Lepidopterophobia, the word for fear of butterflies, originates from the Greek word Lepidoptera (the group or class of insects including butterflies, moths, skippers and other winged insects). This phobia is closely linked with Entomophobia (which is the fear of insects) or Mottephobia – the fear of moths. It is believed that actress Nicole Kidman suffers from Lepidopterophobia.
People with the fear of butterflies are extremely afraid of most winged insects. Typically, they experience a disgust response at the sight of these creatures. They feel afraid, nauseous or panicky particularly at the sight of butterflies.
Many sufferers of this phobia claim to be afraid of the lanceolate wings of these insects. To top it all; the wings are often covered with scales and are brown or black in color. The color scales and their constant fluttering trigger a fear or anxiety response in the phobic’s mind.
Causes of Lepidopterophobia
This surprisingly common fear of butterflies’ phobia has following causes behind it:
- As mentioned before, the constant fluttering of these winged creatures can cause intense fear in the Lepidopterophobic’s mind. The phobic is afraid that the insect might accidentally brush against their skin giving the sensation of creeping, crawling or itchiness.
- Many Lepidopterophobic sufferers tend to be afraid of birds. Their fear may be related to the evolutionary fear which humans have associated with flying creatures. It is not surprising that a person with fear of butterflies is also afraid of hummingbirds or other rapidly fluttering birds/insects.
- Butterflies and moths tend to exist in swarms. The swarming habit is often linked with locusts or bees. A negative or traumatic experience with these insects in one’s childhood may have triggered the Lepidopterophobia.
- People undergoing great deal of stress, or having undiagnosed depression or anxiety disorders following a divorce, or the death of a loved one, or even the loss of employment etc can suddenly develop a fear of butterflies. This can develop into delusory parasitosis, a mental condition where the sufferer constantly ‘feels’ insects crawling or burrowing on their skin. In extreme cases, this can lead to self mutilation following intense scratching.
Symptoms of fear of butterflies phobia
- Some people with Lepidopterophobia are afraid of even looking at pictures of butterflies. They experience deep anxiety, disgust or panic at the sight or thought of butterflies. They might experience a host of symptoms like shivering, trying to run away or flee, crying or screaming, shaking, sweating, heart palpitations, dry mouth, rapid and shallow breathing etc at the sight of a butterfly or moth.
- In severe cases, intense scratching of skin or refusal to leave the home on account of encountering butterflies or moths may be seen in the patient.
- Most sufferers avoid gardens, parks, zoos or florist’s shops where there is a chance of encountering butterflies.
- Phobics often imagine being attacked by these winged creatures. A constant movie or negative image stills might run through one’s mind, typically about being attacked by butterflies. Sleep and appetite may be affected in some patients.
Overcoming Lepidopterophobia
Gradual desensitization is the best way of overcoming Lepidopterophobia. You can start by slowly exposing yourself to butterflies using following steps:
- Start by viewing photos on the internet.
- Draw a picture of a butterfly. Look at realistic images or photos, and videos about butterflies/moths.
- Use self help books or opt for group therapy etc..
- Talk about your fear: it is important that loved ones and friends provide their support in this matter.
- In case of extreme phobia which is affecting one’s day-to-day life, it is worthwhile seeing a professional therapist.
Do note that self help techniques mentioned above will not show immediate results. While it is possible to completely overcome your fear of butterflies, the results will not be instant. The process can take days, weeks or even years for the Lepidopterophobia to be resolved completely.
I have lepidopterophobia.. the fear of butterflies.
I am so scared of butterflies but not the wings. I am not afraid of birds, or other winged insects (but moths, but they are still better then butterflies) but the BODIES are so weird. It’s just… so gross.
I absolutely hate butterflies and moths and everything that look like butterflies. And yes I have all those symptoms and now I wonder how the heck I’m gonna survive this world.
The same, my situation :(
I am absolutely terrified of Moths and Butterflies. I have Lepidopterophobia, they are so disgusting. It’s so hard for me because I love the summer and the hot weather but I can’t sit outside for long in case I see one :(
I am not afraid of birds though. I like birds.
I have lepidopterophobia and all my family laugh at me but they don’t realize it’s just one kind of anxiety and phobia. I hope one day someone can find treatment for lepidopterophobia :(
I have this fear too, my siblings thinks it’s a fake phobia.
Neither of my parents hated butterflies or any kind of bug so they had no problem with me touching them. I had an opportunity to learn about them when I was very young so I developed an interest in them. I agree that the best way to overcome this fear is to take the time to learn about them, look at some pictures or draw some yourself, and maybe talk to someone who might be familiar with the subject. You’re more likely to overcome your fear if you understand it better.
It’s those who don’t have the “fear” who don’t understand it and just because the sufferer understands it , doesn’t mean they can overcome it. They understand it’s effect, they understand that creatures such as moths and butterflies cannot physically harm them but most if not all do not understand WHY they have it. If you’ve perhaps had a rational fear before, such as a situation where there is a danger to your life you will know fear. This phobia is NOT a fear.
I’m scared of butterflies, moths, flies (any kind) and birds. The sound of the flapping makes me very anxious and I freak out every time I hear the flapping sound, even from trees rustling in the wind.
I too have been terrified of anything with flapping wings all my life, … Birds, moths and butterflies. If there is a moth on the wall I have to get the vac out. If a bird is trapped in a room with me, I scream. Yet I love watching them through the window, and feeding them. I can’t even look at or touch a page with a bird or butterfly on, and I am 67!
I am one of the phobics. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve tried to overcome it, the fear won’t go away. And it hurts me a lot when people or my sibling teases me. Life is so tough.
Please take courage in your time of need, I understand!
I’m not too worried about the smaller butterflies, but anything as big as Red Admirals, and bigger, gives me the creeps. Mum used to say it derived from seeing the bombs dropping during the Second World War. But I have a memory of a Cabbage White fluttering at my feet when I was a toddler, so perhaps that’s the reason.
I hear you. I’ve been going to the Philippines for years now in the hope of seeing (naturally) the moth known as the Atlas or Silk moth but they are more shy of humans than others so opportunities are rare. The idea is to confront my phobia with the biggest. Bombs kill people so i think any fear of bombs is a rational one. Sounds more like your mum had a sense of humor. We look for reasons as to WHY we have it and many are like the reason you think you might have it but how many toddlers might that have happened to that don’t develop the phobia?
I have extreme fear for butterflies. I am even afraid of seeing their pictures.
Same here baby! – Anu Singer
If i see a butterfly of moth i sit or stand there staring at it shaking and start crying or run away.. the thought of it makes me sweat and shake.. i have nightmares.. im 21 for christ sake and ive been like this since i was 2.. nothing triggered my phobia its just me. Even a picture of one makes me shake its horrible, ive tried watching one to help me overcome the fear but it dont work.. i need help because i cant go out much in summer.
When I was young my mom once told me that the big butterflies were rats with wings. I guess it stuck with me because I’ve always been afraid of butterflies. It’s a bit odd though, because I find that butterflies are beautiful. I always freak out when they get too close though.
I have a fear of moths and butterflies, but they have to be big. The moths that are no bigger than a thumbnail are fine. In a way, I am used to them, but only because I’ve had to touch them as they seem to fly at me. One once flew into my nose but I blew it out quickly into my hand and threw it.
The bigger ones I am afraid of. There is a place nearby, like a small enclosure for all sorts of animals and one is full of butterflies, and a few moths, that are left to fly around people. There is no barrier between you and them, I think that’s where my phobia stems from. I was squirmish about bugs and here there WERE swarms of them, a whole huge room of them. And I always thought they weren’t careful fliers bumping into things, one of those things being me. And seeing as my family liked to go there, I had to endure it.
I am really terrified of Wasps and bees so i hate all the summer months. Although my Partner knows about it he is very supportive but i am scared of losing him as i dont like eating outdoors as i am scared of being stung and i am scared of ruining my Partners life because of me and my phobia.
The phobia of wasps is called Spheksophobia :)
I am so terrified of butterflies they are horrible! To see one is to look death straight in the eye!
OMG they are so freaking scary help no why??
i know right they are like winged death flying things
Finally! Someone understands! I am terrified of butterflies! They are literally Satan’s flying monkeys! No one understands! Whenever I see a butterfly (even a picture) I start shivering and I want to scream and run away to cry. They are soooooo creepy and so flappy and UGH! The flapping noise drives me nuts and makes me want to fall on my knees and cover my ears and cry. Just imagine a HUGE butterfly trying to slurp you up with its giant tough! AGH! I am tired of being teased by my classmates. We’re going to be learning about them in science this week and my teacher actually had to talk to me and I’m going to be doing a different activity, thank god.
I get you! I’m absolutely petrified of them! I can’t stand them, they look like spiders with wings. I can’t stand the sight of them, ever since my old English teacher got me to read this story one of her students wrote about how butterflies ate a whole city of people!
I am the same way. It is really eerie that you described encountering a butterfly as ‘staring death in the face’, because I always refer to butterflies as “merchants of death”. I have suffered from this since I was a kid around 4-5yrs old. I also have a fear of bees and moths. Your comment was posted on my b-day which made me reply too.
I can’t stand looking at pictures of them. I can\t think about them, and I MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT go ANYWHERE NEAR any of them. I am scared of all of them, but most terrified of Monarch butterflies. I don’t like the red, white, brown, black, or yellow ones AT ALL!
Me too, i don’t like monarch butterflies. Creepy.
Well there is a moth commonly known as the death’s-head hawkmoth. It has a marking in the shape of a human skull on the thorax. For those who happen to be spending some time in the Malaysian jungle (they grow larger in jungle) they are commonly “swatted” with machetes. There are 3 species and can be found in many parts of the world but not to the size found in Asian jungle habitats. Go ahead and google the death’s-head hawkmoth if you don’t have an issue with photos or if you want to challenge your phobia.
Butterflies are demons disguised as angels.
I seriously thought I was the only one that had this fear! I’m OK with the small ones but the big moths and butterflies freak me out. I’m okay if they aren’t close to me but as soon as they start flying close I will literally run screaming. I mean, I like looking at pictures because they can be beautiful, but they can stay away from me. Don’t fly towards me, and definitely not towards my face.
At last, I could relate my only fear with the paragraph.. Thanks a lot for the points that describe how to overcome the fear. I don’t wanna be teased and be laughed at anymore.
I have always been terrified of butterflies and moths, I don’t mind the small moths but any bigger and hairier ones I legit run away from them screaming!!! I am scared of every insect and all birds and fish I am just a nervous wreck when it comes to mother nature :D
I’m not really scared of butterflies/moths, but at the same time I am. They mainly just disgust me and freak me out, but I seriously panic at the sight of them.
What you describe is exactly why it’s not a fear, yet it can be mistaken (usually by others) as one. For me a fear has to be rational (have a reason to fear something) yes when someone has this phobia it can have similarities to a fear but it’s something else, something different.
I thought I was the only one with this fear. It all started at primary school. Don’t know what started it. I’m better now but still avoid butterflies.
Strange thing is if I see the small white butterflies I can probably handle quickly walking past I don’t feel comfortable.
Different story with monarch butterflies. I hide the fear but they scare the crap out of me. Probally because they are biger and the colours
Same here my friend! Those monarch butterflies or those orange and black ones terrify me too!! And any other color. I know they don’t bite or physically harm but to us who have this rare phobia, they can really harm you emotionally! I have had nervous breakdowns many times ever since I was 5 back in 93 when I discovered this fear. They look spooky, creepy, and extra terrifying when they flutter. And just looking at a picture of butterflies already terrifies me. I almost faint just thinking that one or a swarm of them could land on me someday. I am 32 and thank God I haven’t had a horrifying experience like that yet. In my book, they are forms of creepy ghosts.
I am having goosebumps now.
I volunteer in a Butterfly House and am curious as to how to help visitors who are terrified of them? I’m always surprised at how common it is. We get a lot of parents and teachers who force themselves to walk through so their kids can enjoy it, is there a way of making it easier for them? We’ve tried handing out hats so the butterflies and moths can’t get so close to their faces but that could be a bit embarrassing in front of your kids and students.
Other than them not entering the house, i don’t think there is anything you can do. If those parents and teachers have the phobia even in mild form it’s a very difficult thing for them to walk through. I’ve never tried it myself, that would be too many in an enclosed space for me to handle. I’d much rather be in a war zone than a butterfly house.
I can refer to 90% of the things mentioned here from my personal life… Does this fear last till the end of my life.? It is weird that If I’m put inside a room with a snake and butterfly, I’d run towards the snake…
I really hope not, I think there are ways to get rid of the fear without confronting the animal.
I hate not being able to go outside and see a butterfly then run away shaking. I got the fear when my mom told me that butterfly’s ate humans and they had human faces too.
Now i cant even go outside to mow for goodness sake.
I love the small ones i am not scared of the tiny fluttery ones, just the huge yellow and red ones.
I hate this fear, it’s the worst. I am suffering from it. I am typing this right now when i should be out mowing but when i saw a huge one flying around my mower i got on my computer to look up how to solve this fear, and to see if anyone else had it, and a lot of people do. I just hope i can overcome it.
I think you probably had the phobia before your mom said those things, you just didn’t know you had it. On the other hand if your mom is as scary as those who were known to others as “The Vikings” then you may have something. For those who have a fear of the dark, it’s been in our psychology for Centuries and for very good reason. Not scary movies. You may never overcome it but you’ll probably cope better (find ways to deal with it) over time.
I came to check this site out because yesterday I found a butterfly in my room and I had a panic attack: I couldn’t breathe nor hear anything and I started crying like crazy. I never ever had cried as much as I did yesterday. I knew I had a fear of butterflies since I went to a Butterflies Conservatory in Niagara Falls, but I never felt like this… I only felt the urge to run away from them and scream if I couldn’t but I never actually cried or had a panic attack… I still can’t stop from scratching myself a lot like I did all night long… And honestly I’m not afraid of moths or any other flying insect, at least in the way I am with butterflies, I just don’t like being around them and dodge but nothing else. I don’t know why but I feel like this is more than the average Lepidopterophobia…
What do you think the average Lepidopterophobia is mariana?
I hate all butterflies & moths, I have jumped out of my moving car because 1 flew in whilst i was driving, i am nore scared of the coloured ones, i am even afraid of brown triangle as they look like moths. I have had treatment but it didnt work and part of the treatment was that they brought in a massive butterfly in a glass case it was as big as a bird (from the soloman islands) i never went back after that. just today I had my son throw 2 items of clothing in the bin because i saw a butterfly land on them on the washing line. we dont have windows open at all in the house , I wish i could go out in the garden or anywhere with out being scared but its never going to happen. I dont know what i would do if 1 landed on me with all that powder that they have on them. I would run into the road if 1 was coming near me even into the path of oncoming cars.
I totally sympathize with you. It is such an irrational fear. I know they can’t hurt me but am absolutely petrified especially with moths. All our Windows are closed at night and we have fans for cooling down. I am a 49 year old father and I am so afraid and feel so silly when everyone laughs at me squealing and running away. Had it all my life and just can’t get over it.
Please know that you can get insect blocking nets to cover your open windows with. Ask at a hardware store for instance. The net fabric can be bought by the meter and attached to your window by various methods, even duct tape, and there are ready nets on frame if you have the proper measurements for your windows. The horrid moths / insects can´t get in, but you get fresh air.
I have this fear, and today when i was coming back home, there were 2 butterflies outside my house. I needed to get inside, so i just gave a (manly) squeak and ran to open the door. 😂
Lepidopterophobia should not be labelled as a fear, it’s something different to a fear. When we are in a dangerous situation we may fear dying but it’s not a phobia. It’s a very rational fear of danger. Having lepidopterophobia is an irrational condition. Sufferers know these creatures cannot harm them, yet the irrational condition prevails. I too suffer from lepidopterophobia, there are actually many who do. I don’t care about it and like all the others we just get on with life. I don’t understand or know why i have it, i don’t remember any incident from childhood. I try to control it as if it was a fear but that doesn’t work well because it’s not a rational fear. I’ve been in dangerous situations, danger to life and that is much easier to control. I have no trouble looking at photos or videos (other than some might look horrific), generally ok with them outside as long as they don’t come to close. But if there are any in a room i have 3 choices, A. kill it, B. open a window and hope it finds it’s way out or C. just leave the room.
I have the fear, you shouldn’t be so rude..
Umm, if you don’t have trouble looking at photos or don’t care about it, and like all the others, you get on with life, then it’s obvious that you DON’T have Lepidopterophobia. Well, you may have some of it, but not as severe as some people (like me). And if you don’t get the feeling of real Lepidopterophobia, then don’t say anything. Some people vomit and shake when they see it.
This page is for the people who are really afraid of this, not for people like you, pretending you have it and making us uncomfortable when you feel satisfied. So stop being so rude, okay?
And if you feel uncomfortable reading mine, then great, that was my intention. You said words that hurt people, and I’m giving it back. Totally NOT gonna regret it.
I don’t care if you see this or not, but I am also telling other people not to say things like this. :)
My fear of butterflies started when I watched spongebob, the episode where there is a butterfly inside a bubble. Since I watched that, I started panicking every time I see a butterfly, especially the ones with lines.
I was just talking to someone about my phobia and they asked me “how did it start?” and I said idk. But a few mins ago I was thinking about that sponge bob episode where they get REALLY close to the face of the butterfly, ugh.
You see, most people wishes are fame and fortune. As for me, i wish there would be a force field around my house to flippin keep dem flappy insect away!
I know the feeling.
It’s just that they were worms once. UGH. Talk about death, huh?
I understand what all of you are going through. I just had another nightmare last night while I was dreaming a butterfly came in while I was laying down and started to flutter around me and I couldn’t get away or move I was frozen. I woke up having a panic attack and still feel shaken from the experience. I honestly dont know how or why my fear started, but it’s always something that I’m embarrassed of because people laugh at me because they’re so harmless how could you be afraid of something that cant hurt you? I dont know why but everytime I see one or think of one flying I instantly go into fight or flight mode and normally I run if I can. I have trouble going into a house if they’re moths or butterflies around the door or flying around the outside lights. I hate feeling afraid of the summer because of the chances of them flying around. I’ve tried to overcome my fear by going into a butterfly place I think it was at a museum or a zoo, but the experience was awful and I couldn’t do it. I’ve never been back to one since.
About three weeks ago, I had that same nightmare and had a horrible bout of anxiety for two weeks.
Reading all this, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with this irrational fear. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember and was always teased for it because “It’s just a bug, it won’t harm you.” Look, I don’t mind seeing pictures or videos of them, Some of them are actually pretty. But in real life- I get massively anxious around them- and it’s especially the rapid wing flapping.
Being an adult now, it’s not as severe, but I would still rather much avoid them if I can. Especially big moths.
Thank god I’m not the only one. Finally people get it!
When I was like 5 years old I watched the movie a bugs life and there was this huge butterfly that took up the entire 60 inch screen TV and I ran and slammed my face into a door and blacked out. When I woke up I cried and screamed for a good 15 minutes. When I got older like 10 years old I saw a butterfly and I almost got ran over. I was in a fight or flight mode and I chose flight. I am now 13 years old and I was hanging with my friends sitting in the grass and this huge orange and black butterfly flew above us and I was gone. You could see sparks, I was burning rubber. Even if I see it by my window I will be gone.
Oh yeah my friend, same here!
I sorta know when my fear of moths and butterflies started, at least I think I do. As a child our house was ramshackle with all sorts of holes and always had insects inside, I was always afraid of the moths landing in my bed, my mom thought this was incredibly funny and used to throw their dead bodies in my bed whilst I was in there and I was always afraid I would choke to death on the powder left off their wings. I imagine them flying right into my throat and choking me to death, being covered in slimy moths and powder, even seeing pictures makes me sweat and nearly vomit, 50 years later.
I used to not hate butterflies but over time I started freaking out when I saw them, today I went on a walk and there were about 20 butterflies. By the time I got back home I swear I was crying so much, and my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t breathe. People ask me why I’m scared of them. They don’t do anything and tbh idk why I’m scared of them.
Same! I went on a hike with my friend, but there were butterflies everywhere! After we came back, I noticed I couldn’t breathe properly and was shaking a bit. I used to not be scared. In elementary school, boys would tease me by steering me to where a moth or a butterfly was sitting. Everyone would ask why I am scared, they would say “Butterflies are pretty. They are harmless.” I already know that. So many people asked why I was scared, so I came up with this response.
Someone: Why are you scared of butterflies?
Me: I just am.
Someone: What?
Me: For instance, there is a phobia of sleeping. They’re scared to go to sleep, why is that?
Someone: Nightmares?
Me: Wrong. They’re just scared to sleep.
Someone: Oh! Ok.
Me: It’s the same for me.
This response has helped me several times. I would be happy if you used it.
Oh thank you so much, that’s actually really helpful.
Ah I empathize with all of you, I myself as a lepidopterophobe don’t know where this “irrational fear” originated. It must’ve been a combination of that spongebob episode with the close up Monarch butterfly and my eventful trip to an animal conservatory that had a butterfly house, I spent most of my time running away from them trying not to cry. It’s been almost 5 years since that event and now, it embarrasses me to admit that as an 18 year old dude taking on college I still harbor intense, inexplicable feelings of enmity and anxiety towards butterflies…
Same here. I thought I was the only one too! Thank God, we’re not alone. I first discovered this fear when I was five back in Spring 93 when I was in kindergarten. Our teacher grew monarch butterflies from caterpillar to full grown butterflies in a plastic jar for each of us. When they were fully grown we had to take them home. How deathly I was dreading that day and it came. Oh how I was deathly terrified holding that plastic jar and watching that creepy butterfly constantly flutter and flutter. I should’ve just left it on the playground before I walked out the gate. I quickly put it in my backpack and made sure it was zipped and walked to my dad trying not to cry like a baby. He knew I was terrified of something. Once we got in the car I told him to close all the windows which he did and I cried and screamed at the top of my lungs “daddy daddy get the butterfly out of the car”. He quickly took off my backpack and lovingly consoled me. Once we got home, he took the jar out of my backpack and drove to the park and let it out. My mom had to give me a warm bath and Benadryl to calm me down. I am now 32 and the fear is still the same. If ever I see one flying when I’m in our garden; I run for my life and go back inside our house. They and moths scare the hell out of me. Their spooky and creepy looks and their fluttering. In my book I believe they are a form of ghosts. And the thought of them landing on me and the creepy crawly feel just scares me to death.
I know right? I just can’t handle them! I went through this exact thing except it was a tiger tail butterfly.
Omg same here, my phobia also started after I saw that spongebob episode.
What is this SpongeBob episode everybody keeps talking about.
Not everyone thinks that butterflies are “so pretty”. To some people which are us lepidopterophobes, they can look quite terrifying. They have spooky looking pitch black bodies with creepy looking wings. Some butterflies can also mean death like the pure black ones or black and white ones. And their constant fluttering makes them extra scary. I think butterflies are forms of ghosts which makes them extra frightening.
I used to be scared of caterpillars. Now it’s butterflies.
I am very afraid of butterflies. Their wings seem very dangerous to me.
I am very scared of butterflies. Once, I was on a holiday to Japan with my family. One day, on the way to swimming, I saw a butterfly flying around and tried to kill it with my swim bag! Nowadays, whenever I see a picture of one or one flying around, I freak out!
Same here, I’ve got a similar experience. Has your fear become easier to handle? If so, do you maybe have any tips on how to overcome it?
I, too, am extremely afraid of butterflies and moths. It started when I was on holiday in France when I was only 8, and suddenly a butterfly flew into the house where we stayed, but nobody bothered to take it back outside, and every time I walked up or down the stairs, above which there was a window where the butterfly sat, I felt extremely paranoid.
Nowadays, I’m nearly 20 and especially moths still scare me big time, which really does not help since at the moment, I live in an apartment block in a forest environment where my neighbors barely bother to close the windows for the sake of me and my fear of bugs, and especially the butterflies and moths.
It all started when i was five, and i was at Liberty science center. We were at a butterfly show. The women had a bag full of butterflies and let them all out. I was paralyzed and i didn’t know what to do. I fainted. So when i woke up and found myself in the hospital, i knew I had lepidopterophobia. Right now i am 11, and i still fear them.
My name is Utkarsh, I’m 20 years old and I am from India. I really don’t know when all this started but I’m afraid of butterflies and all kinds of flying insects, especially those, whose wings undergo a constant fluttering. The society in which I live, nobody tries to understand my fear. I felt like I was the only one but no, I was wrong. There are many others who are suffering from this fear. You see all I want to say is that my life is becoming hell. Whenever I see a butterfly, it doesn’t matter where, in my home or at my university, I get shivers. I just get choked to death. I shout, I run and a scene always gets created because of me. Nobody tries to understand me, they all just make fun of me. The society in which I live is full of rude people.
I can understand you, bro. Same problem, from India. It becomes worse when those ugly butterflies who are near the light source at night come. I get afraid even thinking of butterflies (their texture). Even a photo of a butterfly can scare me.
Damn, same here guys.
The sight of butterflies with pointed wings horrifies me. Fake butterflies or tiny fake birds in floral arrangements freak me out as well.
Hi Utkarsh, no worries you’re not alone. I am having the same problem as you. I thought it’s so weird until I came to know about the fear of butterflies and flying insects.
Once I had to run away from a speech given by my dean. He spoke to me and said that every individual has their own fear, so just accept yourself. He told a heart breaking story about his niece, that she jumped out from a balcony and died. Earlier they made fun of her, when she said she was afraid of butterflies. That story about the incident changed their approach.
Hello. I am 25, and I must say, Woah, what an approach. I am feeling better after reading this thread. A mature discussion regarding this phobia for the first time in my life.
So right brother. I’m humiliated and judged for being an attention seeker or drama queen. My life is hell due to these creatures. If it enters any room of my house, I’m crazy and uncontrollable. I’m even afraid of grasshoppers and cockroaches. Everybody makes fun instead of co-operating. Rude people from a selfish world. I will pray that we all recover our phobia.
I’m sorry Utkarsh that people ridicule and laugh at you because of your fear. You’re not alone because I suffer from that too. People shouldn’t make fun of someone’s fear. This fear is more common than most people think. The fear of butterflies and moths is as natural as fear of spiders or snakes. Also, heights and crossing bridges. It sure is cruel for people to laugh at someone who’s afraid. Many people including me infinitely of course see butterflies and moths as terribly creepy. Just the way they look, especially when they flutter and fly is just so spooky. Oh my, also imagining one landing on my skin makes me feel faint. And if one did land on me, I’d definitely faint dead away maybe even die of a heart attack. Best wishes to you.
It’s true that people think you are crazy when you say “I’m scared of butterflies” but it is actually a phobia.
I too have the same fear. It’s just so awful, whenever I see a butterfly I get a thousand shivers.
Fear of butterflies or any other kind of flying insect is more common than you think. I read in a Beatles biography that when they visited the Maharishi’s ashram in Rishikesh India, Ringo left for home after 10 days because his wife Maureen was afraid of all flying insects. This fact wasn’t divulged until fairly recently.
I’m from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro city, and I’m 48 years old. I always suffered with this damn disturbance. It’s awful, annoying, terrifying. I do not remember when it all started, I just know that I have a severe condition. I do not open windows, I’m paralyzed if I see one at home, I cannot be in the same room or place as a moth. I ran from them many times in the street, gardens, wherever. I’ve been trying get rid of it for years, and I have some different results or interesting conditions. For example, I have already been to insect museums, like this one in Uruguay. I have a strange attraction and at the same time I hate moths, much more than butterflies. I always try to visit this place and be close to the dead moths. In Uruguay, I asked to hold one, but not the moth itself, I held the pin where it was, and it was creepy. Man, it is crazy! If it was alive, I would be dead at that very second! Two weeks ago, one entered here and I asked my wife to make it go away. I got locked in the kitchen and she stayed with it in the hall. By a window I could see that huge brown moth flying slowly with those heavy wings and, man, I felt I would die. This phobia is a nightmare. I was used to be afraid of butterflies too, but now I can deal with the small ones, even some medium sizes. But moths? Not in this life! Sometimes I like to search the internet for pictures of that moth Atlas! Ok, that is a pterodactylus! But I keep on seeing it. I think this phobia really broke me.
I suffered something similar. I have been deathly terrified of butterflies and moths since I was 5. I’m 33 now and I know I will forever have lepidopterophobia. I remember vividly one summer day back in 1993 when my mom put me in the tub for a shower. She had to go get some baby shampoo and conditioner for me so I had to wait for a few minutes in the tub. I was relaxed of course and looking forward to my shower and then I looked at a shampoo bottle on the corner of the shower and suddenly I was terrified and frozen by fear and started screaming for my mom because there was a monarch butterfly resting on the bottle. It was big and creepy and so dark black and bright orange with a creepy white polkadot and black body. My mom carried me to my bedroom and consoled me while my dad caught it and released it in our backyard. Thank God it didn’t fly around me and especially land on me! Even if it’s already 27 years ago, it was so traumatizing that I will never forget it!
Omg that’s torture!
Damn, I can relate to some similar experiences such as this, but that huge creature was creepy.. torture.
Man I absolutely hate the weird looks and teasing from onlookers whenever they see me freak out about bugs, especially butterflies. “You know they can’t hurt you, right?” No. In all 20 years of my life, I have never known that these tiny little creatures, that die at the slightest touch, can’t hurt me. I’ve had to deal with it all my life and I’m seriously at my limit. I understand that they cant hurt me. It’s called an irrational fear for a reason.
It was at its worst when I had to go to a butterfly exhibit. It was probably one of the scariest moments of my life, and everyone around me was looking at me like I was stupid.
Yea same. People were like: “Oh, can’t you just cope with it?” And they take me to exhibits and stuff.
Same here. I think we all agree butterflies can’t hurt us. But that doesn’t mean we have to enjoy their company.
Absolutely right, guys. I am glad that people here are sharing their intimate details in a mature way. I mean, talking about phobia is something, especially when it’s about this “just laugh-it-out,” “Oh, just learn to cope with it. It can’t hurt us” phobia. It is rare to find, and as people find it silly, it is irrational for a reason.
I have been scared of butterflies for 28 years. I was locked in the bathroom with a moth in preschool. I’m trying to do everything I can to get over this fear. I checked books about butterflies from the library and watched videos about them. I wrote to some butterfly experts. I’m trying all I can to learn about butterflies.
Hi. My name is Senury, and I am a kid. Even though I am not afraid of butterflies, one of my friends is totally freaked out by them. She’s so scared of butterflies. I am more afraid of cockroaches and spiders.
I’m 35 and didn’t realize that so many other people have a fear of butterflies and moths like myself. It’s nothing to do with their wings, and it’s nothing to do with how they move. For me, it’s always been about their weird curled proboscis mouth. I just can’t stand them. Most of my family finds it funny, and they love butterfly gardens, especially with the idea that butterflies are loved ones visiting you. To me, a butterfly garden is a nightmare. And as far as believing loved ones come to visit, I believe, in my case, it might be true. My grandmother was a cruel woman who always said she would haunt us. So, of course, when I see a butterfly, I’m reminded of being haunted by a very mean woman. Thanks, everyone, for sharing their own experience with this phobia.
I recently wrote a story about my experience living with lepidopterophobia. Even the image of a butterfly or moth in my head is scary. My fear is so bad that whenever I look it up on YouTube, I have to put my cell phone down just to watch the video because I hate touching those big-winged freaks, much less looking at them. Like Usher, I got it bad when it comes to my fear of butterflies and moths.
A great example is this place in South Central Los Angeles called the Natural History Museum, near USC. Every Spring through Summer, they have what’s called the Butterfly Pavilion. I would get freaked out by the commercials for the exhibit, so that should tell you that the Butterfly Pavilion is an automatic no-go spot for me.
In a nutshell, I’ve been a lepidopterophobe my whole life. I made it just fine throughout my almost 39 years on this earth, but I don’t think this fear will go away anytime soon. That’s for certain.