Many kids and adults are known to suffer from the fear of darkness or night phobia. Several non-clinical terminologies are used for describing this phobia, namely: Nyctophobia, Scotophobia, Lygophobia as well as Achluophobia.
The word Nyctophobia is derived from Greek ‘Nyctus ‘meaning night or darkness and Phobos which means deep fear or dread.
It is common for children to be irrationally fearful of the dark; their brain perceives frightful images of ‘what would happen’ once the lights are turned off. However, it is also not uncommon to see adults suffering from Achluophobia. Such a condition can greatly impact the sufferer’s day to day life mainly because the individual tends to be depressed, anxious or high strung all the time. Sufferers often refuse to step outside after dark, or sleep alone. The family and loved ones can also suffer owing to one’s Nyctophobia.
Causes of fear of darkness phobia
Experts believe that Nyctophobia generally originates from a traumatic experience in the past.
As a child, one might have been left in the dark as a punishment. Siblings and friends might also be responsible for instilling the fear of darkness.
Movie, TV shows and literature depicting horror, blood, gore, ghosts and other paranormal activities that normally take place in absence of daylight are also often responsible for creating a deeply rooted fear of darkness in a child’s mind.
Domestic violence, sexual abuse in childhood (at night by a parent or caregiver), car accidents and other devastating or traumatic events can also leave a child confused, scared and anxious. Teenagers and young children are known to react very differently to such events. One of the responses to such incidents could be a persisting fear of night or darkness, when the events might have occurred.
Most childhood fears go away as one grows up and matures. However, in some cases, the Achluophobia can persist well into adulthood. Such people tend to keep recalling these past events which they associate with the dark.
Symptoms of Achluophobia/ Nyctophobia
Preschoolers might resort to thumb sucking, or bed wetting owing to their fear of night or darkness phobia. S/he might become clingy and refuse to sleep without a nightlight, or insist upon sleeping with an adult/companion.
Often the sleeping and eating habits of children and adults alike might change owing to this fear of darkness phobia. They might experience physical symptoms in the form of:
- Aches and pains
- Rapid shallow breathing
- Heart palpitations
- Shivering and trembling
- Chest pains or feeling like choking
- Nausea and other gastrointestinal distress
- Crying, screaming
- Reduced appetite or conversely overeating or binge eating
Psychological symptoms of the fear of darkness include:
- Thoughts of death, dying-often associated with Thanatophobia
- Fear of being attacked by ‘boogeymen’, ghosts, and monsters; Checking and rechecking under the bed or in closets
- Refusing to sleep alone or refusing to step out of the house after sunset. Trying to stay up all night, waking up several times.
- Feeling dread, feeling like running away at the thought of facing darkness.
The fear of darkness phobia can affect one’s sleep quality. This can lead to stress. Adults might start showing lack of productivity at work. Hence, depression and other mental and physical disorders are common in Nyctophobic individuals. All these can negatively impact one’s quality of life.
Overcoming Nyctophobia
Adults suffering from Achluophobia often realize that their fear is irrational. Yet they feel powerless to overcome it and dread the arrival of nighttime all through the day.
Thankfully, there is hope, and many therapies can help overcome this phobia. Professional therapists can help get to the bottom of one’s fear of darkness and so can Hypnotherapy.
Apart from these, one can also consider self help techniques. These include gradually exposing oneself to one’s object of fear and writing down irrational thoughts and changing them to rational ones. Meditation and positive visualization are other expert recommended self help methods to overcome Nyctophobia.
Neuro-lingustic programming or NLP as well as behavior and cognitive behavior therapies are other effective techniques used for overcoming Achluophobia/Nyctophobia. All of these help the individual manage his anxiety response when faced with the stimulus, in this case darkness or night. Medicines and drugs can also be taken to calm anxiety and reduce depression. However, these are not long term solutions for Nyctophobia and one must be aware of their possible side effects.
This website it’s perfect! I’m making a presentation about phobias for my English class, and I took the information from here. Also I’m thinking about doing my Investigation work about one phobia. It’s work that I have to do during 1 year and it’s very important for my studies. So, I want to be a psychologist, that’s why I’m interested in the human mind. I’m thinking about doing it about the school, the darkness, the open spaces or the insects phobia. But the problem is the practical part. I thought about being treated by a psychologist to overcome my phobia (entomophobia), but I’m not sure I want to do this… So, I also thought about trying to help someone with one of these phobias to overcome it with the different therapies and a professional helping me. That’s what I thought. I’d like to know your opinions and if you can help me I’d love that…
Greetings from Spain!
I am so glad to find out I am not alone. I have had a fear of the dark my whole life. Now I know it is an actual medical condition.
This website is cool but it didn’t really have the information I need. I was looking for a website where it tells me about a day in a life of someone who has a fear of darkness. But this does have a lot of information about the Fear of Darkness so that is good too.
Keep up the good work!
I have this phobia. The day is completely normal. I usually feel fine all night, except for bed time. Once the lights go off and I’m alone, I start to panic. There is no way to calm myself. Even if the light is on, I am alone and can tell its dark out, and for some reason it scares me. I am unable to look away from my door, fearing someone to bust through. I often have to go turn on the light, but am too scared to get up. Two times I have had a complete panic attack, trembling and crying. It has only gotten worse with age, and it is very embarrassing that as a teenager I still sometimes feel like crawling in with my parents. It really sucks. Hope this helps :)
There’s nothing to be ashamed about. I’m 23 and I have Nyctophobia (fear of darkness), Sciophobia (fear of shadows), Catoptrophobia (fear of mirrors), and Phasmophobia (fear of ghosts). You see, I’m in a much more pathetic condition than you are. I sleep with lights on, do not look at mirrors when I’m home alone, and try not to go to the bathroom at midnight. I’m meditating and trying to overcome my fears.
Dear Harashita,
Hi my name Is Dominique. I have taken a good look at this article and I’m pretty sure that I have the phobia too. I have also experienced the same things you have. Except in my situation noone knows but me. Now that I have read your comment and the article I now have the confidence to maybe tell someone and maybe even get over the phobia.
Thanks, Dominique
My thanks also goes out to Katy.
Keep trying and we all someday will get over this phobia
If you need someone to talk to email me at LawyerGirl1216 @ gmail.com
Never Give Up, Dominique
Umm.. Dominique, I am the same as you. I have fears of mirrors, darkness, shadows and fear of ghosts but I even have fear of windows. I always have panic attacks that sometimes I pass out. My parents won’t believe me, they often leave me home alone and they leave me with lights off and on the music tracks of people screaming that they see ghosts and leave the door locked so I wouldn’t escape. I really pray to God that he should take me, but I can’t commit suicide.
My days are long and I don’t sleep at night, so often I’m tired I and get two hours a day. I can’t close my eyes at night. It’s not as much the darkness in my mind but what might be in the dark. I don’t go out at night and I live as a hermit. I’ve had this fear as long as I can remember. It feels hopeless.
Reachelle how old are you i think you really need to talk to somebody, chandrastobbs facebook if you want to talk.
Im 13 years old and I have to get up at 6:30 for school every morning but I dont go to sleep until sunrise which is around 6:00-6:20 so basically I get no sleep.I panic when I am left alone in the dark or left with one light on.
What are you doing to handle this? Reply here.
Me too. Im 11 and wake up at 5:30 for school. The most amount of sleep i have ever had is 4 hours.
Your website really helped me with my paragraph.
Hi, my name is Lyssa. I am almost 12 years old and I am deathly afraid of the dark and centipedes. I am also afraid of being in a helpless situation. I am often made fun of for all of my fears, and it bugs me a lot. SO, if you could help me, that’d be great.
Just sleep outside in a tight sleeping bag.
Bugs- they are creepy but shouldn’t freak you out. Did you have a bad bug experience once?
Are you still there? I hate centipedes.
This helped me get through my thesis. so many informations, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
I get really anxious as I usually do during the day when night arrives. I sometimes listen to CreepsMcPasta read Creepypastas, scary stories on the internet, real or fake, or a mix of both. My mind makes things appear whenever I “look” through the corner of my eye. If I stare directly at the spot, I can’t do that. I recently read Creeps read “The Knocking Girl” which gave me severe paranoia. It’s about this kid who went to bed and at the foot of his bed there were 3 knocks. He never saw the girl but her eyes. He never opened any door or moved to be in sight or see the girl himself. This remained his entire life.
That got me anxious as I kept awaiting knocking from an unknown source as I lay in bed. Never happened. Don’t know if this fear of the dark will continue throughout my life, but I’ve gotten quite used to it. I’ve come to realize it’s not as scary if I’m with someone I know. It’s actually very refreshing to be outside in the dark with my friend. If I am alone outside in the dark, I can only be out there for so long before I start to freak out and develop paranoia.
I typically enjoy solitude, but only in the day and in intact areas that are “safe.”
The sandman Creepypasta and the rake have scared me so bad that I can barely sleep and I’ve already been scared of the dark, I wouldn’t say I have a phobia (I don’t get panic attacks but I have fears of being attacked by monsters or the creepypastas) but I have a pretty big fear of the dark.
I have this phobia. I can’t sleep with lights off… and even if someone turns off the light when i’m sleeping, i suddenly wake up and start to panic and turn on the lights..
Sir I have a fear of the dark. I feel unconscious, I do not sleep in the dark.
I almost fear closed rooms.
I cannot sleep with lights off.. if somebody turned off my room lights at night i always wakeup in the middle of the night and started to panic… and sleeping alone is very difficult for me.
I’m also afraid of darkness I can’ t leave my bedroom in night time without turning all my lights on, being in a dark room makes my heart pound rapidly and I’m totally terrified that in the dark corners of the room something is going to attack me.
If I watch or read paranormal stuff on the web it makes it even worse.
But I actually know where my fear comes from, I have been a victim of domestic abuse as a child and teenager and even went to therapy.
But still this fear remains I think I can overcome it sometime but for now I use my nightlight to at least feel kinda safe.
Thanks for the info, now i’m not scared.. thanks a lot.
I used to think i was just being stupid and i was only scared of the dark but now i realise how bad its grow :
I cant leave my room @ night without turning on all the lights
I HAVE to sleep with a light on
I cant sleep with someone else
If there is a dark corner in the room im in my eyes always flick back to the spot to make sure nothings there
Now I understand why thanks! At a young age my older friends and siblings exposed me to stuff like ghost storys and whenever i slept over at hers something scary would happen … its not just this but when i was nine i was in a car crash it was dark at night and it was rainy and the whole car was dark the streetlamps were out and it was a very enclosed space. I hit my head on the sat infront causing me to have scary thoughts about my oast and the paranormal. It has got to a point where i have to tell someone.
I panic when Im left alone, if there is someone else in the house they have to stay with me until i fall asleep and if i wake up in the dark i will have a panic attack
Ugh. Good luck. Write back, I have the same problem.
This helps me so much thanks mine developed from growing up in a superstitious family as well as being locked in a closet and I always thought I was childish for still being afraid
I am a teen and i am scared of the dark i love to sleep in the dark but if everything isnt turned off i cant sleep but my problem is when i need to go in the other room before i turn on the light i think that there is something there or going in the toilet when everyone is sleeping
If someone can help me please reply to this
That’s rough, but yes you can get over this!
Hi my name is Michael I am terrified of the dark anytime that i think of the dark or whats in it, it gets hard to breath and my heart races very fast. I used to not be able to walk to the restroom at night (which is roughly 5-8 steps away) this is getting to the point where its severely affecting my day to day life and i have no idea why i have this fear i just do. if there is someone who can possibly help please reply
Hi Micheal I’m on the same boat email me if you want. Cvance @ y7mail.com
I dont really understand these phobias, and I dont know if anyone will respond, but everytime I try to go to sleep, I always have to have a light on, because im deathly afraid that there’s something there, that will attack me, and i feel helpless, even though usually, when I feel im about to be attacked, I stay calm, and I am on my toes, but at night, I swear theres something there that I cant fight back against, I am always seeing things, and my dogs will occasionally perk their ears for no good reason, be it at a window, wall, door, closet, etc. And I start to panic and become immobile, as I start to shake violently, any help?
not sure how to offer advice but this is a problem I suffer from too. Do you believe in the paranormal? as this might be reinforcing your fears that there is something there with you. Dogs and cats have highly acute hearing and will be hearing lots of stuff going on outside. I often find my fear manifests as a tall black outline of a person i can see in the corner of my room of course if i shine my phone in the corner nothing is there but it still happens. I suffer from depression and anxiety and I feel this is what has brought my fear of the dark back
It helped me a little bit with my project. It helped me find reactions and the emotions people feel when they have a phobia of the dark.
This website is great! It has many details of nyctophobia. When i grow up i am going to help all of the kids in my homeland to get rid of their fears.
Greetings from Italy
This article actually helped me to understand my fear a little better. I’m no longer ashamed of being sixteen and scared of the dark and I’ll definitely be seeking help for it
Hi I’m Kels. I’ve been scared of the dark for a really long time. When I was little my step dad would walk into mine and my sister’s room and scream at us. I’m constantly on high alert. Now that I’m in college and on my own it’s only gotten worse. My fiance is in the army. He was the only one to calm my fears. Since he left it’s gotten so much worse. I have to have a light on and some sort of noise. Since I have some stuffed animals, I sleep with some to make up for him being gone. I’m stressed beyond belief and the loss of sleep is affecting my school work. Any advice?
I noticed that my fear almost completely disappeared when I was put on anti-depressants. They help me decipher what is real and what can actually happen to me. My fear got to the point where it was so bad that I almost crashed my car multiple times while driving at night because I thought someone was in the car with me. This is the only thing I’ve found that help but I know some people are very against medication but it really does help.
Nothing wrong with being afraid of the dark, unless it rules your life. Try to think- what is it that you are afraid of? Try to give it a form and that will help make you realize it’s not real. Does that make sense?
I’m afraid of the dark. I can’t go out at night unless I have someone with me and I have my lights on when I go to sleep. This one time the power in my house turned off and I was in my room by myself and I was scared, I couldn’t breathe, my heart was beating fast and I was shaking and when the power turned back on I started crying. It was the worst thing to happen to me and reading other people’s stories about being afraid of the dark, I can’t read them cause I can’t breathe and I have to use the bathroom at night or I’m hungry at night but I can’t go cause I’m too scared to. My mom gave me a laptop and it kinda helps and this website did help a lot. Idk if I should tell my parents but Idk if they might think its stupid and I’m the only child so I can’t talk to my siblings, I just need someone to talk to.
Yes tell them, and tell them to take you seriously. You’re not just afraid of the dark, you’re having panic attacks.
I am 10 and I am completely afraid of the dark. Sometimes, I play The Horror Elevator on roblox and on some floors, they show really creepy faces right on your screen which terrifies me yet I still play it. When it’s bed time, I leave the lantern on and the door open with the corridor light on. There are 3 beds in my room: my parents bed, my bed and my sister’s bed. We sound poor by fitting many beds in one room but we have more rooms: my brothers’ room and the oldest child’s room (my sister). Anyways, the sister who sleeps in my room hates it when I leave so many lights on so now she turns off the light and closes the door and turns off the corridor light which makes me even more afraid. Also, my dad is at another country right now so I sleep in his spot next to my mum because it is the best way to ensure that I will get more sleep. Since the door gets closed, I get of bed and open it or turn the lantern on. Also, my sister turns it off if I turn it on but then I turn it back on again. I cannot sleep in the dark whatsoever. I am also afraid of isolation especially if I’m in the dark by myself. Once, my eldest sister went out of my room and turned on the lights, I hid in my duvet crying until I decided to go outside my room (this did not happen at bed time) and continue with life. I discovered that I love bright lights by two reason: one is because I like bright lights and two is because I am afraid of the dark. One of my friends is also afraid of the dark and she loves bright lights like me. So I am afraid of the dark, isolation and rodents/bugs. Well my worst enemy is flies (including tsetse flies eww they are gross).
I meant turned off my room light..
I’m 13, and I literally can’t sleep without a companion with me by my side, and my lights on. I’m afraid of unknown things. I do watch Buzzfeed Unsolved and sometimes that implants scary thoughts into my mind. I find myself often just staying up all night until morning then I can sleep, but then because of lack of sleep i get really depressed and tired.
Has this gotten any better for you?
Are you doing better? That sux.
Hi, I’m still a little confused about my phobia. I think it’s because of the fact that I’ve never slept alone ever in my life (because we had small houses we had to share). Not even as a baby (I slept in the same bed as my parents, then my brother until now). I cannot sleep alone or else I won’t sleep. And another thing, I have to sleep with my fan on, as in HAVE to, or I won’t sleep. Is this the same fear or is it just conditioned?
One thing I forgot to add is that if I don’t have anyone sleeping beside me or in the same room or don’t have the lights on in the hall or my fan is turned off, I immediately get frightened about something coming out of the shadows or hanging above me and if I turn on the lights, it will attack me. Any help?
The fan is a white noise which helps empty your mind. How old are you? Maybe you will grow out of it.
Same with me. You’re not alone. It helps if you sleep with a pet, gives you something to cuddle, which can help you sleep.
This article helped me out in understanding my fear so much better. I am 21 and afraid of the dark. I avoid it at all cost. I cant even go outside when its dark without someone being with me, i have to have all the lights on in the house or i end up freaking out so yeah but thank you.
I’m 21 years old and my fear of the dark started because I was sexually abused in the night this article helped me find out why I’m afraid of the dark.
I would definitely say that my fear of the dark derives from the feeling of there being something else in the dark. I understand that I’m being irrational, but whenever I am in complete darkness, I get this horrible sense of dread. It almost feels like there is something else with me, about to attack. I think I began to fear the dark when I was about seven years old, when I started to become interested in the paranormal and watched shows like “Ghost Hunters”. Horror is like one of my favorite things. I often search things like “scariest videos from the dark web” and I am never disappointed. The thing is, it just adds on to the list of things to be scared of in the dark.
You would definitely be less afraid if you didn’t “prime the fear pump” by watching scary stuff!!
Ummm that is so rude, you should apologize to Jennie, Subfoo!
There’s a reason we fear the darkness by nature, it’s an evolutionary trait, in fact, back not more than 250 years, there always was something out there in the darkness that might get you. The reason we evolved this trait? During night hours is when most of the dangerous creatures emerge from their burrows: spiders, centipedes, scorpions, owls, mountain lions, jaguars, tigers, bears, big foot (lol), etc. That’s quite a bit of creatures, and yet, that’s not even scratching the surface of what’s out there, so yes, your fear is completely rational, up to a certain point where it begins to get ridiculous. In this day and age, besides the bugs and the always possible criminal, there’s absolutely nothing to fear, so long as you’re in an urban area, yes, things can get scary outside of the city, but in city lights, not so much.
Hello, my name is Anastasia and I feel the same way, I always feel like somebody is here with me when I’m in the darkness.
For example, I glanced under my sister’s bed, complete darkness and I feel as if something’s there I turn my light flash on my phone even though Ik there’s nothing there.
I feel so scared every night.
It doesn’t help that I watch scary stuff online, I tried to stop, it worked at some point but the scary stuff are interesting like srsly.
I don’t know how or when it started but I remember one incident that made it get worse;
I was with my sister and a friend and they wanted to watch horror movies (I kinda wanted to kinda didn’t want to) so they put a movie (I don’t remember the title, something with numbers) I watched it with them and goodness I don’t want to do this anymore.
There was another “incident” where that friend wanted to watch the grudge, I was like ok, so he opened google and put the first movie, gave me a creepy vibe (the movie not the friend lol) and then there was that jump scare (u could say) in the attic and I was so scared I immediately closed the movie and that same night we (me and the friend) and my sister went out with our dogs (it was dark) I could just see her in every corner, I mean like every unknown figure I would imagine it’s her.
Welp sorry it was long, and sorry about my English, haha it’s not my first language.
Omg me too!!
Hi my name is Brooklyn and I can’t sleep at night, I don’t know what it is but I just can’t.
I don’t know why I’m afraid and I don’t know what I’m afraid of. Sometimes I sleep with my mom.
And I can sleep then, but I can’t sleep in my room so often I just stay up all night and then sleep after the sun comes out. What do I do?
Wow, that’s rough. Are you in school?
That’s rude
Im a 40 year old guy who has always been afraid of the dark. I’ve spent 20 years taking all forms of martial arts and I have no trouble taking care of myself or my family. For me it’s the not knowing what’s behind the bushes in the dark that scares me. I’ve no idea why I’m afraid. My parents have told me they don’t have a clue. But I feel they aren’t totally being honest. I’ve done things to help overcome it but nothing helps. Last year I walked 3 hours from work to home in the dark. I did it but I was terrified the entire time.
Wow! I’m also a 40 year old guy who is still afraid of the dark lol. It sucks. I ALWAYS have to sleep with the TV on because of this fear because the TV helps to keep my mind from wondering about “what could be under my bed or behind me” while I’m laying there.
I believe I developed this fear because my mom would always show my brother and sister and I the worst movies that the 70’s and 80’s had to offer! Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Gremlins, Critters, Alien, The Thing, you name it!
The worst was when I saw Gremlins when I was 8. I was terrified of that movie when I was a kid. I couldn’t sleep for days, and I kept my parents awake because I couldn’t sleep alone… So my idiot mom decided it was best to buy a bunch of gremlins from Toys R Us, hang them up in my room, remove my light bulbs from my room, and lock me in my room at night with them. Talk about being truly terrified as a kid!!! I’ll ALWAYS remember those 3 nights of terror.
Finally my dad felt it was enough and removed the gremlins from my room and replaced my light bulbs…and I slept with my lights on for a long time after that.
If there was something in my childhood that instilled this crazy fear in me, it was those 3 nights.
I am 17 and my whole life, I haven’t been able to sleep with the lights turned off, I kinda overcame it when I was around 6 or 7 but it just went on and I thought it was just normal for me experiencing insomnia since it seems like everyone does, I mean projects, and other stuff like that. I just started to notice that it’s actually getting worse when I was staying in my friend’s house and were about to watch a movie, and all of them knew that I feel anxious when it comes to darkness, so they played a little prank on me, and they suddenly turned off the light and as always I suddenly ran towards the switch like a kid, I actually laughed with them afterwards, even though my hands are trembling so much and I’ve been panting like I ran a hundred miles in a marathon, I thought it’s pretty normal.. so we just went on… and when were about to watch the movie.. I can’t stop my panting, It’s actually getting worse, I can’t breathe like something’s blocking my breathing patterns, then my hands started to tremble up to my foot, it keeps on moving on it’s own, well surprisingly I did not sweat that much on that day, but both my feet and hands are ice cold, then I suddenly teared up without even realizing it myself, just then they noticed that something’s wrong with me, so everyone panicked and begged me to stand up, they covered me in blankets and brought me to the living room, giving me a cup of hot water, I fell quite better holding one of my friend’s warm hands then I felt like I was about to puke but neither of them knew about it. Even I was so shocked when that happened because it never happened to me before because they just turned it off for around 4-6 sec.
I wish I could do something about it. I tried overcoming it before just by turning the lights off before I went to sleep, but as I reach at the switch I’ll turn it on again. It lasted for 2-3 sec. It was really hard because I can’t close my eyes and I can’t stand seeing pitch black edges in my room nor shadows of a 3-d object on it’s shallow part.
I’d like to hear more about this, sometimes I feel the same way.
I wanna tell you something that helps me deal with sleeping in a pitch black room (I mostly overcame my fear a while ago thanks to this!) So what I do is I strung up lights that aren’t TOO bright, they’re mini lanterns, but what I suggest is laying down with eyes shut with the lights a little on the dim side at first (to calm yourself) and after you feel ready to sleep, put your head under the covers for a bit until you dont see splotches of white lights from looking at the lights (assuming you opened your eyes and looked at the lights) and once your vision is normal and black, keep your head under the covers and unplug the lights and what you work on is: at first, put the blanket on most of your face for comfort, sleeping facing the rest of the room and keeping eyes shut (in case of panic occurs, have a light up toy you can turn on with ease!) Then work on later nights having the blanket only cover a small portion of your face, then when that’s comfortable then try to uncover your face completely, in a gradual motion, every night. After this, start sleeping on your back mostly and try to regulate your eating, sleeping and exercise habits. Yoga is amazing for this, and I suggest beginners stretches right before bed as well as showers about every 2-3 days. As this becomes normal to you, try to open your eyes at night but make sure you’re in an environment where things are clean and nothing is even slightly poking out (ex: chair, laundry basket, bottles, pictures that could seem spooky in black, awkwardly placed blankets, toys) and have a very bright, calming, clean slate to look at. You say you live alone, right? You should sing some, in your house. You should also personalize a lot of what you have in your house and get in touch with it. After this, try fully opening your eyes and looking around and if anything looks relatively weird, stare it down with as menacing a face you can make and in your head tell it to come and get you, to bring your irrational fears to be true and tell it to harm you by (whatever is going through your mind) and if you feel really good then get up and touch it. This is remarkably helpful for me to get in touch with even my deepest fears and make it my strength. I honestly hope this helps someone, it really helped me get through my childhood
Gosh! I’m suffering. I wish all this fear of the darkness will leave me alone. I’m 40 years, have chil and just moved in to a house outside the complex and l cannot sleep, couldn’t talk to anyone cos l thought l’d be a laughing stock
I am very terrified of the dark I just cant bare to be in the dark I did some research and it said that it is not the dark we are afraid of its what lurks in it. I’m 11 years old and I’m still afraid I have to get out of this phase sooner or later. I believe that ghosts and demons are real and I watch and love horror so that affects me a lot. My favorite movie is IT and I even read some things about witchcraft and the Ouija board I have even played it before.
I’m also afraid of the dark, and I feel so stupid for it. Whenever i’m in the dark I feel as if something is going to get me. For a while now I have had christmas lights all around my room, all round me, covering all sides. Once the power went out in my neighbourhood, and even the street lights were out, and I just covered my eyes and cried. But, when the power is on, the christmas lights really help at night.
We’re on the same page! It’s really hard. 😭😭
When I walk up the stairs from the basement, I feel like something is going to grab my legs and pull me back down. I think that is from watching all those horror movies when I was younger. Sometimes we cause some of the fears we have because of things we do. Even if we know we are not supposed to do it we get intrigued and then we say if only I didn’t do it, and then it’s too late. I wouldn’t say I’m afraid of the dark, but what’s in the dark
I’m 13, and I have never been able to sleep with the lights off. There is an exception, though. If there is anyone else in the room at all, even if its a 2 year old, I am completely fine. All symptoms of nyctophobia completely vanish. However, when I am alone, I start panicking, and getting really anxious. For example, one time I was in my room alone, looking at my phone, when out of nowhere there was a power outage. It was really quick (only lasted a few seconds), but I completely lost it. I started panicking, holding my breath, and in general not being able to move because I was that terrified. After the lights came back on, I went downstairs where my younger brother was sitting just in case it would happen again. I’ve always felt really cowardly and childish because of my fear, but I’m happy to know its an actual phobia, and I’m not alone.
I have very mild Nyctophobia, but have a severe fear of Power Outages. For some reason I always get a feeling that someone has tampered with the breakers in the basement, and I usually start to have an inside meltdown. We don’t have a backup generator so if it were to go out I would be completely blind except the light from my phone. A situation I do NOT want to be in. You are 500% correct: You are not alone.
I am the exact same, that happened to me once as well and it felt like my heart had stopped for a second (I think it actually did..) but I’ve been able to walk in a pitch black house, and it’s all thanks to when I was a very young girl and I desperately needed to pee, and not knowing it was morning (I was in the basement and the lights were all off except for the dim light in the bedroom with my sis, and at this time I refused to sleep alone) it must have taken 100 tries, but I couldn’t stay out for long enough to open the bathroom door and open it up, and the only other way was to go across the pitch black room with a large, menacing couple of workout machines appearing like they were ready to eat me alive. I figured it was the only way, so I marched “calmly” through the room, staring straight at the machine and saying “I dare you” in my head over and over, and I made it across and was greeted by the shining Ray’s of the sun as I opened the door upstairs. I was just a young girl, so give my younger self an applaud here 😆
I’m 20, and I’m completely unafraid of the darkness, in fact, I’m sitting in it right now as I type, the house is pitch black except for my one screen. I was once afraid of the dark when I was a child of about eight years, but as I grew into myself and my imagination came more under my control, the odd shapes of the darkness faded, my eyes adapted to the dark rooms of my house, the sharp corners barely visible a beacon to my hand touch for reality. Slowly but surely, nyctophobia minor had moved away, where in its place now sat nyctophilia, the preference of darkness and the night, now I am a “night owl” by choice, not by fear. Take this as inspiration of what a shift in soul looks like, and strive to kick the darkness’s ass.
Omg i put Christmas lights everywhere in my living room when i watch tv i feel its still too dark even with my tv on. I sleep with my tv on in my bedroom i feel something will get me or crawl on me like spiders.
I am really terrified of the dark. I once thought I was alone I curled up in a ball and started to whimper/cry. And also I had just watched and started to play frightening games and movies. So when I am alone, especially in the dark, I start to think of those haunting images in my head. A young 11-year-old like me is always alone.
I’m VERY scared of the dark and it sucks, my closet light stays on all night and during the day my windows are open. when i try to sleep at night my covers have to be on the bed (not hanging or near the edge) my feet have to be underneath and i need a relaxing tv show to drag my focus away from the dark. When im outside at night in the dark i cross my arms and constantly look around me and most of the time start to cry. Its hard to sleep at night for this reason i have to have a stuffed animal with me every night for comfort. I got this fear from my brothers locking me in a dark room saying somethings going to get me when i was younger. i slept beside my parents bed until i was 14 because i couldnt be in a room alone at night now i sleep in my room but with plenty of light
I can’t sleep unless the hallway lights are on and every time I close my eyes I feel like something is watching me.
I am 22 (as of next Monday Jan 15th) and I can sleep with this phobia but if I do not have to go out at night its better. At 12 I said no more night light but my alarm clock became my night light. If i am in complete darkness i wake up hyperventilating and clawing at my bed till i get light in my room.
I’m 17 and not afraid of darkness inside of my home or with more then 2 people. But being alone as a girl outside is horrible and my mom doesn’t understand how scared I actually am about it. She always says “they’ll bring you back” when we’re talking about being kidnapped while taking trash out at night. It doesn’t help when she forced me as a kid to take trash out at 8 or 9 down the road and say she’ll watch you but not be there. Also tonight she forced me to take the dogs outside and be outside with them with no light at all.
Hi, I’m a 32 year old female that is terrified of the dark. I found out recent enough by reading forums that I was traumatized as a child. My siblings used to always lock me in the bathroom and scream the bogeyman is coming, this wasn’t a one time event, there also used to be a long dark step to get to my home, they used to run up the stairs and leave me saying the bogeyman is waiting.
I have been struggling with depression ever since I was a child, constant suicidal thoughts, even now since I’m an adult. I’ve never really spoken to anyone about this because I am ashamed, plus I’m an introvert so it’s really hard to open up to strangers.
This fear have a huge impact on my life, I don’t sleep much at nights unless I take some type of sleep aid, which makes it hard for me to wake up. I struggle every morning to get to work on time because I usually don’t go to sleep till 3 a.m so either I’m really tired in the mornings or drowsy from the pills so damn if I do damn if I don’t.
I refuse to be home alone at nights. Past certain hours I start hearing every little thing from the drip of water, to the sounds of the wind any little crack or creek put me in a panic. If my husband leave town I have to pickup my little cousin to sleep with me. If that’s not possible every single light in the house stays on and TV.
There was a case where my husband went out of town for training once I was home alone, and just my luck, bam! The electricity went out I thought about rushing outside but it was pitch dark out there too, so I quickly ran to the closet to get my lantern. I kept looking around in the dark area to see if something was reaching to grab me, I guess being filled with anxiety and panic I passed, out thankfully! Cuz I just remember waking up the next morning. I keep two lanterns by my bed ever since.
I know it’s ridiculous, and I know there is nothing there but once the light goes off I can’t shake the feeling. I try to convince myself continually that there is nothing in the dark. I also started doing my own self treatment. I go in the bathroom at work daytime where there is usually a lot of people and shut the light off and stand there for a couple seconds and try to make the periods longer each time. I may have made it to 15 seconds by now. I sympathize with you all I know the struggle.
Mine has come from being messed with as a child and getting scared very often and being exposed to horror movies early on top of that, often times i hallucinate that there IS something with me or watching me and it has caused me to cry several times.
I am so scared in the dark, I always need a bright light in the room when I go to bed. My sister has the same problem but mine is worse. This fear actually caused me to have insomnia all summer holiday, in which my biological clock kept waking me up at exactly three in the morning (Creepy right, and a coincidence since the witching hour is from 3 till 4 in the morning) and not falling back asleep after that. I’m 11 now and it’s not getting better. This may sound silly but i also have a phobia of crisps. Why do they exist?
For some reason I have to sleep with my mum and I have to either feel her leg or arm there or otherwise I feel like she is kidnapped or something and I think this might be because of watching Mars needs moms or lights out I don’t know I was very young maybe 3-4 and that is just scaring me that my mum might not be with me forever and lights out is about when you turn the lights on its normal and when it’s not there’s a person there and at the end of the movie the mum kills herself I think this might also come from all the screaming and shouting I have had in my childhood but yeah my mum and my sister don’t believe me and think I am a baby for sleeping with her but yeah what do you guys think I should do to overcome my fear?
Maybe sleep with a nightlight… I mean it helps me at least…
After reading all of your comments I feel I am not alone in the world and I also feel sad about having this. My problem is a little different I am really so scared of dark Ness. Until now in my life I have never slept alone or with out light in my room (which is the living room). Often my mother and father scold me for doing this and I am so curious to watch ghost movies I find them so entertaining. But even after that I love to time in darkness with my loved once beside. I am not able to understand my problem. I am Hitesh from India and of age 15. And when my elder sister is beside me I think I can even walk into the darkest and most horrifying places on earth.
I’m a 16 y/o male and have had issues with dark for a very long time where i had issues with a face looking at me through the window (i confronted my parents about it and they said they remember me always freaking out about it all the time). Something that made this fear exponentially worse was when i saw the face and was too short to reach the light switch and the bedroom door was jammed blocking my escape. A way i feel comfort is if i have a weapon near my bed; sleeping next to the light switch is also a major help.
I cant be in my room with the lights off like if the light is off i cant walk to my fan to turn the light on and my parents wont turn the light on for me cause they say that i need to grow up but ive had this fear my entire life and i dont know what to do. I cant even walk home my friends house when its dark out i panic and i usually sleepover when that happens and when i do run home at night i feel like someone is right behind me so i run faster and faster but whenever i look behind me no one is there and i freak out. My vision start to blur and when i get home i tell my parents about my fear or phobia. I dont know which one it is. They look at me as if im crazy so i have no idea what to do.
i hate the dark PERIOD
I was so scared of the dark once, though, now since a kayaking trip that took 6 more hours than the intended 2, I’m just really annoyed by it. Now it’s just when I have to walk through the house and turn the lights off behind me that my heart starts racing. I know that there’s nothing behind me, but the darkness fells like it’s following me.
yup, me exactly
I hate that feeling so much, that’s why my younger sister needs to do it while i wait in the hall, so she can put the light on upstairs, so i can walk there.
When I turn off lights behind me, it feels like my back gets cold.
I really have to stop watching scary videos on YouTube before going to bed, cause I think the ghosts or monsters are right there in the room, plus looking up serial killers doesn’t help either!
I just think their spirit is in the room with me in the dark, watching me and as soon as I fall asleep, they’re gonna kill me or something, I know it sounds stupid and im 37, but still, you know?
I have a very active imagination so maybe that’s part of it, i’m sick of it, cant I just have happy feelings when I go to sleep? at least im not alone, I have two pets!
I know what you mean. I’m 16 and since i was around 10 or so i have had the feeling of being watched and it paralyzed me in a sort of way i didn’t dare to move, cause i thought if i moved i’d die as they would see me and i’d never dare to move until i fell asleep. I’m quite sure it wasn’t sleep paralysis.
Yeah, I feel the paralyzed feeling too when I’m in complete darkness in my room. I share a room with my sister but sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, she’s asleep. The fact that she’s not conscious makes me lay in my bed in fear. It’s true that I hate sleeping alone because for some reason, when I know someone else is with me, I am calmer. It’s as if I’m glad someone else will experience “The horror of the darkness monsters” with me. XD. In all seriousness, the cause for my fear of darkness is most likely youtube horror stories too.
I’m afraid of the dark and have been for years. I always feel like someone’s watching me but only at night. Like if I go to wash my face I’m afraid that when I open my eyes someone will be standing behind me. I’m afraid of someone hiding in the shower. Thanks to scary movies I’m afraid that there’s something staring down at me from my ceiling or hiding in a shadow somewhere in the room where I can’t see them. I can sleep in the dark but it freaks me out if I don’t have a tv on or something to distract me. I’ve been afraid of someone watching me since I was 5 when I’d stand up on a chair in the office (half of its walls were windows) and id get the feeling that someone was watching me while bidding behind a tree. I’m finding ways to deal with it, but I can’t wait for the day where I won’t freak myself out right before I fall asleep.
If this sounds like something else please let me know so I can try to find ways to deal with it in a better, healthier way. Thanks
Hey thanks for giving me another thing to have anxiety about.. ceiling monsters! Under the blankets with my dog now.
I can relate to you. I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to my fear of the dark. I still think that something is watching me sleep at night.
I have anxiety, not paranoia, so I’m really confused as to why, whenever i turn my back to a dark place, I feel like something is watching me. But this only happens when my back is turned, when I look at darkness head-on I don’t feel scared. I like being alone, I would rather prefer to sleep alone than to share a bed or room with anyone, so I really don’t think it’s paranoia. If someone has an explanation, I’m all ears.
I get the same feeling and sometimes it gets so bad i want to cry.
The cause of my fear is from kindergarten, I was in the living room around 3am watching Disney and I heard pounding on the window. I hid under my blankets and all I remember was my heart beating rapidly and feeling paralyzed. I can’t stand being alone in the dark. I would rather kill myself than be locked in darkness. I was at a friends house and a girl locked me in my friends closet and I remember being in major panic. Now as a freshman I can’t turn my back from the dark or look in the shadows without having to hide and pray that nothing gets me. It’s a terrible phobia and I hope that you all get better.
I got scared. I am only 11. I am too afraid to pee now. I hate going upstairs to pee, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Nothing’s wrong with you bro, it is VERY common. Trust me. It’ll pass, 93% of stuff like this is gone by adulthood. All good.
Dude I get that. I’m 16, have a lot of trauma and crap and I get super scared to leave my room and enter any other room for the fact I can’t see and think he is coming for me. Getting up and leaving to pee sucks, especially after the sun sets. Hopefully the fear of leaving to visit the toilet subsides or disappears when you get older.
I am 13 and about 6 years ago I got in trouble so I went to the bathroom and locked the door, my step dad got mad and turned off the power, I was horrified because I couldn’t see and I felt like I was being watched. Something started to touch me and I was paralyzed. I was in that bathroom for about 3 hours until my mom got home. Now if I wake up it the middle of the night I will go to my other parents room and sleep on the floor and I can’t stand sitting in the dark looking at my phone because I get a bad vibe that someone is watching me or something it going to touch me. If you get confused, here is some side info: the house we lived in was haunted because people used to play spiritual games in the house and my step dad knew I was afraid of being locked up in the dark, so it made it worse.
My name is Aiden Gregory and i am scared of the dark because i was abused by my moms ex boyfriend, who is now in prison because he chased me down in the dark.
I have had Nyctophobia all my life and I’m 54. I think it has to do with me dying when I was 3 days old. Never could pin point it but I was dead for 20 minutes. They were writing up a death certificate on me til my doctor hit me one more time with the defibrillator. They thought I was brain damaged and I had to have tests for a whole year, but now I am really smart and very in tuned with the paranormal activity and I can’t sleep without the light. And back when I was a kid my parents used to try to force me to sleep in the dark. I would have panic attacks. I tried several times to sleep without my light but to no avail. I am on lorazepam and have been for many years because of this problem. And I see no help in the future. So it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just how you roll.
Hey you’re not alone. I tell my parents that I’m scared of the dark and they say that I’ll get over it. I’ve had this fear for years and I can’t do anything about it. Sometimes I cry. It’s so bad I can’t sleep with my back turned.
That’s really sad. At least you’re not alone! I say contact a therapist so you can talk to someone.
OMG! I thought that I was the only one, but no! I’m afraid because if your window is like open and someone wants to take you, and they DO, they might molest you if you are really young. And a bat could come in and land on your head. That would be so scary. So yay, I’m not alone!
I’m 12 years old and when I was younger I had an abusive step mother and a sexually abusive step brother. I’ve finally left that past, but it’s like some part of me is afraid they’re going to come get me in the middle of the night and whenever I try to get rid of the fear by just inclosing myself in darkness, I get nausea, vomit, can’t breathe and it’s like I’m going to die. I don’t know what to do to get over it and it’s getting annoying.
I’m 11 and about a year ago, I got in trouble and got locked in my room. I wasn’t allowed to turn the lights on cause my dad cut the power. I was so scared and it’s really good to know that I’m not alone in having this fear.
I’m 13. I have to sleep with my dog. I usually stay up until I pass out or I don’t go to sleep for fear of being attacked while being vulnerable. Everything that slightly catches my eye or is slightly out of place or noises startle me. I just heard a whisper although nobody is in my room. I’m scared. My lungs feel smaller and my heart is beating extremely fast. When I was 7-9 I used to wake up screaming and I ran through the dark hallway all while hallucinating that there were monsters trying to grab me, it seemed very real. I have had a daydream and something bit my arm off. I keep hearing babies crying throughout the night, but there are only people over 6 in this household. I can’t close my eyes without having anxiety. Even when playing xbox, I constantly check behind me. I see eyes everywhere. My house has a lot of creaks and it is nerve racking for me. I don’t want to feel this way. Whenever I think about stuff, my brain thinks the exact opposite. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
When I was younger, I never left my room on halloween. I thought that there were monsters awaiting me outside of my bedroom door. I never got up to pee, let alone get a drink of water. I now know that was just my imagination and I’m more willing to leave my room (to sneak candy) on halloween night. If anyone can relate to me, please tell me and let me know what is wrong with me.
You’re not the only one, though. I can relate to you.
I actually think a good idea is to pretend that YOU are the scariest thing in the room. If you make a scary face, look in the mirror, and know how scary you can be on your own (with or without a screwdriver) then you can feel that you are more of a threat to the other things in your head!
It’s like I just want to be able to sleep without my light on. I’m 15 and I’m afraid of the dark. It’s not being in the dark, it’s that something or someone is in the dark with me and that they or it or whatever it is, is going to take me away or slowly and painfully kill me. Or even just kill or eat me or that it’ll just watch me and I won’t be able to get away from it. I’ll feel the need to check under my bed for monsters at night. I’m also just super afraid of closets, that something is inside of it waiting to jump out and catch me for dinner. I’m also afraid that there’s something or things like monsters hiding behind furniture, always just out of my sight and then it’s gone. But yeah just general paranoia. Also mirrors. I’m afraid that I’ll look in one and that something on the other side of the mirror will look back at me, or come out of the mirror like the girl from the ring, and just kill me or something. Lastly, dolls. I’ve had dreams where they have come to life. I’m most afraid that one will move around me and stuff. Thanks for letting me vent. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
I’m 12, and I have all the same problems. I always have to sleep with my dog at night and shut all the windows, doors, and my closet. I also keep hearing voices and seeing things move around me. Like once, I was just relaxing and doing my homework in the dining room, and I thought I saw a shadow move past me. I got so terrified, especially since I was alone in the house. Contact me if you want to talk about some of these things, I may be a bit younger than you, but I have the same problems.
I am scared of the dark but never told my parents about it and I hate sleeping in the dark with the door closed.