Iatrophobia or the fear of doctors is a blood-needle-injury type phobia. It is quite common in young children, though many adults are also known to suffer from it. The word Iatrophobia is derived from “Iatros” which is Greek for ‘healer’ and Phobos which means ‘deep dread or fear’. Another term given to this anxiety disorder (though in its relatively less serious form) is “white coat hypertension”.
Patients suffering from Iatrophobia tend to put off visiting the doctor, no matter how much they are suffering from a medical condition. (They rather suffer than seek professional help). Many are afraid of getting their vaccinations, or going to the lab for routine blood work. When they do find the courage to see a doctor, they have a full blown panic attack with elevated blood pressure, rapid breathing, nausea or other gastrointestinal distress.
Causes of Iatrophobia or the fear of doctors
Most cases of Iatrophobia occur in childhood, though it is not uncommon for adults to be fearful of visiting the doctor as well.
- Doctors are associated with needles or vaccines and tend to give “bitter pills”. One usually needs a doctor when not feeling well physically or mentally.
- Doctors typically work in hospitals and other settings associated with trauma, accidents, death, etc. As a child, the sufferer might have experienced a negative or traumatic incident which might have caused his Iatrophobia.
- Many Iatrophobic individuals also have trouble following authority. (Doctors are an authority as far as the medical health is concerned.) This causes the phobic to dislike or fear doctors.
- Alcoholics or substance abusers fear doctors since they believe they will make them confront such issues.
- Off late, the patients’ trust in doctors is also declining. A recent survey has shown that nearly 40% patients in the United States believe that doctors today do not care about patient well being as much as they did a few decades ago.
- Medical films, news reports about botched up surgeries or medical malpractices etc can also instill negative images leading to the fear of doctors.
Symptoms of Iatrophobia
Patients suffering from Iatrophobia are able to easily talk in front of 1000s of people with confidence, but, when faced with visiting a doctor, they shake, tremble or are unable to talk coherently. Some other physical symptoms of Iatrophobia include:
- Shaking, trembling and having muscular tension
- Having nausea or feeling like throwing up
- Children try to run, scream, cry or flee
- Phobics often put off routine medical exams and keep postponing medical/dental appointments
- They have normal blood pressure at home but tend to have clinically raised levels or hypertension in the doctor’s clinic (white coat hypertension).
- Many phobics fear illnesses and injuries (or turn into a hypochondriacs) and worry about the smallest coughs or colds fearing they will need medical treatment.
Iatrophobia is often associated with dentophobia which is the fear of dentists. Both may occur side by side in an individual.
Coping with fear of doctors phobia
Treating and overcoming Iatrophobia is often difficult since most individuals refuse to visit the doctor to begin with.
Fortunately, many patients have seen positive results by breathing deeply when faced with a visiting a doctor. It helps to remind oneself that the doctor is there to help. Visiting a doctor might increase one’s anxiety temporarily but it is vital to seek medical help rather than worsen the condition which can turn more complicated.
Discussing the phobia with the doctor also helps. Phobics should tell them what part of the medical exam is causing their anxiety. For example, if you do not like the doctor touching your neck when examining your thyroid, then point this out. Most doctors will be gentle and try and reassure you and help you relax. If you feel that the medical exam will bring out negative assessment results, do discuss it with the doctor as well.
It also helps if the doctor can visit the phobic at home or in a familiar setting rather than conducting the exam in an intimidating hospital or clinical setting. (Today, many doctors also give advice over the phone or the Internet).
A combination of drugs and psychotherapy are also proven to help patients suffering from the fear of doctors. Listening to calming music or watching television during the exam is also known to give favorable results when coping with Iatrophobia.
I am so scared of doctors, I’ve not been to a visit in over 15 years. I am paralyzed by the thought of it.
I completely understand. I have recently gone to a mental health center that completely freaked me out. They wanted to check my blood pressure and I completely lost it. I wanted to run out of there screaming. I wish I could just find someone in my area that would be willing to work with me. The doctors don’t seem to really care about you anymore.
Same here.
Same here,
My PSA count is high, my doctor made appointments with a urologist but I can’t and won’t go. I cannot bear to think of what they may want to do, also I won’t have a colonoscopy basically because even if they found something and in the case of the urologist there is no way I will go under the knife. I have been in a hospital before, and I hate the way the staff and nurses feel they can bully you and order you around, I always stand my ground, also tired of the expense that has spiraled out of control.
Most of them are loonie-tunes. They think the hip bone has nothing to do with the thigh bone. That the eyes have nothing to do with the ears, and that money is the true mover of the Universe.
They are lost in their “knowledge”.
The Phobic! Iatrophobia! Talk about diseases that the doctors make up to protect themselves from us. They are not healers. They are terribly dangerous. The mere existence of the word Iatrophobia proves this.
I would rather use poultices and leeches. These guys are hazards. I have had doctors who I have spent years teaching.
I have a good one now. I just pray for his health.
People fear the medical industry for good reason. Why fight your gut instinct to protect yourself/kids. After witnessing/experiencing repeated (and serious)injuries, to family/friends/myself and a specialist’s ‘mistake’ which killed, my dear 58 y/o grandmother (He IMMEDIATELY fled back to his native Columbia-His nurse expressed shock but still, my dear grandma was DEAD and nobody answered to it) 3 of every 4 opiate addicts became hooked because of prescribed opioids. I, myself studied to become a nurse because I wanted to help people. After, 1 year of practical work, I dropped out. They are not ‘helping people’. They’re injuring and killing them. The medical industry now kills more Americans than gun deaths and car accidents,combined. The abuse in the psych industry is beyond alarming. It’s full blown,crime against humanity. The situation has worsened greatly since Gary Null wrote ‘Death By Medicine”. Trust your gut. If you have fear, it is for a reason. God gave us instincts for a reason. Take heed. If I listed 1/2 of what I have seen/experienced, people would RUN from these sociopath’s who’re controlled by pharmaceutical companies. Try joining natural health forums. Many members are drs/nurses. They wouldn’t dare, take the poison, they so readily inflict upon us and our children. Look up the Greek definition of where the word “pharmacist’ came from. It means, “Sorcery,witchcraft” & pharmacist is defined as “a poisoner”. Trust your own instincts.Stay alive and uninjured. How many Naturopathic doctors have been attacked/murdered lately? Who poisoned 29 of the Naturopath’s at the alternative medical conference, recently? How many of our sons & daughters are protecting big pharma’s opium-poppy-fields in Afghanistan for the past 16 years? Big medicine = big mafia profit. Trust your gut.
Thank you so much for your comments. I’ve seen things that make it impossible for me to go to a doctor. Horrible..my husband with pancreatic cancer treated like he was already dead before he died. Talked over like he wasn’t even in the room. My good friend just died of sepsis because the doctor told her her pain could be managed with ibuprofen and she ended up dying of sepsis. Conventional medicine is a travesty
I am very bad with the results, my doctor gave me blood pressure tablets, made me have an overnight monitor. I’m so freaked. Everything was fine after an hour so he knows the problem. Has sent again for a checkup. Struggling to go. Help. Had this phobia since child. I am now 73!
I have Asperger’s Syndrome which is an autism spectrum disorder and I haven’t had a medical or dental exam in years . They would cause massive meltdowns and neurotypical people don’t understand it or care about what I went through.
Want to hear something funny.. I am an RN. I have been a nurse for almost 30 years. When I have to go see the doctor myself, I sweat, shake, have a mental breakdown inside. If I do talk, I talk fast and have diarrhea of the mouth. When I leave the office, I am totally fine. I do not know how to cope with this.