The fear of speed or Tachophobia is the abnormal, often unwarranted fear of doing something too fast. This could include driving, biking, sitting in roller coasters or even simple activities like walking too fast. In some surprising cases, the phobic could even be afraid of talking or eating too fast or experiencing a fast paced life. In a majority of the cases though, the fear of speed is only related to the fear of motion. The word Tachophobia originates from Greek ‘tachos’ meaning ‘speed’ and ‘phobos’ meaning deep dread or aversion.
The fear of speed is quite a common phobia, and many men and women around the world suffer from it. To an extent it is also a very normal phobia, as everyone knows that speed thrills but it can also kill. In a majority of Tachophobic individuals, the fear does not interfere with one’s day-to-day life; though, in some cases, it could affect one’s job and/or personal activities. For example, the individual might refuse to travel in airplanes, cars, buses, trains etc or even refuse promotions because the job entails travel. Others might simply refuse to leave their homes due to the fear of encountering speedy buses, trains or cars.
Causes of Tachophobia
- Tachophobia generally stems from a negative experience in the past; the phobic (or someone dear to him/her) might have been badly hurt owing to speed.
- Apart from a negative experience, stress can also cause the fear of speed phobia. Any form of stress leads to anxiety which, in turn, leads to negative thought patterns that are often difficult to change.
- The fear of driving is also closely associated with Tachophobia. People my be afraid of driving alone or might simply refuse to get inside a vehicle.
- Additionally, the fear of speed is closely related to the fear of death or Thanatophobia. When sitting in a speeding vehicle, the phobic might experience thoughts of death or dying.
- Even a fast paced life can trigger fear in people suffering from fear of speed. The thought of one’s kids growing up too fast and subsequently leaving for college, getting married; settling far away etc can all lead to anxiety and depression.
- Recently, there was a case in UK, where a motorist experienced full blown panic attack at the mere sight of speed cameras on the roadway. This individual had never been caught speeding but the mere thought of being observed by such a camera led him to experience a full blown panic attack-for which he was made to seek professional help.
- News reports, TV shows, movies with fast action sequences which ultimately result in accidents etc can also cause phobia of speed in people with already anxious mindsets.
Thus, there is no single cause that could lead to the fear of speed. It could be due to some adrenal deficiency, a problem in the amygdala (the part of the brain that deals with emotions and fears) or simply a negative experience in one’s past.
Symptoms of fear of speed
From mild anxiety to full blown panic attack, the fear of speed can lead to various symptoms:
- The patient might shiver, tremble, and shake at the thought of speed.
- Movie scenes with speeding cars etc can also lead to a full blown panic attack.
- The phobic might experience racing heart, sweaty hands, shortness of breath etc
- Some might refuse to leave their homes particularly when it comes to traveling in buses, cars or trains.
- The thought of going on roller coasters, motorcycles etc could cause one to freeze.
Depression and anxiety also forms a major part of the phobic’s life. Friends and family often do not understand what the phobic is experiencing as a result of which, s/he feels even more isolated.
Treatment for Tachophobia
Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the most effective methods for treating this phobia. In extreme cases, doctors might also prescribe anti -anxiety medications- though these are not the best solution owing to their side effects.
Hypnotherapy and NLP or neuro-linguistic programming can also help one overcome their fear of speed. Both therapies help get to the bottom of the fear to change one’s negative thinking patterns. Systematic desensitization-exposing the phobic gradually to speed under the guidance of an expert-can help one overcome the phobia.
Additionally, phobics could also try self help remedies like meditation, positive visualization etc to reduce anxiety experienced due to their Tachophobia.
I have fear of speed, especially when I think about sitting behind a bike or going for some roller coaster rides I become worried. Any suggestions?
Hello I have actually had this phobia for my whole life, even in childhood. I could not ride a bike or play slide and sowing and now I have become afraid of speed in a car. I really don’t know what to do if it gets worse. I also fear heights.
hi youre the same as me pls get back to me about how you are these days hortash
I have this fear of speed. Something or should I say anything that can happen in a flash affects me easily. Eg sudden sound, mice, bicycle riding, high speed cars. I need help pls email me if you have any. Thanks.
I’m afraid to sit down on the back of a bike, car or bus. I really feel helpless, please help me.
I have been having this fear of going too fast which causes so many phenomena inside my body which are inexplicable. I would scream out and scratch insanely in my childhood. Till now, I am experiencing that fear more often but not in Trains only. Expect expert’s advice about going for “Systematic desensitization”.
Thank you for a very informative article about the fear of speed. I’ve coped with driving anxiety most of my adult life. I’ve largely recovered now, but didn’t understand my fear of going too fast very well.
I STILL don’t like to go fast, and your article has given me deeper insight into that.
Thanks again!
Greg what did you do to help with the awful fear of speed my big problem is driving far from home atm its so silly but that’s how I feel. a feeling like how will I get back home safe. would you belive certain parts of the road too make me feel uneasy if the surface of the road is not great. another thing is I tend to take back roads for the passed three years.
Dear Greg i am also afraid of a car that moves fast and what worries me most is that i have to Travel in and out every day and i have noticed that i have become selective of drivers and would not want to go out and enjoy life with friends because of this Fear of fast cars.
I hope you can help me by sharing how you have overcome your Phobia.
Hi Greg I need help on this its getting worse I’m afraid I’m loosing touch with my 6 year old which pains my heart.
yes if I was living in a city I wouldn’t have this problem at all the fear of driving far and speed it what scares me so much I am so sorry to hear what happen to you have you had it long?
I have this fear since I was a grader. I am still suffering from it and I think I need professional help.
I’m afraid of roller coasters and sometimes I don’t feel comfortable while I’m in a car
I have a fear of sitting behind someone on a bike even if the speed is 40km/h this happens to me so much so i feel like my heart contracted and i couldn’t breath for a second (it doesn’t feel good at all) Not only bikes i used to ride a small bus with plenty of people for 90 min and this bus goes fast it actually make me nervous and the same heart contraction and inability to breathe for a second also comes and this happens to me only if I’m not the one who’s driving because when i drive i can go as fast as i want without feeling nothing. In addition, when those things happen to me (nervous, heart contraction) i feel that i can’t take it and i think that if I’m on a bike either the driver should slow down so much or jump off the bike the same in the bus or i just say to the bus driver please i wanna stop here. Could i be informed of whats happening with me and how could i solve these issues? Thank you.
Situation 1, i feel the same situation that you are facing. If I drive myself on my motorcycle at 40km/h then it is ok but above 60km/h i feel nervousness and I think that my heart will fail or stop beating if I go on at this speed and slow my motorcycle.
But, in situation 2 I am sitting behind anyone else who drive in a car or a motorcycle and only then I feel nervousness at 40km/h only.
I am not supposed to go with my family and relatives in car or train, bus, flight, only by myself – driving on my motorcycle at 40km/h is my only transportation.
Not too far (if it is very important then I take sleeping and travel pills). I am very tired from this, please give me advice on how to come out from this problem and when I travel, relaxing and enjoying the journey with my family and friends.
I feel very shy to tell anyone to please drive slow, i have a fear of speed and they can tell you have a fear of speed.
OMG. I’m facing the same. I was good since that day came. I was going to my class by taking a bus to the nearby City. I took the window seat. Suddenly, that indescribable fear came. I felt strange. My hand got chilled. My heart was beating fast. I was tempted to tell my bus driver to stop the bus. I felt i couldn’t bear it anymore. Suddenly, I stood. From that day, I’m having this fear. I have no idea, whether it’s a fear of speed, air or fear to travel. I’m facing this phobia. My family or friends do not understand this well. I can’t even travel in trains or cars either. I thought it was only busses. It’s going very bad.
Same here. I though I was the only person to have this feeling. I hope it gets better with time.
Oh My God! I am so happy that i found people who are just suffering like me. I too have this strange phobia. It is really crazy! One day i was traveling in bus while returning from my hometown. Suddenly i felt like a pressure on my chest, my heart started to beat fast, i started to sweat, i felt like jumping out of the bus, i felt like shouting at the bus driver to stop. It was really crazy and bad. Later i experienced the same thing while traveling on cars and motorbikes. Motorbikes are the worst. I am too shy to tell someone to go slow or stop. 40kmph to 60kmph is ok but if anyone exceeds that speed i feel like that is the last moment of my life. I am really scared if it never cures. Please tell me why it happens.
I had such fear when I was a kid, but it got vanished after I grew up. I witnessed the same fear again when I was having a ball with my friends at an amusement park. Although, I don’t like amusement parks and all the swings, still on the urge of my friends I sat on one of them. The moment it started, it was all fine for few seconds. But, all of a sudden my heart started contracting and I started feeling that I would die in a moment or so. I didn’t know how to overcome it and I screamed to the operator to switch it off.
It’s been about an year since I sat on that swing and I still hesitate sitting on a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler. It’s been an year since I have travelled in a train, bus or plane.
Let me tell you all that there is only one GOD who takes care of us. His name is Jesus Christ. I know that I myself been suffering from the same problem as yours but trust me, Jesus is the only way through which you can heal. Medicines and therapies would help you to a certain limit but praying to Jesus would certainly help you find the right remedy. I will be healed soon and I also pray for your well-being. AMEN.
Mohammad, there is nothing wrong with you. It’s just that we don’t like speed. And sadly in a world where everything is fast paced. Where there’s fast foods; smart phones; expressways (highways); autobahns (depending where you are from. Everyone is always in a hurry and rushing; and now it seems that more people are high strung; drinking lots of caffeine. No wonder everyone is speeding. Everyone but people like us. So don’t think that anything is wrong with you. We are just slow, patient individuals who aren’t in any rush to get into accidents; have a rush of adrenaline everyday all day. So continue to relax and find ways around that won’t stress you or your heart. Because there is nothing wrong with that.
How do you overcome this fear when driving? I have started driving since last year. I am afraid of driving at 30mph. But the fear is not so much when I sit in a bus, or cab. Will I ever overcome this fear when driving, or leave driving? I also have motion sickness on long drives and while traveling in hilly regions, which I try to cope with by using certain medicines.
I got hit by a bike before when I was in primary school. I thought it was finally gone but just last year August 6, 2018 after I resigned from my first job. I got hit by a bike again. I’m 23 years old now and about to graduate college (I’m a working student). I am crossing the road and I can see this person driving from a far distance, while crossing a two way lane I took a glimpse on the other side of the road and found out it’s clear, however when I look back to the bike I noticed its running so fast and I was left standing in the middle of the road and I tried to pull my feet to dodge the strike but it was too late. It hit me on the side and I hit my head on the asphalt, I lost my senses, in just a second there’s a lot of people helping me to stand, giving me a tissue paper because my face’s covered with blood. Good thing there was a police officer in the place and they sent me straight to the hospital. And now I think my fear of speed is getting worse and worse.
In 2015 I broke my arm going down a hill on a scooter and ever since then I’ve had a really big fear of going fast when I know I’m unsafe. When I’m in a car I’m fine but out on a bike really gets me and I just can’t do it. Before the broken bone I would be fast but the broken bone triggered the fear.
I drive very fast without fear, however, when I’m in a vehicle which drive fast, I literally get panic attacks and I get the fear of death thus all the negative feelings start falling into my head. How can I get over this?
I am 42 years old now but I have had this problem of speed fear since my college days. Say when I was 14 to 15 years old I used to avoid going through auto rickshaws sometimes even through trains. But after I completed college that problem didn’t persist long. I was able to move again in good speed. But now I have come across the same problem. I don’t have any idea why I have this again after so many years. Whenever the vehicle is going fast, also on slopes, I feel very much afraid. I just cant bear that speed. Please help me overcome this.
Same here. I’m 17 and can’t handle speed. I feel frozen inside while the car is going on slopes or if the train starts accelerating.
I’m 12 and after about 40/kmh I start panicking, after 50/kmh I’m struggling to breathe and I can’t feel my legs and I almost faint. Can anybody tell me about this?
I am 17. I have been experiencing this since I was 8. I feel exactly as you feel. I only experience this in motorcycles and not in cars. IDK why, but it’s a lot better now. I know how to drive a motorcycle so everyday I drive my bike for 5 minutes at 40km/hr. Every week I gradually increase my speed. Now I am comfortable with riding my bike at 100km/hr, but I am still not comfortable riding in roller coasters. Also, don’t feel shy to talk to your parents.
I’m 15 and when I sit in a car that is riding fast I become worried. When I wanna cross the street, specially when cars are riding too fast or a big vehicle like truck or buss are passing, I’m afraid. Sometimes my phobia makes me cry. In severe cases my muscles contract.
Here is a new one for this post. I’d like to see if anyone else experiences this? When I am in a vehicle and someone else is driving, I often get what I consider to be a sort of short seizure that makes me squirm. This also happens when I am watching movies and it shows a first person position where you feel like you are on the move. Even though I am not moving, my mind tells me that I am and the seizure happens. The closest I can explain the feeling is a tickling inside my stomach and insides like an extreme feeling you get when you top a hill really quickly and drop suddenly. I can almost control it and have less trouble when I have had some alcohol or sedative type drug like Valium. I know it’s mental now. Just don’t know what to do about it. It does become limiting as I won’t ride coasters or motorcycles or ATVs with others driving. I just can’t stand to.
I don’t know why but sometimes when my anxiety starts, i try to calm down by holding someones hands and my hand is sweating at the same time. Sleeping in the car is much easier when i have tachophobia. Sometimes i count using my hands to keep calm but people will just say i’m a weird child.
I have the same exact problems and feel the same way. I found this thread because I have to take a business trip and the thought of getting on a plane in a few days is killing me.
Oh, exactly. When I am the driver I can easily drive fast with high acceleration but if others are driving and me sitting in the car or back of a motorcycle and driving faster than almost 50 ~ 60 km per hour, I feel sick. My body starts trembling or shaking and I bend over my body and close my eyes unintentionally asking the driver to stop or slow down. Roller coasters and motorcycles are my nightmares. Unfortunately no one around understands my feelings and people start making jokes about it which is even worse.
Hi! I experience exactly the same as you are. I’m 50 years old. I have had this my whole life, and it has ruined it.
The only (small) consolation is knowing I’m not alone. I just recently told my husband I have this, and we’ve been married for 13 years, together for almost 26! I’ve never told anyone else.
I have that sensation too! I’ve had a fear of speed for as long as I can remember. I had a horrible memory of getting on a roller-coaster with my sister, and halfway, I was on the floor pressing against it with fear! I hate it, and it only gets worse as I get older.
I feel the same way. I thought I was the only one with this feeling in the stomach where it tickles, and I can’t seem to control it when driving, which makes me scared to drive because I’m afraid of losing control.
I get the exact same. I’ll be in a car and when it accelerates too fast, I do a silly little jolt and I feel like I cant breath. It’s disturbing my life now even though I’ve had it since a child, but I refuse to get on a plane and when I’m dozing off I might dream I’m flying at a crazy speed and it wakes me straight up. I wonder if there’s anything to overcome this. I’m a 30 year old male and it still scares me.
I’m nearly 33 now and it’s gotten worse. I have therapy tomorrow, can’t even leave my house much nowadays.
I have a fear of driving fast, or cars driving fast anywhere near me. Going down a hill is the absolute worst for me. I literally pray to God every single time that I make it home safely with my kids. My heart pounds fast, my hands start to sweat, it’s hard to focus, and I’m so scared! Also when I drive in the slow lane, and a car is merging onto the freeway, I almost feel like I can’t control myself because I am so extremely scared I am going to die.
Me too, I’m a mom also and it triggers more when someone is in the passenger seat! What should I do?
Oh goodness, me too. I thought I was the only one that felt like that. I’m a mom too.
In the last few years, I have been terrified I will accelerate into another car or a building (while parking). I panic in the middle lane feeling no way to pull over if overwhelmed. I had trouble learning to get up to speed on highways in drivers ed 40 years ago and have now given up highways. My anxiety is so heightened on them. Not sure at all what to do or if I want to do anything about it. I don’t want to risk hurting anyone.
I too have this phobia. It’s ruining my life. I can’t fly either. My dad lives in another country and I just can’t go and see him. This fear came all of a sudden after I gave birth to a child. I thought it had to do with hormones, but here I read males are also having this problem. I can’t understand anything. Hope we all get better.
Finally, I found my people.
Hello everyone. I am from Portugal and I suffer from Tachophobia since I can remember. Growing up in a poor family didn’t give me the chance to have treatment for this issue and no one gave me motion sickness medication. I would throw up during car trips and my older sister remembers that I felt very scared and grabbed the seatbelt so tight that my knuckles went white. When I got older I became much better at controlling my phobia and I didn’t need to take medication because I didn’t throw up anymore. I could even travel by plane without any problems and when I traveled by bus or in fast trains I would simply close the window curtain when the speed increased. The bumps still bothered me but I managed it well. It was when I turned 28 years old (I am now 32) that this phobia really hit me. I became much more sensitive to speed and the bumps bothered me so much that my heart raced incredibly fast and I had the kind of “seizures” that Allen described. I became very anxious every time I had to travel. But I didn’t give up traveling because I love to visit new places. I can endure my trips better by taking motion sickness medication. It helps me most of the time as it numbs the feeling of free falling. I went to the doctors and they said that there was nothing wrong with my health, that I was just sensitive to motion and that I was a very anxious person. The Neurologist strongly advised me to take a mild calming medication but I refused. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the doctors but they don’t know all the complexities of the human body because it is physical but it also has another kind of body connected to it. Before I went to these doctors I asked for the opinion of a natural healer and he told me that my fear began in the olfactive system because I started feeling afraid when I heard the engines starting. It made sense. He also recommended me to drink Rosemary tea with garlic. Although the Rosemary tea didn’t solve my problem entirely, it really helped me a lot. A few days ago I had to take a 15 minute bus ride and I drank the tea beforehand. I was much calmer and I didn’t take any medication to endure the short trip. It doesn’t seem to be much of a big deal but it is for me because a few months ago I almost had a panic attack before taking that bus. I still take the motion sickness pills when I take long travels but sometimes I have to rest my head on the window, close my eyes and grab the armrest as hard as I can when I have to travel in fast trains. I think that it also helps if you take a run to catch the public transportation because it levels the adrenaline and you can also put a few Peppermint oil drops in your sleeves to smell it in order to help you breathe better. I sincerely hope that I can be of any help to you and I think that we must stick together because we are just few in this immense indifferent crowd that cannot understand us. It is a never-ending nightmare to be stuck inside our own minds and fears. Tachophobia is a very fast and wild horse that we must tame. And remember that: Every fear is just the fear of losing control. Take care everyone.
You single-handedly cured my tachophobia.
My fear is driving too fast so I’m constantly glancing at the speedometer to make sure I’m not going beyond the speed limit or over 50mph. I also seem to have the fear of driving long distances alone even if it’s just 10 miles away. The first time I had to drive what I consider a long distance was driving my mom from Toms River, NJ to our house in Little Egg Harbor, around 40 miles. It also didn’t help that I only had a permit at the time.
I have this fear and I can’t cope with my everyday life. I cannot sit on the front seat of a car and I can’t travel long distances because I get panic attacks. I cannot ride on bikes and I’m afraid to travel alone. This is kinda ruining my life because my head starts spinning and I usually get panic attacks every time I use a fast moving vehicle. Sometimes I even throw up. My chest tightens and I get cramps, then I start shaking, get chills and a fast heartbeat. It’s not easy coping with it. I usually sleep when I’m in a car to avoid embarrassing myself. How do I cope with this anxiety disorder?
Please let me know what you have done to overcome these feelings.
It’s the same situation here. Tensity takes over when I’m in speed, especially when going downhill. It frightens me.
Now I have a strategy for you: before taking a speedy vehicle or the roller coaster, do what I’m about to tell you.
– Watch something that’s going to make you laugh
This helps you loosen the tension when at high speed.
– Take deep breathes for a minimum of 2 minutes
This will calm your nerves, helping you overcome the fear of speed.
– Importantly, be present by being aware of your inner state
This gives you control over your emotions (fear) and mind (negative thoughts), helping you enjoy and have fun at high speed.
Same as me. My phobia is getting worse and worse, day by day. I don’t know what to do. That’s why I’m not able to go on trips.
Me also, I don’t know what to do. I want to cure this phobia.
Sometimes I even faint while a vehicle is speeding.
I have a fear of speeding cars when I’m driving near them. To be honest, I think that fear has some truth to it, and that is why it’s hard to correct the fear. I don’t like driving fast either. But I’m adventurous in other ways, like traveling to other countries or speaking in front of people. As I got older, I also started to have a phobia of steep mountains. I grew up in a hilly area, but as I’ve aged, it really upsets me. I’m sure everyone has some fears or phobias.
I understand your fear. I’m 77 years old and have traveled with my son and daughter-in-law for four years. The speed gets to me. They seem to get faster every year. We just returned from a trip to Florida. They hit between 80 and 85 mph and no slowing down. By the time I get home to Texas, I am wiped out. I don’t know what to do.
I agree. Cars make me feel like I have a tight feeling in my chest. I freak out especially going downhill above 30 MPH.
I can’t get into any form of vehicle (other than bikes) without getting this tight feeling in my chest and then screaming. I never go in vehicles anymore because of this phobia. It affects my day-to-day life and has caused multiple mental problems.
You don’t have tachophobia on bikes? That’s lucky; bikes are used in my daily life, and I can’t go faster than two mph on them without thinking about the possibility of hitting a streetlight and breaking multiple bones.
I get chills every time I try to ride a bike, go on a roller coaster, or even walk downhill faster than four mph, ten mph, or two mph, respectively.
Everyone’s fear of this is extreme; I only get chills while some people pass out.