Phobias are anxiety disorders. Man is known to develop a fear of anything and everything and Zoophobia is one of the most common specific phobias. Research conducted on this phobia has shown that humans have a genetic predisposition to fear certain types of animals. Often animals like snakes, spiders, insects etc stimulate a disgust/fear response in us. To an extent, this fear is necessary for the survival of human species. The degree or extent to which humans fear certain animals is directly correlated to the animal’s characteristics, fear-evoking properties and their discrepancy from human form.
Surveys conducted on the fear of animals phobia have shown interesting results. These studies mainly required dividing the animals in 2 categories namely: ‘fear relevant’ and ‘fear irrelevant’ animals. Simply explained; some animals can be considered cute or harmless, others as ferocious or wild and a third category as ‘slimy or disgusting’. In a majority of the countries where the survey was conducted, it was observed that the ‘disgust relevant animals’ category had a greater fear score as compared to animals in the other two categories.
Typically, people with Zoophobia tend to fear slimy animals like lizards (Scoliodentosaurophobia), frogs (Ranidaphobia), snakes (Ophidiophobia), spiders (Arachnophobia), cockroaches (Kastaridaphobia), maggots (Scoleciphobia), rats (Musophobia), worms (Vermiphobia), moths (Mottephobia) etc.
Causes of Zoophobia
Phobia of animals is common and exists all around the world. Typically it arises from a negative childhood experience involving certain animal/s. In some cases, the fear resolves on its own without any specific treatment. In other extreme cases, the phobia persists lifelong.
Most common reason behind acquiring Zoophobia is the intense anxiety or stress that develops in the individual’s mind. This emotion manifests deep into the brain and is recalled each time the individual is placed in a stressful situation. (This typically includes being placed in the same environment as the animal the individual is afraid of).
It is essential to note that not all fear of animals can be labeled as Zoophobia. The latter is a persistent, unwarranted and irrational fear of animals no matter how non dangerous or harmless they are. In other cases, the fear of snakes and spiders can be considered as quite common and necessary.
Symptoms of fear of animals phobia
The Mayo Clinic states that the symptoms of Zoophobia might present themselves not only when the individual is faced with the object of his fears but even when s/he thinks of it. Common physical and emotional symptoms of the fear include:
- Feeling dizzy, fainting
- Feeling like choking, dying
- Remaining frozen in place
- Experiencing an elevated heart rate
- Rapid and shallow breathing
- Sweating, trembling
- Trying to flee
- A constant movie/image runs in the phobic’s mind where he imagines being attacked by the animal.
Naturally, this phobia can be a debilitating condition to live with, as the animal or even thoughts of it can create great deal of stress in the sufferer’s mind. Some phobics even go to the extremes of refusing to leave their home for fear of encountering the animal.
Treating Zoophobia
Every individual suffering from Zoophobia must understand that s/he is not alone and there are millions around the world suffering from various types of Zoophobia. Thankfully, there are options for treating the phobia. Behavior therapy is one treatment that is known to be highly effective. Some doctors or psychotherapists also recommend medication for treating the intense anxiety experienced. However, these must be used as the last resort.
Gradual desensitization is another method that is known to be highly effective for treating the fear of animals. It involves subjecting the patient to pictures or images of the animal feared. Most of the times, this is done in a controlled environment so that the patient is able to handle extreme anxiety.
Apart from sedatives and antidepressants, meditation and positive visualization are also good long term solutions to overcome the animal phobia. Talking about the fears or writing them down are also therapeutic and can help one overcome Zoophobia.
Okay, i’m not afraid of animals, I just wanted to know how people become afraid of them. In my opinion, animals are majestic, beautiful creatures that should all be loved, no matter how they look.
Hi, I can’t explain the amount of love I have for animals. When I see videos of dogs my heart melts. I love most of the animals but the strange thing is that I am afraid of them to death. I remember I loved rabbits and my roommate had gotten one and I couldn’t wait to see it. When she brought it and I saw her pink eyes up close I felt disgusted and scared. I know it’s really crazy but somehow it suddenly gets real and I realize how it terrifies me. I hate that I’m scared of animals. I love them so much and I would have died to have one. I still hope I can somehow cure this stupid fear.
Having a fear of animals can come from so many things… Though not officially diagnosed I suffer from zoophobia. I am trying to explain to my wife who recently got a dog why I can’t play with him or help her with his care and to her it sounds like bs. She wanted a dog and though I agreed to it I wish she would had me there when she picked him. She rescued a dog, cool. I am really try to help with this dog and will take him for a walk once she puts the collar on and walks with us but by myself I am terrified to be alone with him. I am already worried what’s going to happen since I work from home and will be home with him most of the time. They say animals sense fear and I can’t seem to hide mine.
To the one who believes all animals are majestic.. Is a pack of rabid coyotes in the pitch black night, when your completely lost alone, tired, hungry, thirsty, majestic? Or the pitbull that attacks a little kid?
You feel exactly the way I do!
When people have this fear they most likely try to avoid animal shows.
I am just afraid of any animal and Zoophobia is much more in me then explained in here sometimes I am just avoiding meeting those individuals and homes who keep dogs and cats
I tried alot to figure it out myself as I was saying to myself that they will never bite you or eat you because they are not wild but still i am afraid of and want to figure it out….
Fear of sharks af from watching jaws! I can watch it and see any pic of jaws attacking but any other shark attack image I get all frozen and shakes and I close my eyes
I don’t know how anyone could be afraid of an animal or insect. I have Aspergers and have no fear of any animal or insect. I do however don’t trust people. I guess I have a gift for God’s creatures. I just love spiders.
How? How in God’s Glorious name do you LIKE spiders?
I totally love animals such as dogs, cats and other pet animals. What i don’t like is frogs, lizards, those kind of animals. I don’t know why but when I interact with them I can’t stand it. I can’t even stay in five feet apart from them. I really can’t. Knowing that there’s a frog or lizards in the place i will not feel safe until someone grabs it and throws it away just to get rid of it.
I hate animals. There, I said it. Well, maybe not so much hate as being sick of people who loves animals and shoving it to my face knowing full well that I have zoophobia. I could’ve at least loved animals from afar despite my phobia, but nope! Not only do I associate animals with anxiety, I also associate it with shame and hatred. As to how my phobia started, I don’t really know. It just spontaneously occurred sometime in my childhood and it persisted for years. I live in a country where people are expected to ‘toughen up’, especially for a man, so having a phobia of some sort will earn you a stern lecture from your father, a disappointing look from your mother, and a snicker from everyone else. Going to mental health experts is basically a one-way ticket to Shameland. Honestly, if I wasn’t financially dependent, I would’ve gone to a psychiatrist already, but nope. Mother dear scolded me for the idea of even doing so.