Carcinophobia (or the fear of cancer) is an unpleasant and very real phobia afflicting people (or even friends and relatives of people) who have been diagnosed with the deadly disease.
The incidence of Carcinophobia has reduced now as compared to that a couple of decades ago, when the knowledge regarding cancer and its treatment was quite limited. That being said, many men and women all around the world are known to suffer from extreme forms of this social anxiety phobia.
Many of us fear deadly diseases that are prevalent today especially those like cancer. In most cases, however, such fear is rational, and even normal to an extent. But in people with the extreme fear of cancer, the condition renders them into a state of perpetual panic that may affect their day to day functioning or activities. Carcinophobia can also lead to Agoraphobia, where the person refuses to leave his/her home due to the fear of acquiring cancer.
Causes of fear of cancer
The fear of cancer (or for that matter any deadly disease) often means fearing loss of control, pain, and, ultimately, death.
Typical causes of Carcinophobia include a brush with the disease; a patient may have had a biopsy or might have seen a closed relative/friend suffer or die due to it. Most phobics also ‘learn’ to unconsciously imitate the reactions that people usually have towards cancer. Media, movies, stories etc related to cancer can also instill a deep fear that can border on phobia. Children can pick up the fear of cancer from parents and grandparents or their reactions to the disease.
Symptoms of the fear of cancer phobia
People with Carcinophobia are afraid of getting cancer so much so that they are constantly visiting doctors to ensure all is well with their health.
The mere thought of the disease can trigger a panic or anxiety attack that is characterized by physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms include shaking or trembling, sweating, experiencing a rapid heartbeat, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, fainting, breathing rapidly, crying or screaming.
Psychological symptoms include thoughts of death, experiencing a total loss of control with the inability to distinguish between what’s real and unreal.
Patients also tend to show signs of depression; many simply lose hope or are unable to enjoy life. Slightest physical symptoms like a cough or headache is enough to send them rushing to their healthcare provider to ensure all is well with them. They are known to spend vast amounts of money on costly procedures to confirm that a small bruise or bump is not cancer.
People with the fear of cancer phobia also tend to worry a lot, particularly about their spouses or children, as to who will look after them if they get the disease.
Carcinophobics are known to go to great lengths to avoid cancer, often fussing about what they eat or the products they use. They are known to get angry or provoked at the slightest suspicion that a person is ‘bringing a carcinogen’ into their home.
They tend to avoid all social activities or events if they feel there are carcinogens involved.
Treatment of Carcinophobia
There are many treatment options for overcoming the fear of cancer phobia. For treating anxiety and depression, psychotherapists often prescribe tranquilizers or anti-depressants. Other than these, talk therapy and group therapy sessions are also very effective in helping one cope with Carcinophobia.
Hypnotherapy is another popular option as far as treating the fear of cancer phobia is concerned. It has been proven to show long term results and is also non invasive and safe. Ericksonian Hypnosis is an advanced form of hypnotherapy that indirectly sends messages through stories or metaphors to the more analytical patients with an extreme fear of cancer.
NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming therapy is another modern method of treating many kinds of phobias. This therapy helps reprogram the unconscious mind to alter the thought process so that one re-learns not to fear cancer.
Carcinophobia is an unpleasant thought treatable phobia. Those who live with it know how it can negatively impact their daily lives. However, with treatment options like Hypnotherapy or NLP one can definitely overcome it to regain control over their lives and happiness.
My grandad died of cancer in 2013 and before then I was only slightly scared of the word! Now I think about my grandad and then panic and look everywhere for lumps, bruises, spots everything! I’m only 14 and don’t know what I can do! I spent the last few days with him and I don’t know if this could have triggered it? We were really close and I’m really suffering because I’m scared of getting it due to lower immune system!
My grandpa passed away from the disease in 2014 as well. It was my grandma’s death in 2011, though that really kicked this fear into high gear, and my conspiracy theory obsessed uncle (their son) isn’t helping.
Hi Jess please speak to your parents or gp about this as I went through the same thing with my nan when I was 16 and 31 years later I still cannot overcome my fear of cancer. I am at my gps every week thinking I have this horrid disease and I check myself 24/7. It has ruined my life and still continues to. I only wish I’d have told someone at a young age and I might not be like this still now. Take care and talk to someone who can help you.
I am also encountering the same problem. I don’t know what to do.. nowadays I don’t like the company of anyone.
My best friends dad passed away 8 years ago from cancer and it was the first time i got scared of the disease. I was always able to maintain it until 2 years ago when i moved out of home. I was constantly checking myself and visiting the doctor but i wouldnt believe what they were telling me. Finally this year it all escalated when i heard of a girl i went to school with died in her sleep.. i got panic attacks, cried all the time and couldnt eat or sleep. Im only 24 and this was taking over my life, my parents and boyfriend were at their wits end and made me get help, im on antidepressants and doing cat counseling. Im starting to feel a bit better although its only been three weeks. I still fear the disease but i now realize a lot of my symptoms are anxiety and life is too short to not live. Its going to be a long process but it is the type of thing that cant go untreated..
I have had this fear since I was 15 years old :(
It started when we were learning about cancer in school and all the symptoms and then I found a dark mark on my skin that night and thought I had leukemia and I was so scared I didnt even want to tell anyone about it first but then the doctor said it was just exema and it went away later. I also remembered a boy in my primary school who died from a neuroblastoma when he was about 10 :(
I am in university now and still even something as common as a headache will have me fearing for my life and I have experienced panic attacks and once even wished I was dead rather than having to feel like this. I’m sorry for my family as they always have to reassure me im not dying and put up with my paranoia. For everyone who suffers from this, I know what it is like and I’m so sorry you have to go through this, it is an absolute hell
Same proven with me
I agree with every word and especially the last sentence
I have this phobia and it’s horrible. My mom has a little non cancerous ball on her breast now every time I feel pain in my breasts I freak out. It’s affecting me to the point where I have anxiety attacks and can’t stop thinking about it. It’s affecting me all day every day and I can’t afford therapy. What can I do? Does anyone know about help online?
Hi Regina,
Someone also gave me this advice and it helped me so I hope it will help you too. If the pain in your body is very consistent and painful then you might need to check it out. If its unfrequent or not that severe, it could just be your body stretching out and it will pass. Try also to find out if these pains are normal for someone your age.
I found this post very educative. I’ve written and published an article similar to this (Are You Ever Scared Of Having Cancer?), I shared some Cancer Survivors stories and couple of things worth knowing about cancer and how one can reduce his or her odds of getting Cancer.
My mom passed away of breast cancer. And so did many of my friends’ parents.
This hooks me well to the cancer phobia.
Right now i am having a fear of throat cancer since I have a small lesion that keeps popping up in the edge of my soft palate. Whenever the thought is present in my mind, I do not seem to be able to concentrate on what i am doing, or able to enjoy life.
What should I do now?
I have developed this fear of getting cancer that has caused me to constantly be thinking about the disease. I know that those around me are very supportive and reassuring that all will be okay no matter what and that I just need to let go and live but sometimes it is more difficult to get to develop such a great mindset. I have not always been like this and I want to learn to let go and enjoy my life to the fullest like I used to.
If anyone has any advice on how I can let go and be happy again that would be more than appreciated.
Hi kerry..
I am also having the same thoughts that i might have cancer of anything like bowel, lung heart disease.. every day is hell for me.. at night i even cant sleep.. now also its 3:15am and im surfing on the net.. its really difficult for me to sleep and im getting difficulty in breathing.. all day my mind is thinking about cancer.. i notice every tiny thing in my body even if i fart i check how many times farting is normal and if i fart more than that. I forcefully believe that i have some problem with my colon.. now the main point is all day i cant breathe well.. my doctors said that my chest is totally clear nothing is there.. please help me im going mad from these cancer and chronic disease thoughts.
Hey, just try not to think about it. Hope you feel better soon.. you’re ok.
It is the exact same story with me
Hi Kerry and Gill,
I also suffer from this type of anxiety and similiar to you guys, it has taken over my every routine. It all started with the sudden death of a relative who was around my age. This person for me represented an anomaly, I could not rationalize how someone, in their peaks of their lives, could suddenly get cancer and die a year later. It made me also very very vulnerable. It triggered also the thoughts of having cancer. And even if I could win the argument with myself that I do not have it today, I could not convince myself that I could not have it tomorrow or in the long run. However, I now know what triggered these thoughts and how they developed. Now that I know the source and the type of anxiety, I know that it is not real! And this is the way for me to get rid of these thoughts. Secondly, try to educate yourself so that you will create more rational thoughts, otherwise you will try to fit in the blanks yourself and this will lead to the same doom-scenario. There is such a small chance of actually developing cancer when you live healthy and have no history of parents or close relatives with cancer. Secondly, our body is very very strong in detecting these cells and removing them from the system.
I am having this phobia from 3 years now , but it is getting worse , it is 4 am right now and i just can’t sleep , my grandma and aunt died from cancer , it is getting really annoying , right now , i am shaking i can’t think properly i am scared and worried , i check everyday if i have bumps in my neck , armpit , while i was scratching my head , i discovered a little bump right now , and i am really worried i don’t know what to do , my heart is racing so bad , i try to tell my mom this problem but she thinks i am an idiot , and she tell me to stop thinking about these stuff but i CAN’T
I am having this phobia for 13 years now, but it is NOT getting worse. We are idiots believe me.. It is just our mind.. Prayer to God and His Sons is the only way to fight with the mind..
Don’t worry or think about it.
Lead a happy life. Don’t search or discuss about. Do what you think. Don’t restrict.
I too suffer from this problem. Im always worried and I always surf the internet. What to do?
Hi I am doing an essay on this and I take your information as being true so I hope I get an A+ on my essay i am on my 5th page so, wish Me LuCk :)
Same here, good luck to you and have a nice day.
Listen friends, cancer is a disease i agree but fear and anxiety about getting it might ruin your life. In the world there are more than 1.000 diseases 10.000 pains etc. Not all pain and lumps will be cancer, its just one among the 1000. 999 will be caused because of your fear that will suppress your immune system and lead to health problems like headache, fast heartbeat, nervousness, fever etc. As long as you are happy your body will even have the power to fight cancer. Even if you are always happy, always keep your mind relaxed. That boosts your immune system.
If you need to distract yourself, play games as much as you can. That will really change your mind. Your mind is everything, fill it with positive thoughts. If you control your mind, even cancer is nothing. Many people die due to accidents, suicide, murder, carelessness etc. This all happens suddenly, cancer will not kill you suddenly. Its a slow killer but we can kill cancer if we stay happy. When you are happy, good cells grow fast ignoring cancer cells, but the sad part is if anyone gets cancer, all they think about is that they will die. That makes cancer cells spread and grow. Dont let it grow. Be happy and confident. Always.