To most people, the fear of feet phobia might sound weird or bizarre. However, Podophobia does exist and is quite a common specific phobia affecting many people across the globe. The word Podophobia originates from Greek ‘Podos’ meaning feet.
People with Podophobia tend to get upset at the sight of feet. Different people experience Podophobia differently: some do not like it when others look at their feet or touch them. Still others are anxious or afraid of their own feet. Many do not like to hear, read/talk about or even see their own feet. The phobia can be detrimental to the sufferer’s health and well being, as, often, s/he refuses to remove shoes or socks preferring to keep them on even while sleeping. This can lead to fungal infections, allergies and other medical conditions.
Let us study the symptoms, causes and treatment for fear of feet phobia in detail.
Causes or origin of fear of feet phobia
Nobody knows for sure why the fear of feet occurs.
- Some experts believe that a traumatic or negative experience in the past, which had something to do with feet, might have triggered this phobia. A child might remember being kicked over and over by an elder or sibling and hence come to hate or dislike feet intensely. In such cases, the Podophobe tends to get irritated, anxious or extremely frightened at the sight of other people’s bare feet.
- Some doctors believe that the fear might have been inherited or have genetic causes. Sometimes, it might simply exist without any explicable reasons.
- Painful foot conditions like bunions, hammertoe etc can also lead to fearing pain of the feet. In some cases, these conditions can be linked to Podophobia.
- Generally speaking, people who tend to be high strung, overly anxious or are having some kind of adrenal deficiency might also acquire Podophobia.
Symptoms of Podophobia
As is the case with other phobias, Podophobia can also be persistent. The sufferer might experience many physical or psychological symptoms despite knowing that feet are not harmful or dangerous. Yet, s/he is absolutely powerless to overcome the symptoms:
- Shortness of breath or accelerated heartbeat and palpitations at the sight of or thought about feet
- Extreme fear or anxiety that leads to constant movie-like images about feet in the phobic’s mind
- Sweating, shaking or trembling
- Gastrointestinal distress, nausea
- Dizziness and fainting spells
- Constantly covering one’s feet or asking other people to cover theirs
- Refusing to discuss feet or even topics related to them, like shoes or socks
In some cases, the Podophobia can get so bad that the phobic associates death or dying with feet. This can naturally be counterproductive to progress and impact one’s day-to-day life severely. The phobic might withdraw from social interactions as his friendships and relationships may get affected by this phobia.
Overcoming and treating Podophobia
In case of any phobia that is affecting one’s day-to-day life, it is essential to seek medical help.
- Most therapists recommend gradual desensitization to overcome the fear of feet. This involves slowly exposing oneself to pictures or images of feet. This can be then followed by touching feet or having other people touch theirs.
- People who fear their own feet are also encouraged to obtain regular pedicures. This can help them rationalize their fear about feet.
- Hypnotherapy can help get inside the sufferer’s mind and find out the roots of the phobia. This can help one become more comfortable around feet by facing their fear.
- Medication and meditation are also prescribed as part of the therapy, to help reduce anxiety resulting from Podophobia.
Other useful therapies that are known to cure Podophobia include cognitive behavior therapy, Neuro Lingustic Programming, psychotherapy and self help books etc.
I think I have podophobia and I’m 11 is that rare for my age?
I’m 19 years old and hate feet. I always hated them. I have no problem with my own feet but only with the feet of other people..
I have no problem at all with anyones feet, but I hate showing my own feet.. I feel like I have really ugly toes and I don’t even like for myself or my family to see them. Is there a way that I can overcome this and be comfortable showing my feet?
I’m 18. I have this. I can’t be around feet. I can’t look at them. I always have socks on except for when I sleep. Even then I hide my feet in the blanket. I do not like feet. People tease me and touch me with their feet or show me pictures of feet and I cry. I’m very particular about my socks. I only wear black socks. And if I don’t have a match I freak out and search until I find it.
I hate people looking at my feet because I have ugly toes and have psoriasis on my toes and heels.
I find other people’s feet to be ugly and I can’t stand anyone walking around barefooted in the same area as me and if someone’s barefoot touches me or looks like it’s going to touch me I almost vomit.
I’m 18 and have no past trauma or family history of podophobia.
Is this normal for me?
I’m reading all about podophobia and it is the straight up opposite of what I have. I can’t stand not being able to see my feet. Weather it be murky water or a ride at night I will pull my feet up where I can see them, I even find myself pulling my cover up at night just to look down at my feet, so anyways if anybody has come across anything like I have or knows what I have please reply back.. I would love to know why I have this strange phobia or fear.
Hi dear,
I have the same thing and I keep looking trying to find what is it and I cannot find it. Have you got the answer?
I have the exact same thing as you two and it really annoys me
Hi I’m 15 years old and am afraid of feet. I don’t mind my own as much but I always wear socks. People that know about my phobia tend to think it’s attention seeking yet they keep shoving their feet near me, I don’t get why people think uncommon phobia’s are attention seeking!
I feel sorry for anyone with a fear of feet. Life will be different for you and you should always try to make it better.
Yeah right
I don’t mind seeing people’s feet or seeing my own (like if they’re wearing flip flops or are bare footed). I just can’t stand when people have foot fetishes, or when people touch me with their feet, ESPECIALLY if they’re cold. I’m 14 and I can’t stand it. ugh
I don’t have a problem with my feet but I hate when someone’s touching me with their feet, or when I see someone is touching their feet. I instantly start to think that the feet are so filthy, full of bacteria etc. My sister likes to do some things on purpose, just to annoy me and that makes me crazy, I even start to cry sometimes when she does such things. Sorry for my English, it’s not my maternal language.
Same, I hate it when I see people “picking” absent-mindedly at their feet. Even typing it makes me feel angry. Like, you don’t need to touch your feet that much. Buy a fidget spinner or something, jeez. People don’t sit in public doing other gross things, so how is it ok to rub your fingers all over filthy feet that carry fungus and bacteria (whether it has actually reached a point of being overgrown or not, it’s there, and it’s gross.) Feet should be touched when putting on socks and every day when washing with soap. That’s it.
I have a fear of people touching me with their bare feet. It takes my breath away and I can’t breathe and I feel like I’m going to either vomit or faint. My husband doesn’t take this seriously and has tormented me with this. Is there anything I can do to educate him?
Hmm…Is he afraid of anything? If He is, you could try to torment him back. And tell him “That’s how I feel when you (what he does)!” If not, you could sit him down, pull up this website, and show him what you have. Try to make him feel bad. That’s my advice, anyway.
I feel bad for all the foot fetish people out there, I don’t mind them but now I see why people hate them so much.
I feel like the reason people like them is BECAUSE they’re gross. When they were kids, they noticed that feet smell and produce a ton of sweat because kids are small enough to be in proximity to their feet. Then their brain turned the disgust into a fetish. Then they spend the rest of their lives trying to convince everyone else that clean feet aren’t gross, when in fact, YES, clean feet are still gross and still produce a disgusting smell up close and still carry more fungus than hands and still sweat more than one’s arms. I’m not saying we should cut off our feet, and they definitely still need daily washing with soap and water, but they’re gross, no matter what, all day long. I kind of find it nasty when people have a foot fetish because it makes me think they want to lick/touch/smell one of the most disgusting parts of the human body, and I see them as contaminated. But I guess that’s precisely what turns them on, with it often being a sub-based fetish. Ugh.
I don’t know if I have this phobia, or If I’m just self conscious. I don’t mind other peoples feet, I just hate my own. I can’t wear sandals or open toe shoes or go to someone’s house or be at home without my socks on. I’m going to the pool soon and the only thing I’m worried about is having to show my feet, especially in front of my boyfriend. I cannot take my socks off in front of him and I hate being so afraid to. Is this being self conscious or do I have this phobia?
I’m afraid of my own feet. I wear socks all the time even when taking a bath. This fear is messing up my life. I can’t go to the beach, I can’t wear slippers. I’m too ashamed to tell anyone because they aren’t going to understand. I don’t even understand it myself. I know this fear is irrational but I can’t help but be afraid.
I hate feet, too, but if this is going to cause a fungal infection for you, you’ll hate them even more. Don’t wear socks in the bath. Feet may be gross, but life is long, and you don’t want to lose the ability to walk because you don’t take care of the bottom-most part of your body properly. It’s best to put a washcloth over them so you don’t have to look at them and scrub them with soap.
I have a phobia and it’s horrible. It’s like it’s disgusting and makes me want to throw up literally. If someone’s bare … (Can’t say the word) touches something I.e. the sofa, I will not sit on it and I haven’t done for years. I always sit on a chair and freak out if someone puts something of mine on the sofa, like freshly washed clothes, I will have to wash them again.
I think that my 13-year old son has Podophobia. He hate it when someone touch him with their feet. He licks his fingers and whipe the place on his body where the feet touched him. He gets really very angry if some-one touch him with their feet. Will it pass?
Did I comment on this 3 years ago? Because thats literally me. I can stand mine, but not others. For me, just the sight makes me want to throw up. Also looking at feet don’t help. But yeah i only hate it if they are bare, if the person wears socks or shoes that cover their feet, im down. I can only describe people who wear shoes that dont cover their feet with one word. Women. You know how hard it makes to actually look at most women?
Feet are gross. They look deformed and it really urks me that people have foot fetishes, it’s so gross. I hate summer because everyone around here is wearing flip flops. Yuk.
I tripped over a backpack this morning. It really irked me.
I’m 13 and I don’t have trouble with other peoples feet but I can’t show mine. I was at the pool yesterday and my friend said “why are you wearing socks in the pool?”. I told her about it and she laughed at me. Is there any way I can overcome this fear?
You shouldn’t care what others say , we’re not all perfect . Maybe if you just ignore them , then maybe you should care what others say . Just point out a imperfection about them (of course not say it to them) , but yes say it to yourself . You should be comfortable with your body .
Water shoes -> Cured! Save you from warts too. Why would you want to ‘cure it’.
I know that you say now why I’m whirling socks right now, you can simply remove them now. I know that the family will be bothering you for a while but they will stop.
You need to think about the future, about your kids. I don’t think there is a guy who will accept you with socks all the time.
Don’t tell a 13-year-old what a guy will and won’t accept about her body. It’s creepy.
And yes, to the kid who is now probably of age, someone will accept you wearing socks all the time. It’s actually pretty common.
I can openly talk about my fear of feet, and I’m ok with seeing mine. I CANNOT, however, TOUCH MY OWN OR ANYONE ELSE’S. If people touch their feet to me I freak out and I hate when people see or touch my feet. I guess you could say swimming is a huge challenge.
I’m 15 and I have podophobia. I think it developed around the time I was 7, for no reasonable cause. For a couple of years, I literally haven’t been able to say or type the plural of the word “foot”. Reading this article made me cringe because of repetitive usage of that word. When I go swimming, I make sure to prepare water shoes for the occasion. I also wear black socks all the time. I don’t allow others to see an unsocked foot of mine, nor do I like to see others. I can barely tolerate being in the same room with an unsocked foot. No one else even knows that I have podophobia, because I’ve never mentioned it to anyone. I can only cringe when they say that word that I don’t like. I also highly dislike people with foot fetishes. I don’t get why they have to fetishize the most unattractive part of the body. It’s really tough living with this phobia in a world where many people wear open-toed sandals. It really sucks :/
Hi B Alexander,
What a relief to know that I’m not the only one who prefers black socks. I, too, dislike the plural of ‘foot’ and I will never say (I hate even writing it) ‘toes.’ It makes me shiver. I’m not afraid of feet. I just think they’re ugly–the phalanges in particular. I don’t mind seeing the tops of feet, it’s the hideous underneath that I find intolerable. I can’t believe what a trend it’s become for people to go and get pedicures. I always feel sorry for the individuals who have to work on the foot. It seems impolite to expect/pay someone to fondle your foot! Oh, by the way, I’m 30. So plan on keeping your phobia. It sticks with you =0)
I don’t have a problem with my feet I just don’t like people looking or touching them, or when people touch me with their feet I want to throw up. I honestly feel like I’m going to pass out. People don’t understand that its real and not for attention. The WORST is when someone touches my feet with their feet. I’m only 15.
I’m just the same like you I hate just mentioning feet or the word toes I feel like I would throw up.
If one touched me with his/her foot it’s real gross.
My stomach is hurting me now because I’m saying that :D
Btw I’m 24 and my mom always get upset when I ask her to hide her feet.
I have the same. I don’t like families feet or wiggling toes.
I cant stand feet. I never take off my socks only when I take a shower. I don’t like when feet is near me or touching me. I don’t like when someone is touching their toes and try to touch me. I go swimming with my socks on if i forget my swimming shoes, i just dont like it.
Actually I used to have the same problem. I did not take off my socks, only when I took a shower, but now look at me. I don’t wear any socks just because I decided to not wear them all the time and now I can wear flip flops which I couldn’t wear 2 years ago. Now I’m 14 and I don’t wear socks all the time.
Can you help my 11 year old? He won’t even let me see his feet. How can I help him? He misses out on making new friends or having fun with family if he forgets his aquasocks. I feel bad for him. Thanks
Who is the parent here? If he won’t pull his own socks off, pull them off his feet yourself.
That’s horrible advice, if someone has a problem like this, brute force will only make it worse. You need to be more gradual and supportive about it or it will get worse. I know because this is how I got this problem in the first place.
Excuse me? So you’re saying that just because you’re someone’s parent, you’re *entitled* to do whatever the heck you want to them no matter how uncomfortable it makes them feel? Please don’t tell me you have kids.
Just take his clothes away and give him flip flops, no socks, just underwear and flip flops or sandals and send him to school in shorts, sandals and a tank top with no socks on. Wet all his socks.
Do not force him to take off his socks. If you do that he might lose your trust.
I think I married your twin.
I hate feet.
You know the toe separators for nail painting, my mum was using them and I started crying it’s horrible cause I broke my foot 4 years ago and I’ve never got over it. Blah 🙅🏼
Well I marry someone with a whole lot of other issues anyway. And now that I have a name for Podophobia was one of them. I could touch her feet I could massage your feet but she didn’t like feet touching any part of her body! But she would always FOREWARN close family members and strangers she don’t do feet! DON’T TOUCH HER WITH YOUR FEET! I didn’t think it was attention-seeking but I thought it was weird. Didn’t know so many suffer with this phobia. It’s just better to have the understanding that it is REAL for them. I’m a comedian so for all of you Podophobians, so I guess you can literally STAND on a Full Happy Life not having to suffer the Agony of The Feet. 😂
I have podophobia but mine is more specific and due to a trauma when I was 10 that I suffered due to a female.. people dont understand that podophobia exists..why don’t people understand..hope nobody judges me for having this fear.
My name is Tiffany. I’m not judging you as i have the same problem. I worry about my boyfriend TJ crushing stuff like cans and bottles with his feet. Even though he doesn’t do it, he knows it bothers me like very badly. Instead of him moving stuff out of his way with his feet he moves it only with his hand and that helps me. It helps when i listen to his heartbeat from his chest and he says he wont crush anything or move anything with his feet. I can’t look at feet, it freaks me out.
I don’t have a foot phobia, but it’s very interesting to find out that others do for real. I’ve met a couple people in my life that I suspected were this way. I actually am the opposite, I am a woman with a foot fetish, which is rare. I’ve always had it since I can remember and have felt quite ashamed of it. As a young person I thought maybe I was the only one in the world.. until I got on the internet and found out that there is a ton of foot fetishists (usually male) and that the scientific explanation is that in the brain the neurons that are linked to our feet are right by the neurons linked to genitals – so foot fetishists may have neural cross-wiring. This also explains why it’s the most common fetish. Feet are super sensitive, lots of nerve endings and they sweat a lot – I can see why people see them as gross.. I just can’t help getting turned on by them. You can say the same for genitals though..
And it’s funny to read that some people hate to say the word “foot” or “feet”. I’ve always felt strange when I say those words. They have a heaviness about them to me.. they carry so much baggage of shame for me.. I do say them, but that feeling has never fully gone away. Ugly or very gross feet can also make me cringe a bit. And if someone like that tries to touch me with their feet, I would be extremely grossed out. It’s interesting to see that feet can cause such intense feelings, either way and it seems that it’s genetic or caused by some experience either way..
Let me clarify, that actually anyone touching me with their feet would gross me out, unless that person is my partner or someone that I find attractive. They are the same to me as any other private body part… But as far as looking at feet, I don’t have a problem with that.
But, now I’m sensitive to the reality that some people genuinely have a foot phobia.
I have a fear of feet. I don’t like people crushing stuff with their feet. My boyfriend tells me everyday that he won’t do that.
Hey I’m Layla and I hate feet. I hate the look of them and ahh it’s so nasty. My brother and dad make fun of me and put their feet in front of me and I’m only 12, like it’s going to be so bad in the future.
Sorry, Layla… I know how you feel; I’ve felt that way most of my life, and I’m 28. My family always tried to mess with me by saying the word “toes”, having the dogs lick their feet, and sticking their feet in my face, and it makes me very angry. My friends always did it too, and while they laughed it only made me feel very alone and ashamed of my fear.
But I want to give you some words of comfort. Someday you will find someone you love and want to marry, and that person will respect your fears and not throw it in your face. My wife, who is from a culture that is all about feet, learned of my fear early on and has ALWAYS respected my fears, and I hers. Maybe sometimes we make a passing comment, but it’s never meant to put the other down. So fear not! Endure the pain of having family members and friends poke fun of your fear. They aren’t cool like us. And someday someone will love and respect your distaste. Keep going, or as we say in Chinese: Jia Yo!
I had this fear and everyone still thinks I have it in my family. Me and everyone else know otherwise. I just don’t know how to tell them I’ve recuperated because it’s been 13 years
I do not have an intense FEAR of feet, but a huge pet peeve of mine is when bare feet (or even socked feet) touch me. Like when I’m on the couch sitting next to my siblings and their bare feet touch me, I can’t bear it! Haha it seems kind of silly now that I’m writing this, but it’s true. :)
Omg same! I hate feet touching me it’s so disgusting and I just hate it so damn much
I completely understand! There’s a family that my family are friends with, and their 7 year old daughter likes to rest her legs/feet on other people so she can spread out more on the couch. When her bare feet are on my lap I have to strongly resist the urge to slap her away, and sometimes I get so bothered by it that I get irrationally angry and desperately want to shove her onto the ground and yell at her.
I feel like a horrible person writing that but it also feels good to finally let it out.
I’ve somewhat overcome this problem, but while I was growing up this was a huge nuisance. I don’t like to look at other people’s feet and I hate to show my own. I live in Brazil and during summer most people like to wear flip-flops at home or to casual occasions. It always got awkward when a friend came over to visit me and I was wearing shoes. They would ask me “Aren’t you hot, wearing socks and shoes?” and then I would try to change subject quickly. Nowadays I can wear flip-flops at home but I still can’t leave home if I’m not wearing shoes and I don’t like it very much when someone sees me wearing them.
I have podophobia and honestly relating to these is great but it’s also hilarious, kinda glad other people have it worse.
The funniest part is, the girl who cries when she sees photos of feet, had to click on this link, and the first image was.. A FOOT.
Im not sure if you have it I just don’t like about 3 peoples feet mostly my sisters. I have been getting mad at her lately because I’m afraid she will touch her feet against my bed, loved things, and now I’m even scared of her playing with my dog. It’s gone so far that I won’t sit and I have to wear slippers around my house. About a month ago it was a year and it has been getting worse. This site didn’t really work but I can see how it can.
Oh my god. I don’t like my sister’s feet either. I am afraid my dog will lick them, they will touch something I like (like you said). And you even posted this on her 8th birthday. What a coincidence.
My name is Tiffany Perkins. I tell my boyfriend not to crush anything with his feet, he understands. I don’t like anyone crushing stuff with their feet. I can’t sleep as I dream he crushes stuff with his feet when he doesn’t and I cry in my sleep when I dream of it. The only thing that calms me down and helps me know he won’t is his heartbeat when I listen to it. And it helps me to know he won’t do anything with his feet.
Great post! Have nice day ! :)
I want to get rid of this fear (Podophobia) its irritating.
Please help
I’m 28 y.o. I used to have podophobia since I was about maybe 6. My mom says my kindergarten teacher always walked barefoot at work. I think the phobia developed because of that, though I don’t remember anything about the teacher at all. The phobia was getting worse every year, I ended up begging my mom to cover her feet cause i wasn’t able to be in the same room with any barefoot human being, couldn’t even pronounce the word “feet” without shuddering. It was happening until my adolescence, then things started to change. Specifically, my sexuality started developing, so I discovered that I’m actually into female feet. In fact I was able to get hard only imagining girl’s feet for a long time. But I still hated male feet and my own feet, still kept my socks on. But 4 years ago I decided to cure myself from the phobia, so I bought flip-flops, and started to wear them. At first I felt very uncomfortably, like I was naked or something. But after about 2 weeks I noticed that I was somehow getting used to it, and at the end of the summer the negative feelings about my feet pretty much went away. Although now I still cringe when I see male feet, but everything else about feet is not a problem anymore
OMG same exact thing as you. I had a bad experience with feet as a kid and then I started to fetishize female feet. Even the word feet I couldn’t say at first. Now when I say the word “feet” or read it or look at images, it is slightly arousing. Feet are cute. Anyways, I guess this is part of the reason why our fetish developed.
I freak out of the thought of my toes touching and then when I tell my friends and family about it I start to also freak out. By freaking out I mean I rub my feet back and fourth on the ground and try not to think about it…help
Its weird, I love to be barefooted and I love my feet. But I get so anxious if I even imagine my family see my barefooted. My mom is barefooted 90 percent of the time and as long as they are not touching me or near my body I’m ok, but if shes laying down and her feet get near me I get so stressed out about it, and I’m so weird about feet that I can’t even tell her to get her feet away from me, I dont even feel comfortable talking about feet in front of her. I never take off my socks when shes home even tho I want to so bad. I have a pair of flip flops but I hide them in my closet so she cant ever see them, it would stress me out if she even saw my flip flops. But strangely I loved to massage my girlfriends feet or if she would rub or hold mine. I wish so badly that I could just be barefooted in front of my mom.
I hate feet
I hate to bare my feet to other people lol
I’ve had this fear since secondary school. I was never really sure about how I got Podophobia but I’ve always feared what people would think if they saw them and it was so bad that even for a day I would start crying and run away of sheer embarrassment.
As I’ve gotten older the fear has subsided, but I still feel like I’m being judged from afar! What can I do?
I can definitely relate to your experience! I come from a family of really gross feet, primarily bunions that are just out of control. I had such fear from the time I was a child. I wouldn’t show my feet to anyone even as a kid.
This persisted right through my adolescent and adult years. No going barefoot in front of anyone, or going to the beach with in-laws or friends. It was terrible. It actually affected our families social life.
When I got into my late 40’s I had enough. I started a website to connect with and support people who have the same fears. I finally came to realize that my feet work harder for me than any other part of my body. So I can dress them up as best as possible, find shoes that minimize the bunions, and just go with it. It changed my life. Our tagline is “Learn to love your feet!”
The strangest thing which I think may be associated with further underlying issues…feet, in general, are gross. The sight makes me uneasy but not physically sick. However, seeing my mother’s feet makes me simply nauseous. She has had this habit for as long as I can remember of sitting and rubbing her feet and then going into the kitchen and touching things (towels, dishes, light switches) and she sees nothing wrong with it. In fact she has more than once screamed at me and made me feel as if I am the person who is doing a gross thing. I seriously have issues with her feet. On the opposite hand, my boyfriend can give his foot a massage and then touch my hand and I am not bothered by it in the least. Others who seemingly have clean feet, do not bother me as badly as my mother.
Possibly a phobia of my mother here?
Oh my god, I’m the exact same. My podophobia comes from my mom. She ALWAYS has her feet exposed. She’s constantly just moving them or twitching them or rubbing them. She rubs her feet against each other and links her big toes together. It grosses me out beyond all belief. All feet do bother me but hers are the only ones that I genuinely can’t stand to see even in my peripheral vision.
In fact every time we’re in a car and she’s not driving, the very first thing she does is take off her shoes and put her feet up. This has led to me having a complete phobia of having her in my car or being in the same car as her when she’s not driving.
That’s what happens with my dad. He’s constantly moving his feet and toes and I can’t stand it. I get irrationally angry when he does this and I feel bad but I hate it so much.
My name is Tiffany. I’m the same way. I don’t like other people moving there toes or anything like that. I’m so afraid my boyfriend tj will crush stuff like cans or bottles when he doesn’t. He knows i don’t want him doing that kind of stuff with his feet. He doesn’t move anything out of his way with his feet, he uses his hand only. I can’t look up feet, i freak out really bad. But when i listen to my boyfriend tjs heartbeat from his chest it helps me to know he wont crush anything, he shows me he wont by not doing it and telling me he wont.
Exact same over here! I am grossed out by nearly all feet, but especially my dad’s. He has these overly masculine looking feet I guess. When I was younger I had the tendency to call them ogre feet in my mind because he rarely clipped his nails and had toenail fungus and hair on his toes. To top it all off, he has athlete’s foot and since his feet are itchy, he finds it okay to just jam his fingers right in there and get that itch. I hate that. I can barely even stand seeing his feet in my peripheral vision, so I casually block them off with my hand and try to ignore them. Then he ‘claps’ his feet on the floor (they’re tile, so it’s very audible) and it just makes me cringe. I don’t say anything about it because I don’t want him to think that I think he has gross feet. He doesn’t really, he showers every day. It’s just that I’m just weird.
I have a lot of little siblings and one of them tends to not take showers at all!
I hate having my siblings with their bare feat in my bed. If they wanna join me I tell them to put socks on or shower.
I hate seeing people’s feet when I’m eating it’s just so gross I just wanna throw up. Gotta cover my own feet too.
It disgusts me just hearing people with foot fetishes, I can’t, it’s disgusting.
I feel you just bob
I cannot STAND feet. I just can’t take it. My feet against someone else’s, someone touching me with their feet, someone wearing sandals, I hate having my feet out in public, I rarely wear sandals, and for the most part I am always wearing socks (not a specific kind). I think all feet are automatically ugly, I don’t care if it’s Ariana Grande’s feet, Beyonce’s feet, they’re all ugly. Never gotten a pedicure in my life, and I never will. I always got disgusted at the thought.
My name is tiffany Dubois, I am very afraid of people crushing stuff with their feet. The noise bothers me. I don’t crush stuff but if people do that it gives me anxiety.
I have an idea for you Jessica, but it sounds weird. Try looking up feet to try to cure your fear. It didn’t work for me, but hopefully it will work for you.
Hi my name is Tiffany Dubois. I always feel afraid my boyfriend tj will crush stuff with his feet even though he never does. He knows it bothers me. I don’t like people crushing anything or stepping on anything. I went to consoling for this it never helped. The only thing that helps is when my boyfriend TJ shows me he wont crush anything or move anything with his feet, he uses his hand only to move stuff out of his way. And plus when i listen to his heartbeat from his chest helps me to know he wont do anything with his feet. I can’t look up feet, it doesn’t help me, i freak out.
My name is Tiffany. I tried looking it up, and it doesn’t help. I don’t like anyone at all crushing anything with their feet. It gives me bad anxiety. I hope you don’t crush anything or move anything with your feet and hope you won’t stomp on anything either. I won’t, and I can’t, or I would cry over my feet if I ever did.
Thanks! Me too! Don’t understand humans and their hatred for bare feet and then they are hanging out with people in bare feet or exposed feet in sandals. Disgusting. But then it’s people like me who are not normal so i have to pretend i don’t notice.
Same today. My dad touched his feet to my bed and i cried for 30 minutes and i took the sheets off and put on new ones. Though when someone asks me why I am afraid of human feet and not a cats or rats feet I have no answer.
Same here! Instead of crying I just get really nauseous, but I’m the exact same way! I hate human feet, and am absolutely disgusted by them. But I love my cat’s paws, they’re so adorable and fuzzy and I even pet or hold their paws gently because I love how warm and fuzzy they are. It’s just so strange.
Because the feet of other animals don’t smell like cheese under the nails despite appearing clean and being frequently washed. Animal feet don’t sweat, causing the skin to stick to the floor, leaving sweat behind and picking up dirt wherever they walk. They’re objectively not as gross as human feet. No contest.
Funny thing is I actually have a foot fetish, I love a woman with pretty feet, but I hate to bare my own or to see other men barefoot or in flip flops in public lol
Me too. I can’t figure it out. Don’t they know what happens in the future?
I need help. I know I absolutely hate feet. But my issue is that I absolutely can’t stand when my toes touch one another. I don’t know what it is. If I have socks or shoes on then I never notice but if I’m barefoot then I notice to the point where it bothers me so much I can’t sleep. Any ideas on what this could be???
Oh my God, I thought I was the only one!
I actually love my feet and find them quite cute, but anyone else’s feet just makes me nauseous and/or pass out. The worst possible thing is if someone touches me with their foot or their foot touches something of mine. I will break down and actually cry and become nauseous very fast. I hate showing my feet to others, but I like them by myself. Whenever someone puts on sandals, I just imagine their feet killing me via choking. So scary. Feel like crying just writing about feet.
I hate it when people’s feet touch things that belong to me. It gets to the point that I seem to find my bedroom floor as some sort of “safe area” that my brain deems untouched, or clean, because me and our cats are the only ones who walk on them. Then my dad walks in, with his bare feet, all in my carpet, and BAM! Unsafe area. My brain won’t allow me to touch that floor without flinching or being grossed out for a long time. I can walk on it with shoes or socks but I can’t sit on that area or touch it with my hands. The worst though, the absolute worst, is when our cats rub against/lick his feet. I hate it, it makes my flinch just thinking about it. One of our cats likes to lick my hands/face, and when he licks my dad’s feet, it basically ruins it. I think about how the gross footness can be transferred via my cat’s tongue to his fur, and then to me because I pet him. Or even that the cat would lick my hands with the same tongue he licked my dad’s feet with. The other cat just rubs herself against him, not only his feet but the rest of him too. But I especially notice it with his feet. She rubs her face all over them and then I can’t help but think “I can’t even kiss her now without having foot gunk in my face. And she might lay on my pillow and rub against it now too!” It’s very frustrating.
I hate feet and they drive me crazy. I can’t touch, look at, think of, see someone touch, holding socks or anything related to feet. Even my own feet. I hate when people expose their feet and make them touch someone passing by, sometimes my kids. If this happens, I can only think this is done to aggravate me and I lose respect for this person entirely and forever. The good thing is I love my hate to feet and I can’t live without hating them. I don’t want to cure it at all and I pray to God that I never cure it and hope everybody else hate feet.
So sure about that? If you didn’t think of them, you wouldn’t make this comment!
When I was in Kindergarten (younger maybe), my aunty would hold me down and pop each and everyone of my toes by pulling on them. I would scream bloody murder! Cry, panic, the whole 9 yards. Fast forward and I’m taking care of my sick grandma and rubbing her feet and she ask me to squeeze her toes (in Chinese foot work, your toes are the area that you focus on to cure migraines, tooth ache, anything involving the head) and I cant do it. I wanna puke, and I’m shaking literally! She knows it too. So she ends up letting me know how useless I am, even though I’m here helping.
FTR: my aunty was not or is not mean, she’s actually a really good person. She thought it was funny and thought I would laugh. Them were tears of pain/fear, not laughter.
It is such a shame that one of the most exciting part of the body is being feared and despised as much as this. Well it is not a surprise. Human beings have a hard time acknowledging their deepest feelings, especially when it comes to such a sexually related part.
I have been attracted to feet since I was little, though at some point I started to feel ashamed of my fetish because I thought I was the only one, but actually there are millions of people attracted to feet, and it is NORMAL. The feet of young people, 15 to 25, are very beautiful for the most part; you should not feel ashamed to like your feet or like other people’s feet, because they are supposed to be sexually stimulative.
For all those of you “hating” feet, I wonder if you ever asked yourself why, except the fact that they are “gross” – you know that keeping your socks makes them even more dirty and bound to infection. In nature, denying something is rarely a good thing, especially when it’s one of your body parts. As someone who loves hands as I love feet, I would suggest you ask yourself: “do I like hands?” or, “do I like being touched by my loved ones’ hands?” – most humans love to be touched with hands, especially by people they love, hands are really beautiful, and they contain the mathematical proportions of your body, as your feet provide as well! Some experts can tell if a child will be 5 ft tall or 6 ft tall after puberty, just by looking at their feet. Feet connect us to the ground, the Sacred Ground of Mother Earth – as hands connect us to the sky, Father Sky – have you ever tried to walk barefoot in a natural environment like a forest or even your own garden? Do you know how pleasant it is to walk without shoes, when you get used to it? Do you know that Feet and Hands provide, as I said earlier, mathematical information; Meridians for example. You could have stomach aches or neck pain, digestion problem, all linked to your feet and hands. After all, they are the edge and bridges of our body – they allow us to physically communicate with our environment and are essential to human life.
Anyways. I can understand why you freak out about feet, but ask yourself deeply, “why am I hating on feet this much?” it can be linked to a thousand things – but it is most likely linked to a suppressed desire in your sexual instincts.
In Human nature there are two main types of sexual attraction: submission or domination; it is something we can’t help ourselves, but should not suppress or deny because then we feel frustrated and depressed. You want to get yourself dominated, go ahead and find someone that would have that dominant attitude all while respecting you for who you are – same goes for dominant people. Also, those instincts can also evolve, and if you get mature in love and sexual interactions, you realize that you also wish to dominate the other, even if it is only for 20% of the time – it means that you are being stronger than your instincts, all while respecting their impulses and desires.
I could go on and on, but in the end it is all about ACCEPTING your own instincts, ACKNOWLEDGE your own NATURE: nature loves you and only wish you to be happy, and also to show your desire to evolve towards the best version of yourself. Phobia is, in my opinion, when inner-most feelings are inhibited by the Being that holds them. Do not feel ashamed of yourself. Feet are a very sensible/sensitive case, but they can be understood and loved as they should be, as your Hands are.
I actually have a fear of feet and at just the sight of feet I start to freak out. It’s hard to explain why I have this but I just can’t stand the sight of them. I don’t try and cover my feet, I just don’t look down at them. The sight of other peoples feet bothers me the most out of it all.
When I was a child i was fascinated by feet. And then I have developed podophobia as a result of years of foot shaming and bullying to the extent that I have a physical reaction to the sight of my feet or when I’m surrounded by women with pretty feet. Believe me, I wish I didn’t feel like this. I wish I could walk barefoot, I wish I could enjoy going to the beach, I wish I could enjoy sex that involves feet related activity, but I simply can’t. I did everything in my power to make my feet look better, but big, ugly and veiny feet with freakishly long toes are simply something I was born with. So in order to avoid further mean and hurtful statements about my body, I chose to hide my feet forever. I also started hating foot fetishist because of the people who made me feel this way. I am aware that this behavior and these thoughts are very unhealthy and I feel tormented by my own mind. I’m seeing a therapist, but idk if I could overcome this. Hope I can.
OMG this is me. I hate people with foot fetishes and I also hate my own feet. I have big feet and I HATE them so much it’s unbelievable to the point where I cry, so then I made the assumption that I have a foot phobia and now I just hate feet.
Very well said. I have always considered feet beautiful in the way hands can be, particularly when they’re not cooped up in bacteria/fungus prisons all day. As well, they’re an architectural marvel for providing balance and support. Most of them aren’t perfect. They’re as individual as the individual. We all have what I would call an ideal form, in terms of size, shape, scent for parts of the body, that we’re more comfortable with seeing. To be honest, if I don’t perceive it as being nice, I ain’t going to be looking at it or getting near it. Sadly in my opinion, it’s the social norm to keep feet more covered/protected to the point where there’s almost an implied sexuality to it, and it certainly isn’t the healthiest or most natural thing unless you’re dealing with extreme climates. Feet also leave a biological print where a rubber sole would not, to the extent it could be rightfully interpreted as an aggressive marking of one’s territory. A dog would certainly be better able to tell where its master has walked barefoot. I think this also plays a role in certain people having an ingrained, psychological sensitivity. In older times, this awareness of who had been around could certainly have made the difference between life and death. Not to get started on nerve endings and the tactile feedback that hands enjoy 24/7, but feet miss out on completely due to our social habits. I’ve been to events that were clothing-optional. Once you get accustomed to the myriad samenesses and differences we all have in our natural state, “reality” and fashion trends are what doesn’t seem as real.
I don’t understand this fear of feet thing. As someone that goes barefoot all the time, I find most people are indifferent to my feet. There have been times when people would go up to a store or restaurant employee and complain about my feet but just chalked it up to being sensitive about seeing bare feet and associating it with bacteria or whatever. More times I have been approached about my feet and complimented or asked how I was able to walk around barefoot and not get cuts or why my feet weren’t cold. There have also been times when I noticed people being attracted to my feet. If people find them attractive, I am not too concerned since there are people with foot fetishes and like the sight of bare feet. The thought of people panicking or hyperventilating at the sight of my feet seems a bit over the top. I am 54 years old and have been going barefoot for over 30 years and have yet to see that type of reaction so it sounds pretty rare. I say chill out and don’t worry, my bare feet won’t hurt you. Unless you try to physically attack me, then I can use my feet pretty effectively to defend myself and my feet can be pretty scary, lol. Otherwise no big deal.
Bird crap, spit, dead animals, garbage, rodents, should I go on? Disgusting!
All of that, plus any insects that could be under you waiting to bite or sting. I tried going shoeless in the woods once along a river in New Hampshire, and let me tell you, even with dry and rough skin, I had thorns, wood splinters, a couple of ant bites, and a mystery piece of glass. Shoes were invented for a reason, and even ancient Natives from 9,000 + years ago were wearing leather shoes.
I didn’t think this many people would have a fear of feet.
I do have a fear of feet caused by my parents. They would crush cans when I was little all the way until I was growing up. They knew it bothered me. I worry my boyfriend TJ will crush stuff too or use a foot pump when he never does. The only time I feel safe is if I listen to his heartbeat from his chest and then I lay on his feet to listen to his heartbeat from his feet. He tells me when I’m on them he won’t crush anything with his feet or use a foot pump or stomp on anything. I feel ok when he says that. When he doesn’t I feel scared of his feet and everyone else’s.
I have a similar issue. I don’t know where my phobia came from, but I do remember always having it. At the time, my 3 year-old little brain explained it as me fearing stinky feet, because feet stink. Maybe… I could never talk about feet, couldn’t even bring myself to say Little Foot’s name from The Land Before Time. And whenever I have bare feet I have a similar reaction. Are people judging my feet? When I see theirs I get uncomfortable. It was really bad when I was living in Taiwan; not only do people rarely wear shoes casually, but it is custom to be barefoot in people’s houses and when eating – some people even pose their leg on one knee and their foot is sometimes like 6 inches from food! That was a hard 5 years. Haha feet are disgusting; they have germs, and they can be smelly and even the sight of a foot can ruin my appetite. I hate that my favorite Mexican restaurant is right next to a pub that has a big foot over it. It’s legitimately offensive to me. I’m a strong Christian, and I HATE the story of Jesus washing people’s feet; when my family (who knows about my issues) asked me how I felt about that story, I told them I hated it, and apparently it’s wrong to hate any stories about Jesus for ANY reason, so they got super defensive about it and got mad at me. WHY?! I have a legitimate issue with feet! And I HATE it when people find out about my fear and then think it’s funny to mention toes or stick a foot near my face. So disrespectful. How would someone who has a fear of clowns like it if I snuck into their house dressed as a clown and woke them up in the middle of the night? Yeah, not so funny, is it?
I can totally understand how you feel. I hate feet. The only feet I can tolerate are pets and babies. I can’t be in the same room as naked feet.
This is legit why I came here. The feet near food phenomenon in other countries. How can people be ok with eating with their nasty feet 6 inches from their food? IDK if I have a phobia, but if I’m eating from a coffee table and someone next to me crosses their legs, I have to quickly pick up my food to be sure that no foot dirt has fallen into my food. People think it’s weird, but I think others are weird for being low-key fine with sweaty foot dirt falling into their food. When I see documentaries where people are preparing food on the ground, 6 inches from their feet, I am shocked, and it makes me feel a bit nauseous. I seriously could not live in a place like Taiwan. I would be afraid to eat the food people prepare because I would know that most people are used to feet near their food.
Fear seems like an over-the-top word. More like strong aversion. Feet have grossed me out since childhood and I’m always wearing socks unless I’m in the shower. I hate seeing other people’s feet and hate the grimy, naked feeling of walking around without socks. I don’t understand why so many people can be comfortable lounging around or sleeping without them. All feet are ugly. It doesn’t make sense because feet are probably way cleaner than hands, which are touching everything all day long and picking up bacteria, but I have no issue with hands. And especially if I see an unattractive person out in public wearing sandals, my reaction is “Ugh, why do they think anyone would want to see that?” similar to the way somebody might react to a fat girl in skimpy clothes. Meh.
I get you.. does it have an affect on your everyday life?
You just described me exactly.
This is exactly what I have. While I am not scared of them they are just so disgusting. I don’t know when exactly my “strong aversion” to feet started but I remember when I was like 5 I would run around barefoot all the time. I think it might be that my dad has the same thing and I just wanted to be like him. I do not like talking about them, it always makes me uncomfortable and I hate how mutated they look. Whenever I see them I just can’t look away because they are so nasty and because I need to make sure they stay away from me. I don’t have a problem with my own feet but I always wear socks unless I take a shower. If someone else touches me with their feet, which happens sometimes because my siblings are jerks, there is a feeling where they touched me that just won’t go away. Also why does everyone wear sandals or flip flops or any open toed shoes? They don’t look comfortable and why would people want to look at that. Socks are not that bad, I actually find them more comfortable than going barefoot and tennis shoes are great because they are comfy, look fine and you can actually do things in them.
I’m exactly the same way! It started very badly when I was 8-9 years old, and I don’t know what really happened but just overnight I became overly disgusted with feet. Not really my own, but everyone else’s. It came along with a disgust for floors too. My mind built up this idea that everyone’s feet made their floors dirty with their, well, their footness, I guess (no other words I can think of). And then you’d go to a public place, and carry all the grossness from public floors into the floors of your own home, and then take your shoes and socks off and get all that public floor ickiness on your own feet, and even worse, bring it into your bed and sleep with it!
I’ve gotten better since then luckily. It was so bad when it first happened that I’d never sit on a floor, and I’d never have my shoes and socks off unless I was in bed or in a shower. In fact, when I was younger, I had a little keychain-sized bottle of hand sanitizer in my room that I’d rub all over my feet when I went to bed so that I’d not have everything ‘stuck’ to my feet, but also still be able to walk around barefoot, that way my family wouldn’t think I was weird.
I totally understand that feeling that just sticks on you after someone touches you with their feet. It happens to me all the time, or even with hands if someone was recently touching their own feet (my dad has athlete’s foot, and since his feet are itchy, he sees no problem with just jamming his fingers between his toes and everything. I got the grossed-out chills just thinking about it). My family has a small living room, and my dad likes to never wear shoes or socks inside, and to top it off he has the recliner up all the time so his feet are sticking out in the only walkway to access the kitchen. Anytime I walk past and my leg hits his foot, I have this feeling on that exact spot that will never go away until I’ve ‘de-footed’ it by rubbing some soap and water on it to clean it.
It has made situations like sleepovers very difficult for me. Luckily I’m out of that stage of life/too introverted to actually participate, but when I was more social or in that stage of life, I had to let myself get grossed out by everyone’s bare feet touching everything (including my pillow, thanks people).
I have this strange liberated feeling seeing that more people are just like me. My own parents kinda made fun of me for it when I was 10, just being like “Wow, I’ve never met anyone so touchy that they can’t even walk barefoot. I hope you get over that.” (I’ve told them I’m over it but still had the problem for another 5 years and going after that.) If it is ever brought up again, now I can tell them I’m not a weirdo, and that there’s other people like me.
Also, is there anyone out there whose mom has accidentally said that you have a foot fetish, instead of an aversion to feet? Not even sure why anyone would mention that to someone but my mom did lol.
I have a fear of bare extremities at the end of the legs that used to be extremely severe but has since lessened as I’ve grown up around small children. I don’t know what triggered it, but I also have an intense fear of plastic/rubber materials. People wearing flip-flops is so disgusting to me that I had to hold my breath while writing that so I didn’t get queasy. I don’t like looking at my extremities, and absolutely refuse to go to the pool because there are too many things there.
While I respect others choices and opinions, reading through these comments made me want to barf, badly. I will never understand people with fetishes and people who actually like the mentioned object.
It stated that people with this phobia have a dislike of talking about socks or shoes. Personally, I have never had any qualms about shoes (sandals are not shoes), and am actually a big fan of socks. Is it a universal thing to this phobia?
You are the first person I’ve seen so far that doesn’t use the word. I can’t either. The T word is the worst for me and even thinking about the WORD makes my hands sweat. I’ve hated Leg-ends for as long as I can remember. I think it has to do with my parents really liking them and it was so gross to me I developed such a strong aversion to them. In high school I never ever removed my boots and I always wore black tights and socks. I’m a big fan of socks and shoes because they cover up the thing I hate. I also get extremely uncomfortable when anyone is “pointing” at me with the ends of their legs. But yeah, I found it funny you can’t say that word either.
You literally just described me, I thought I was the only one like this!
SAME! I was so embarrassed and thought I was the only one!
Wow.. I so agree. I thought it was just me..
Okay doc, it also says not everyone’s phobia is the same. Okay sounds good.
I’m not afraid of them. I don’t even hate my own feet. In fact, I think I have beautiful feet, but when someone flashes their legs at me, especially in front of my face, I will get upset and angry. Or seeing someone else constantly touching their feet makes me feel dizzy. That’s so exhausting. When someone puts their feet on my body I really feel like hurting the person at that moment.
I don’t mind my own feet, but hate to see others bare feet. Especially when they are twitching their toes. How bad does it affect your life?
I am the exact same!
It’s ok when people’s feet are far from me and from my eyes, like 2 meters. But when they touch me with their feet.. ew I wanna scream at them!
I’m very bad. I can’t even say the words feet or toes. Yuk, it makes me sick.
I am almost crippled with worrying about my feet getting dirty. I mop my floors, sometimes four times a day. I’m 66. I walk on the sides of my feet till I get socks on!
I don’t like my boyfriend TJ crushing stuff with his feet.
Sorry to hear that.
I have a terrible problem and am having panic attacks all the time right now. Ever since I can remember I have had the fear of toes sticking out from blankets or seeing someone else’s doing the same thing. My toes start to itch under my toenails and then all hell breaks loose! It’s the same thing with the Michael Jackson gloves. Now my greatest fear is coming true. I need to have foot surgery and because it’s a fusion they have to put a cast on it. I told my doctor that he has to cover my toes or I will saw them off! He said he will do the best he can. I can’t even sleep right now because I am so scared. Do you have any suggestions for me? I haven’t seen anyone else writing about my weird phobia.
Even thinking about feet makes me feel nauseous and I hate the idea of seeing my own. One time out of spite my brother shoved his bare feet in my face and I actually threw up.
Is it still podophobia if you are just profoundly disgusted by feet, rather than being freaked out by them? That’s what I got.
That’s the same with me. I don’t freak out, I really just don’t like looking at or touching feet. And when I was younger my mom told me my sister would put her feet in front of me and I would cry. I’m still the same.
I’m stuck on what I should do. I’m going out to a pool party with friends but I’m weirded out of the idea that they might look at my feet and just in general. Can someone tell me what I should do? I was thinking about getting a pedicure but I want other options too!
Yep that’s me. I’ve had this phobia since I was 13. I’m 48 now and it has ruined my life.
Is it normal that I hate the word? I will refuse to have anything to do with them and lash out really bad when anyone goes near them deliberately.
I’ve been in the same boat with podophobia. In my early 20s, I spoke to a therapist about it (along with many other related issues we won’t go into detail on) and it really helps. I am still grossed out and find discomfort in the subject, sight, or thought, but I can be around them now and not actively ask someone to cover their feet. I strongly recommend seeking professional help. It helped me on my journey with this disorder. I can now go to bed without socks on, so that’s a plus, right?
I also hate feet. I am not afraid of them; it’s just hate and disgust. But it’s only male feet that really disgust me. Female feet can be pretty if looking “normal” and not degenerate from lack of care.
I hate flip-flop-wearing guys, and nobody wants to hear that awful sound when they walk or see their disgusting feet. Any open shoes on men disgust me, and nobody wants to see those hideous digits called “toes,” which are despicable in their own way.
Even when I see footprints or sandals with those sole-like imprints in them, I get infuriated and angry.
I went and searched for “why do,” and then it autocompleted ‘I hate my feet.’ I got sucked down a comment reading rabbit hole and forgot what I came to ask initially. I was surprised to find this many people who not only hate feet but feel compelled to discuss at the same time. I have the opposite issue. For me, however, there is a difference between an appealing and an unappealing foot. I won’t go into too much detail because I don’t want to cause any panic attacks. Do you want to know what’s really gross, though? Listening to people chew. Particularly with open mouths. But it’s gross either way if the room is quiet enough.
People’s bare feet are disgusting.
I’ve hated feet all my life, but I actually realized it’s a phobia recently. I’ve always tried to explain to myself that I was afraid of the germs or the dirtiness of bare feet, but even completely clean feet, even baby feet, scare me. And it’s not like the reason for me hating them is that I find them gross. I’m just scared of them irrationally. I can’t see why I would be scared of them, but every time I see, feel or think about feet, I feel extremely repulsed, my heartbeat starts getting faster (my heart is rushing as I’m writing this), and I feel extremely anxious. If someone touches me with their feet, I literally (NOT figuratively) panic, sometimes I scream, and most of the time, I use violence to stop that person from touching my body. Going to the beach is not a problem for me because I’ve gotten used to never looking down, but honestly, it’s hard to cope with such a phobia because everyone is so ignorant and doesn’t recognize it as a true fear. The thing I hate the most is that SO many ads and movies feature feet, like, what on Earth, no one wants to look at feet except foot fetishists. I really want to find a way to cure my phobia. It makes life way harder than it needs to be. Let’s all hope for a better world where everyone wears socks. Amen.
I, too, have the same problem with feet. I feel as if even when I wash my own or when someone else has just washed their feet, I still feel like they’re still dirty. It’s, of course, not true. They are clean, in fact, cleaner than the hands all of the time, but in my mind, feet are just naturally dirty. Luckily I’m able to walk on floors barefoot where family members walk barefoot, but I’m not able to touch the floor without wanting to barf. And I’m completely unable to touch anyone’s socks. I refuse to use other people’s shoes if I have seen them wear them without socks or if they’re worn out. So when I need to borrow crocks or sandals, I have to mentally prepare myself. I just happen to be an artist, and despite my fear of feet, I’m able to draw them quite detailed. I don’t like drawing them, but I have the image of feet branded into my mind, so I know every single detail and how the anatomy works.
I’ve had some instances where people don’t take my phobia seriously, and they try and put their feet up in my face or other body parts. I either get aggressive and attack them, or I run away. Fight or flight, basically.
I recently got better at taking care of my own feet. I try to wash them whenever I’m showering, despite how much it disgusts me. My mother told me that taking care of my own feet should be my first priority when coming over feet.
I hope things get better for you.
I’m an artist, too, and suffer from the same thing. I hate feet. My stomach is in knots thinking about them. I don’t even like to refer to feet by “them” or “feet,” and those five things on them? I can’t even type the word. Like you, I can draw them with great accuracy. I don’t really want to be free of this, however. Somehow I feel like I’m “in the know” of the topic, and I’m better off with the aversion.
I also have this same feeling toward fish.
I really don’t like them. I always wear socks, and I ask other people to wear socks and shoes too. I don’t like to walk where people with bare feet are, and if someone touches me with their feet, I jump away, upset, and go change my clothes. I can’t look at pictures, but I can look at other people’s feet. I think it’s because people around me (my sister’s friends) don’t like wearing shoes. My dad likes to go barefoot all the time and is sick of me not liking feet.
I’m not sure if I have this phobia or not, but yeah, I dislike feet. They’re ugly. I wear socks all the time, even when I’m sleeping. Everybody is like, “How in the world can you keep your socks on all the time?” Yet I don’t know how other people can stay barefoot whenever and wherever they want. Also, I feel like I’d be disliked if I stayed barefoot. Well, it’s not true, but I may dislike myself when I’m barefoot. And I think my cousin has this problem, too; he never takes off his socks, so I think I might have this phobia by genetic means. However, I’m trying to overcome it. I sometimes try to take off my socks while I’m sleeping or, I don’t know, try not to think about it, but still, they irritate me.
I hate feet. The shape of them is literally disgusting and ugly. They get hard skin, they smell, and they get all gnarled and terrifying-looking. I especially hate the soles, and I hate that other people show me them, like at a pool, etc. – I find it offensive. I don’t want to look at them, and they’re forcing me to. Sandals are just as bad. Moreover, I hate the words ‘feet’ and ‘foot,’ but they match the ugliness of the actual things. It annoys me feet are used as a measurement, too. You don’t say, ‘the plane climbed 100 hands’. It’s dumb. I cringe when people use the word freely.