go up, the signature display of Achievemephobia is catatonia.
While many phobias can be hidden from public display, like the phobia of failure, it is impossible to cover up Achievemephobia. Whatever cognitive process is going on, the person realizes subconsciously that he has no plausible excuse to avoid success and triggers mental rigor mortis.
The fear of success controls cognitive processing in direct proportion to the significance of the issue confronted. The more significant the success to the person’s way of life, the more likely he will freeze up. It should be noted that demonstration of Achievemephobia is very easy and quick to do. Anyone can run the test on another.
Think about what fear of success means to goal-seeking . Can you really trust a fellow traveler who fears reaching his espoused destination? The more you appreciate the extent of Achievemephobia, the more you can understand the apparent madness of current affairs. What will “fixing” organizational dysfunction mean to society? Should president DT succeed, what’s to become of the established way of palace politics?
The unprecedented social ferocity on display today in DC gives insight to the strength and power of Achievemephobia . This kind of power warrants careful consideration in anything you plan to do. Experience has shown that it’s best to test for Achievemephobia early-on. You want to go down the road of life with people who really want to attain the goals they espouse. You want to be surrounded by people who really want to solve the problems they complain about.
Achievemephobia needs to be given far more attention than it has been getting. It is doubtful that Achievemephobia has a cure. Our approach is to bring out the phobia for discussion and teach its owners how to detect and preempt its manifestation. The goal is the goal.