Arachnophobia or the fear of spiders is the oldest and most common phobia in the Western culture. The word Arachnophobia is derived from the Greek word ‘arachne’ meaning spiders. The response to spiders shown by an arachnophobic individual may seem irrational to others and often to the sufferer himself.
Causes of Arachnophobia
Scientists who have studied this fear of spiders explain it to be a result of evolutionary selection. This means that Arachnophobia is an evolutionary response, since spiders, especially the venomous ones, have always been associated with infections and disease. Hence, the fear of spiders triggers a “disgust response” in many individuals.
A study conducted in the UK on 261 adults showed that nearly 32% women and 18% men in the group felt anxious, nervous or extremely frightened when confronted with a spider(real or images).
The exact causes of Arachnophobia are different for different people:
- For some people, it is a learned response: they learn to fear spiders after having seen others being fearful.
- An imbalance in brain chemicals may be linked with Arachnophobia
- The fear of spiders can be a family or cultural trait: many people in Africa are known to fear large spiders whereas in South Africa, where they eat spiders, most are unafraid.
- Traumatic experience in the past involving spiders is another reason for Arachnophobia.
Symptoms of Arachnophobia
Initial symptoms of arachnophobia or the fear of spiders may appear in one’s childhood or adolescence. However, following a traumatic episode, some or all of the following symptoms may be present at all ages when the sufferer is confronted with the object of the phobia, in this case, a spider.
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness
- Hot or cold flashes
- Feeling of going crazy and losing control
- Chest pain
- Feeling of choking
- Inability to distinguish between reality and unreality
- Trembling sweating
- Thoughts of death
- Nausea or other gastrointestinal distress
In some arachnophobic individuals, these symptoms may be triggered merely by anticipating contact with a spider. Even the sight or mention of cobwebs can trigger such a response.
Treatment for fear of spiders
True sufferers of the fear of spiders have an extreme aversion to these creatures so much so, that their daily life may be adversely impacted. These individuals show an active need to avoid areas where spiders may be present. A combination of therapy, counseling, and medications must be used to treat this fear.
It is important that one aggressively seek out the chosen treatment for it to be effective. Medicines like benzodiazepines are helpful in reducing the intensity of the reactions in presence of spiders, but they must be used sparingly and under medical supervision. Relaxation techniques like meditation and positive reaffirmations also form an essential part of the therapy.
One of the more modern methods of treating Arachnophobia includes systematic desensitization. This is a method that has been used for treating many different phobias. The goal of gradual desensitization is to slowly eliminate one’s Arachnophobia and help the individual cope with fear. An application called Phobia Free is known to utilize this gradual exposure technique to help people overcome their fear of spiders. It is available for tablet computers and Smartphone devices. This app, which has been reviewed and approved by the NHS of UK, uses game-play and relaxation methods to help one confront spiders (or other objects of fear).
If you or someone you know is severely impacted by the fear of spiders then it is essential to seek help in order to lead a more relaxed life. It is possible to eliminate Arachnophobia but the first step is to ask for help in order to learn to cope and eliminate the fear completely.
I have a really bad fear of spiders
so do I. I cant stand to see one.
I love spiders, they are the best insect/creepy crawler ever.
My fear of spiders is so bad I have nightmares of them crawling all over me or even coming out of my ears and mouth. I was never scared of spiders as a kid, I used to pick them up and keep them in my room, but now even the thought of spiders has me having a panic attack.
I know how you feel.
I know how you feel. I start to become so paranoid that I even hallucinate about spiders. I’ve also been sleeping in the living room for a while because of a spider in my bedroom. That was about three days ago, and the spider is dead. I hate my phobia.
I hate spiders, every time I see one I scream at the top of my lungs.
I do the same thing I refused to sleep in my room for three weeks because I saw a spider in it its terrible
I hate spiders but I am not scared of them..
Even money spiders scare me and even the word spider makes me feel like I’m being crawled over by spiders.
I am terrified of spiders. If I see one tiny spider, I freak out and run out of the room, and I won’t come back until I know for sure that it is dead and gone. I can’t sit in the area where it was without really like feel spiders are everywhere and getting really anxious. When I see pictures of spiders I shriek and look away.
I’m also terrified, there was a gigantic one in my bathroom earlier today.
I see a spider and I immediately panic. I am constantly soaking my floors with vinegar and lemon pinesol. I have called exterminators numerous times but they cost a ton. I haven’t slept in a week and a half since moving back home where the house is filled with spiders. My college dorm never had spiders.. They are mostly in my room of course, although it is very clean. If I see webs I freakout. I am constantly itchy and nervous because I keep thinking about spiders. I wish they didn’t exist… I live my life in stress and pain and I cry all the time because I see spiders, hear the word or other stupid things. I am so legitimately scared that I am sitting on my couch at 4am right now in the fetal position crying and itching and freaking out. I don’t know what to do. I hate this life. I don’t want to live it anymore.
Here’s my advice:
Just remember that spiders fear you as much as you fear them. They run off as soon as you come near them, or they freeze in hopes that you won’t see them. The only time one would ever bite you would be if it thought you were about to kill it. And you know, the chance of having a spider on you, even in the night when you’re asleep, is about the same as winning the lottery. All the myths about them crawling into your bed and biting you are just made up, as they prefer to stick to corners and uninhabited places. Meditation and talking to friends will help, too.
When I see holes or run into a spiderweb I get tight feelings in my chest and I know I’m only young but I feel like it’s going to get worse and also when people talk about them I leave because I think I’m going to see one.
And when I do see one I feel unsafe in that area for weeks and I also cry when I see them.
Is that normal?
I hate the feeling of being near them.
It’s normal for me! I cry and scream, all the things you said, and if there’s anyone else around, I insist they MUST kill it and then wash their hands. Some of them laugh at me, but they always kill it for me!
I think they look like evil embodied, and that being afraid of them is a sign of advanced consciousness. Anyone that’s repulsed by them is repulsed by evil. A friend of mine once said there’s two things in the world that are evil.. spiders and lawyers.
I’m willing to pay an exterminator to not have to be traumatized by seeing one in my house. I can’t deal with pictures of them, either, same reaction as in real life. They’re just so ugly that I can’t even look! I can’t even say the word.. I say “icky thing”. I wish they didn’t exist.
I fear spider and zika
Dont worry it is normal, i would kill myself if there was a spider on me so its ok.
I’ve always been afraid of spiders for as long as I can remember. Last night, in the middle of the night, I went to the bathroom in my room and saw a huge one in my shower. I had to watch it run around and could not get the courage to grab a tissue and kill it. I went back to bed and ended up having a nightmare that the same one was in my room too, and was gonna crawl into my bed. Now I’m fully awake at 4 am, too afraid to go back to sleep and I feel like they’re crawling all over me. The spider is still in my shower and I have no idea whether it’s alive still, and it’s whereabouts. Ugh.
I have a huge fear of spiders, one time there was one giant spider next to the doorway in my room and I wouldn’t get out for 2 hours.
The mother of all arachnophobics:
I once dated a girl in Eugene, Or (lots of spiders there) who was SO arachnophobic that the mere sight of ANY kind of the 8-legged bugs would make her INSTANTLY FAINT.
If she walked in a room and there was a spider in the peripheral of her vision, even so far to the side that she wasn’t even conscious that she had seen it, she would instantly drop to the ground. Even if the spider wasn’t moving and was so well hidden that I would have a hard time finding it, in spite of knowing it was there somewhere.
What’s funny is that she didn’t even know she was arachnophobic! At the sight of a spider, she would faint so quickly that she never remembered seeing spiders once she woke back up. And videos or pictures didn’t bother her and dead spiders didn’t make her uncomfortable at all. She had no recollections of any trauma or event that might have led to this and wasn’t aware of any discomfort regarding spiders. Although, she didn’t remember ever having any good interactions with spiders or even seeing one alive in real life. She didn’t remember having ANY interaction with a spider; good or bad. EVER! Probably because she would faint instantly at the sight of them.
She and her parents always just thought that she had inexplicable fainting spells. She had worked with doctors for so long in vain to find the cause that she had just accepted that she might never know. It had never posed an actual physical danger (other than falling onto hard objects), so they were at a loss as to what to do.
When I figured out what it was, it changed her life. She never went into garages, attics or basements again and started wearing sunglasses that have little blockers to the side of her vision.
Isn’t that bizarre?
I wonder if mites and ticks would’ve bothered her? Many of them have only 6 legs until adulthood.
What get’s me, is why wouldn’t lobsters or crabs bother her? Sure, they have ten legs, TECHNICALLY. But the front pair look more like arms, leaving 8 feet on the ground.
Or what about anomurans? They are like crabs, but one pair of legs are hidden inside their shell, leaving 8 exposed legs.
I’ve had so many bad encounters it’s ridiculous! This happened last week. I always check my walls before I go to bed. I’ve had to kill a few spiders and for the rest of the night I’d lie awake feeling like they are crawling on me. It just so happened my boyfriend was staying the night. He turned off the light and I freaked. I hopped up and checked the walls. Sure enough right above my side of the bed was this huge thick daddy longlegs. I broke out crying and he laughed. But when he saw that I was really out of it he felt bad. Had I not checked the wall that thing could’ve landed on me in my sleep, then I really would’ve died. I couldn’t sleep for days. Even writing it gives me chills.
Back when I was 6 years old, me, my brother and my dad saw a huge house spider. It was in the back of the wall and I was like “Woah, it’s huge”, but still I really don’t fear them, I’m just terrified and freaked out by them and also, we have little house spiders in our house.. eww.
Im afraid of spiders so badly, its my dads fault he is the one who threw a tarantula on my head when i was 6 and i cried so badly however if there was a spider on me, like a big one, this is not a joke but i would kill myself or cry forever.
Why did your dad throw a tarantula at your head? Are you OK? How’s the tarantula?
Who cares about the tarantula?
I’m crying right now and I can’t stop. I live in Texas, in an rv park and happen to see lots of eggs, then I saw the actual spider. It is a black widow! I’ve managed to eliminate most eggs but I couldn’t kill her. She was fast. I tried with bleach and hairspray as much as I could, and she still hid. I’m over paranoid and my husband gets upset with me for freaking out and crying. I’m very scared!
I have got a few fears. One of them is blood, I cannot handle people describing anything to do with cuts or blood or seeing something really disgusting. I feel faint and sick, and it’s getting bad. Thanks for any advice.
Oh my gosh we are absolute twins! I faint at blood too! And my name is bella.. Omg!
Ever since I was little (like probably 5 years old), I have had an irrational fear towards spiders. Every time I see one, I have to get someone to deal with it. Just seeing an image of one freaks me out! I am now 24 and my dad has been telling me “to get over it”. Unfortunately, my dad does not seem to realize that this is not something “to get over”. How do I get my dad to realize that my fear is not something to get over easily?
My dad always says that to me. Right now there’s a huge spider in my room. It fell onto my face. It’s 12:47 am and I can’t sleep because of this spider T-T
Show him how scared you are its ok you have fears with spiders, look nearly everyone here has the same fear as you, and me the most.
I’m not just scared of spiders I suffer from zoo phobia fear of all animals
I don’t know how to catalog it, but I have arachnophobia (kinda), because I more specifically fear tarantulas. I can see a NORMAL spider and I don’t get scared, but if I see a tarantula.. GOD! Even once my phobia went so far I shot a tarantula with a shotgun (really).
What can I do?
What is this specific phobia called?
I believe I have the exact opposite kind of arachnophobia as you. Tarantulas are one of the two kinds of spiders that I’m NOT afraid of, the other being those cute little jumping spiders. Of course we don’t have wild tarantulas here in Georgia.. but what we do have is wolf spiders, and they can get as big as tarantulas. It makes me laugh that you shot a tarantula with a gun, and you did not specify that it was a pellet or bb gun.. so I assume it was a regular gun with bullets.. even funnier.
Hi there. I have a fear of crackers . Please help.
I went to go sweep the floor and a huge spider fell out of the broom! I dropped the broom and ran and I’m not going back in until SOMEONE kills it.
I have an extreme fear of bugs. Any bug besides butterflies and dragonflies make me shake and have panic attacks. Even if I look at a picture of a bug I start shaking and crying. For some reason the bug I’m scared of most are ladybugs. My mom always tells me to get over my fear and that I’m being babyish but I know it’s extreme because I go to great heights to get away from them. I barely go outside anymore and if there is a bug in my room I sleep in the bathroom. I really need help because I don’t want this fear to take over my life.
What’s so funny is that I had to rush through reading the first few lines of this article because right beside it was a picture of the hideous beast. I used to like the movie arachnophobia but now I can’t watch it.
I considered getting one of those insect repellent sound wave things but then people say that before the spiders leave that they see a lot of activity first. I don’t want their activity to increase, I want them gone without seeing them. Several years ago when I was living at home a huge, hairy tarantula crawled from behind my dresser when I woke up.. my mother thought someone was killing me because of how much I screamed, I opened the door and it crawled out later to be found in my sisters room where my father killed it. The thought of it in my room over night made me paranoid.
I use insect barriers, lemon cleaners and peppermint oils to repel them. Peppermint oil works very well.
Spiders are a intense fear I’ve had since i was 9 months, i was walking and running and i do remember what happened with the spider, i was sleeping and it crawled up my legs went under my tops and next to my face and it started moving its legs around on my face, i was just lead there still as a statue, then it started crawling in my hair and then i climbed out of my crib shaking my head then it landed on my hand, i smacked it on the wall and it fell down and started running towards me, limping, and I’ve seen some big spiders in my life, even at night if i wake up to a spider on my wall where I’m sleeping i will move my bed to the other side of the room! I pass out, cry, scream and get dry mouthed and sweaty.
Hello Jacob! I am writing an essay for our research class and I have used your articles for it (fear of spiders, top 10 phobias and fear of love). I was wondering if you could email me the publication date for all of these for our APA reference. Thank you very much!
For days I have seen a spider above my bed and I haven’t been in my room since..
I saw a spider in my closet and havent been in there since, and its been three years.
I wanted to know if different arachnophobics have different reactions to seeing, talking and feeling a spider, because me and some friends got into an arguement because they say that everyone who has arachnophobia cant talk about it is that true?
No, not at all. EVERYBODY is different.
I can’t stand spiders and my family thinks I’m nuts! How can I get my family to believe me that spiders are scary?
You could just say that spiders can kill you that’s what made me have a fear of spiders and now when I see pictures of them I think they’re on me and I drop my phone.
When I was at school they had a rubber spider and threw it on me and I cried and jumped and ran out the door full speed to the office.
When I was around 6 I went into the bathroom and saw a huge, furry spider on the wall and screamed my head off. For around 5 years I never went into that bathroom again (now I’m okay) and then one night driving home there was a spider on the front windscreen and on my window and I started having a panic attack mainly because before I had the window open. Ever since I have panic attacks whenever people talk about spiders or I see a spider (real or pictures). I always have a panic attack and can’t breathe and I feel like thousands of spiders are crawling all over me. My friends think I’m stupid and make fun of me and “try to get me over my fear” by saying stuff like big furry tarantula crawling all through your hair down your face into your mouth you feel it in your throat and I just freak out and scream and run. Any suggestions on what I should do??
I am giving a speech on this Phobia and was wondering about the credibility of the source. Please give me any information to help so this would be a viable citation. I really like the article a lot and prefer to use it, thanks!
Hello! I was using your article on Arachnophobia in a research paper (APA style) , and I was wondering if I could have the publication information and the references to the different statistics so I would be able to cite them! Thank You!
Hi, I would like to use this article for my research paper in school, could I please have the release date?
Thank you!
What is the date of publication and authors name for referencing the website?
I am slowly working on my arachnophobia, which I’m pretty sure was learned from my mother who has it so bad she will get behind another person and cling very tightly to them until the spider is removed from the room. My arachnophobia was bad enough that it caused irrational jumping on furniture if the spider was on the floor, or pressing against the wall if it was on the ceiling, very loud screaming, goose bumps, shivering , going sheet white, and depending on how big the spider was 30 minutes of shuddering and rocking after the spider was removed from the room. It was only certain types of spiders…I was never really scared of tarantulas or jumping spiders, because they were furry and their bodies resemble crabs which I’ve always liked. The hardest spiders for me to look at are the fast , big, and dark ones. Wolf spiders, huntsman spiders, fishing spiders, and those big brown house spiders….I still get shivers looking at pics of them, and goose bumps that wont go away for 30 minutes. Even after I kill them (with spray poison ) I wont go near the corpse till at least 24 hrs, and I will stick my head in that room before I walk in it, for months, even years, after the spider is dead and gone. Though this behavior is very embarrassing, the reason I have decided to change is that all other little animals, as long as they are not infesting pests, are treated with kindness and lovingly caught and released by me…except the spiders and I felt so bad about it, so I vowed to change so I wouldn’t have to slaughter them. I’ve started by just looking at videos of people picking them up, and whenever I see the huge web spiders in the garden or forests, getting real close and looking at them. I can now catch and release spiders as big as my pinky nail that are not jumping spiders (which I have always liked having around, so they don’t count ^_^ ) I also no longer get scared of the slow web spiders no matter how big they are as long as they stay put , and they always do. I already know that its working because the photo that you have for this article does not bother me…I actually thought the spider in it is pretty and kind of cute even though it also looks pretty big. But at this point in my healing, I would probably still scream if I saw a wolf spider right now! Oh, well….I’m getting there.
I’m not sure whether I have the phobia or not but I just wanted to share some things about me and spiders. Lately if I’m sleeping on the floor or if my bed touches the floor I feel things crawling on me and I picture spiders crawling into my nose ears and mouth it is very disturbing and keeps me from getting a full night sleep. One time I was in the car and this black widow spider suddenly appeared on my arm, we were in heavy traffic and couldn’t pull over, so I swiped it off my arm onto the floor and began to stomp my feet repeatedly until we got home. To this day I don’t know where that spider went but all I know is that I don’t wish that experience on anyone. So now I’ve shared my spidery tales.
Thank you for the information.
Oh no i am always scared of insects – be it spiders, ants, cockroaches, etc. I have always been afraid of it. How do i conquer my fear?
I have always been afraid of insects-be it big or small, flying or non flying. How do i conquer my fear?
Any advice?
Emetophobic over here!… Last 8 years… Constant panic and anxiety each day… Taking over my life.. my hands are cracked from the hand washing and with a bug in the house I’m in constant fear of catching it for around 2 weeks.. Fine with someone else I’ll from alcohol or food poisoning (as I can’t catch it).. Hello by the way :)
I have always been afraid of spiders (and heights), and I have a hard time getting people not afraid of them to understand what it’s like. It’s especially tough because our society links fear to a lack of masculinity, and some people think that a man who is afraid of spiders it just needs to “man up.” I’m fine with pretty much any other type of “gross” or “scary” animal — ticks, cockroaches, snakes, etc. — but spiders I just can’t do.
My fear began long before traveling to Australia (such as when I was on a trip to Florida as a kid, and had to kill a spider that had been near me even though it wasn’t doing anything to me, and I was in an animal sanctuary), but while there, I encountered many spiders much larger than anything I’ve been around in the US. One area in particular had huge ones the size of my hand; I accidentally walked right through a web on one path only to see it looking up at me from the ground, and another path had so many occupied webs across it that I had to forego a location I really wanted to see. So while that did not cause my fear, it certainly did not help.
I can, of course, retell that story to anyone who questions my fear as a ‘rational explanation,’ but that doesn’t stop them from contending that the tiny ones we have here are not the same thing, so I should just “get over it.”
I’ve been searching for a way to explain it — I’m also afraid of heights, but my reactions to the two phobias are different. With heights, I feel consumed by it; my feet start to tingle, I get tunnel vision, and I either lock up (if I am, say, climbing something) or cannot stand still until I feel safe (if I’m, say, close to some edge). But with spiders, it’s almost supernatural… I know that a spider probably isn’t going to jump on me from where it is, or if it’s on me it’s probably not going to bite me, and even if it did, it’s probably not going to kill me, but it’s not even really the physical nature of it. I just cannot stand existing in proximity to one, and I have to get away. If there’s one by a door or on a wall I have to pass, I either have to find another way or I have to run past as quickly as I can. If there’s one near where I’m sitting, I have to get up until it’s gone — and then I’m constantly worried about where it might have gone. It’s not like with heights where I feel “unsafe” or “locked up,” but I just cannot figure out how to describe it.
Does anyone else have any ways to describe what it’s like?
Im terrified of spiders, if i see one i freeze, i cant even go near a cobweb, i have to sleep with my light on every night.
Jim here I agreed with all the things you have said. But I am not trying to one up you but my fear is a lot worse. I am 74 years old and have had the fear all my life. I know the teasing from people but they have no way of understanding what goes through our mind. I have been to several Dr. and head shrinks, had some try to hypnotise (sic) me, turns out I can’t be hypnoed.(sic) I feel for you and any one elder who have the fear.
Hello! I want to use your article for an Arachnophobia research paper. (APA style) I was wondering if I could have the publication information and the references for the different statistics so I can accurately cite them. Thank You!
I have to do an informative speech on phobias. Arachnophobia was one of my choices.
I have always had Arachnophobia for as long as I can remember. It appears to have got worse as about a year ago when i was home alone, there was a big spider at the bottom of the stairs on the kitchen worktop. I came down the stairs noticed it and obviously I was keeping an eye on it as it feels worse when you don’t know where it’s gone. I was screaming and crying because I didn’t know what to do and when my boyfriend walked in, the spider scuttled across the worktop. Well that was it, I started having a panic attack.
From then on whenever I see a spider I begin slowly to have a panic attack- whoever I’m with has to kill it before I see it to avoid me having a panic attack and get all worked up.
I have claustrophobia, and arachnophobia, and Thalassophobia
I hate my phobia too.
i do too
i have a fear
Me too friend
I want to use your article for an Arachnophobia research paper. (APA style) I was wondering if I could have the publication information and the references for the different statistics so I can cite them? Thank You!
Can I get the same information.
Hi, I was wondering if you have any info about the science of fear. I’m doing a project for grade 12 science fair and my teacher told me to talk to the experts.
i hate spiders and any type of bug that moves and i have a lot of fears
I’ve always been terrified of spiders and I’ve been bitten by one. Even daddy-long legs scare me.. What do i do?
I hate spiders so much. I want to buy a flamethrower and every time I see a spider I will kill it with fire.
god yes im not the only one
Did we just become best friends?
I would too but then their bodies would be even scarier!
I have arachnophobia and its bad, I don’t scream or cry unless the spider is like RIGHT THERE. Then I start to yell and say “ITS GONNA KILL ME” until my mom yells at me for yelling and i hide in my room until i know someone killed it.
I kinda do that too. One time when I was younger, I was about to go outside, but then on the side of the door, I found a daddy long legs, so I tried to go outside without looking at it because I was so scared (my cousin says that daddy long legs are technically not spiders). So after I got outside I started to cry because I was so scared of the daddy long legs, but then I came back inside because my dad killed it.
I am so scared of spiders that i have made traps for spiders, i keep my light on 24/7, i have spider repellent timer in my room and i always have spray with me. Also i drink pop all night long to stay awake. I have the phobia because i got bit by a black widow and had to go to surgery because of it for 8 weeks.
I, too, have arachnophobia and fear spiders. However…compared to my fear or bees, wasps, and similar insects that are capable of stinging, spiders are a picnic. I can hold a few spiders with relative ease, though jumping spiders are very hard to catch because of their quick movements. Jumpers are extremely cute and I love them so much. The typical house spiders are okay and I tolerate wolf spiders and black widows. But, that’s where the list ends. The other spiders frighten me…especially tarantulas. I’ve seen videos on YouTube showing little kids holding a tarantula and I hate myself that I can’t do the same thing. I will say that the most beautiful spider in my opinion is one that I’m terrified of…a tarantula known as the Mexican Red Knee Tarantula. It’s such a pretty spider, despite how scared I would be if I saw one up close.
My question is how do I conquer both of my fears…spiders and bees/wasps/etc.? I should mention that I’m allergic. The next sting I get could be the end of my life.
P.S., the only bee I’ve handled ever since I became allergic (post-2008) that didn’t make me dizzy or scared to death is one that is metallic green and quite a pretty one at that. I remember letting it crawl on my hand while I took it to a window and opened it to let it outside. I did that at least once, possibly twice.
I hate spiders and when I was little a spider bit me, now I am more scared than ever.
Hi, i really need help. I have a project due and this class determine if i graduate or not. This is the biggest grade of it I can not fail this. I need to know everything about arachnophobia. This has to be an informative speech. If anyone could help that would be great. THANK YOU.
have you passed the grade
after browsing through this website probably yes
Omg i think i have this fear and every time I see a spider I feel like my heart just jumped out.
Same omg!
I’ve never been afraid of spiders. I love spiders they’re very cool to watch and FYI they’re more scared of you than you are of them.
-Bradley Tavish
Spiders can be a common thing to be afraid of. I myself, am afraid of spiders. Some of us don’t like them but this is an article about a fear of them, if you don’t have a fear of them the why are you on this website?
I too am scared of spiders and will die if i see one and for all people who are scared of spiders just know your kids will be 100 percent scared.
I think i might have it because i usually have a panic attack when there’s a spider near me. (not the super tiny ones- they have to be reasonably sized.)
I’ve had a few experiences being scared of spiders.
1) I got out of the car and there was a huge banana spider web right outside the door. I started freaking out and went out the other door and my dad made fun of me.
2) I was working with some wood and a spider crawled up out of nowhere and I had a panic attack. My friend got rid of it and I was just pressing myself up against the couch breathing heavily. I didn’t move from there for a few minutes and was scared to go near the wood for a while.
3) there was quite a large wolf spider up on the doorframe and I started breathing heavily and shaking and I went and ran and laid down on the couch in the other room while someone else went to go get rid of it. They ended up not finding it as it had run away and I was scared to go into the hallway where the door was.
I get all shaky and breath heavily and my heart beats really fast. I Don’t think they’re gross I just don’t want to be in the area with them.
Hi I feel like a fool but I have always been so scared of spiders it is untrue. I live in England so we don’t have many or even any dangerous ones but I just don’t like the way they move. I am starting to research help on the net and wish all you guys well. Cheers Tarantula Boy UK
Hi. Yes we do have dangerous ones here in the U.K. Five years ago I was bitten by a false widow spider as I slept. I woke up with a massive painful hand, and three months later and nine operations later, I went home. I have always been terrified of spiders for as long as I remember, and this experience hasn’t helped one bit. Good luck, and if you find a cure for the fear, please let me know. Many thanks, Kate
I am afraid of almost every bug there is… I cannot even stay calm around most bugs.. but spiders and their webs terrify me to the point I’ll cry if it starts making its web in the same room as me… when I was 9 years old I was walking through this park I used to love as a kid and was on my way to the sprinklers to get wet because I was hot… I wasn’t walking on the cement path I was walking between the trees through the grass and walked into a web that covered my body from my head to my ankles… it even got in my mouth… I ran so fast to the water and got the webs off and came home got a shower changed clothes… and constantly asked if the spider who made the web was on me… and now all spiders make a crying mess and the size doesn’t matter… I’m so scared I can’t even kill the spider that scares me.
Same, I walked into a web by accident, and in camp, a spider crawled up my face, and I didn’t notice till my friend pointed it out to me.
Spiders have very scary looking bodies.
they have very scary looking everything
I’ve always had this fear. Like whenever I see one my heart jumps out of my chest and I once saw a spider in my room and I refused to sleep in my room for three weeks.
There was a spider in our basement and it was in front of our couch and the next day it was gone and everyone said it was under the visions and I have not been there since.
I hate spiders. When I see a spider my heart beats fast and I scream because of fear. My grandmother is my hero because she is the only one that can kill the spider. And I thank her for that.
I have this phobia and it’s SO bad. I start hyperventilating and start crying just looking at a picture of one. Seeing one in real life just.. don’t want to say. I got this fear because when I turned 2 or maybe 3 spiders would bite me all over, it still happens to this day. I have scars on my feet, ankles, back, hands, wrists, and even my face. I would pick the bites till I was bleeding really badly. I’m 11 and in 6th grade. Some people know about my fear and I have support.
My sister has this phobia so whenever she sees a spider she will get our dad to kill it, but I LOVE spiders, so I have to pick up the spider and take it outside ASAP.
Same. My sister woke me up in the middle of the night to ask me to kill a spider in her room. I mean, we live in ENGLAND, there are pretty much no dangerous spiders here.
I live in Nebraska. We have HUGE spiders here. I’m not talking about the spiders that are the size of adult wolf spiders. I’m talking about spiders that are as big as a cubic METER! They are so dang stinking HUGE. I’ve only seen pictures of them.
Same, i experience all of what was said, sometimes for awhile after i am like a scared cat, and my boyfriend referred to that when we were walking and suddenly we saw this swarm of spiders and here i am i jumped and landed on his back with my legs up not letting go and he is trying to get me off but i wouldn’t budge, but also with my family i scream a lot too and i swear i hyperventilate, its horrible.
I kinda have this phobia, I don’t even know what started it for me.
I have this crazy thing with spiders. If I come across a jumping spider, everything seems fine. If I, however, come across any other Arachnid, even baby spiders, I have an intolerant feel and I feel like one is crawling up my body and little pinpricks, like fangs. I will scream and start jumping in an attempt to get anything off me. If there is water nearby, I jump in regardless of clothing and I have stopped, dropped, and rolled before. If anyone has any tips, comment below I want to get over this.
I used to be afraid of spiders and then I met the centipede..
Same here buddy but now I’m scared of both.
I’m afraid of spiders and heights. If I see a spider I can kill it but it takes a long time. I hate them so much I misspell spiders sometimes.
So the worst thing happened to me today. I came in from the bathroom at night and switched my light on and screamed because there was a spider on the wall. I was hungover and because my flatmate was asleep I didn’t want to wake her as she’s not great with spiders either although my scream would have woken her I’m sure. It took me so long to get it. I was sweating so much it was literally dripping off me and when I managed to trap it and my hands and legs were shaking so much I thought I was gonna drop it. I was pleased I managed to get it and put some tv on in my room to get my mind off it. There was a comedy show on and just my luck, it was a ‘Scary Special’ where they were discussing things that people are most frightened of. They put on this YouTube video clip of a guy trying to get this massive Huntsman Spider from his ceiling and it running off. It was gross. I turned my tv off and kept my lights on and kept thinking I could see them everywhere or feel them on me and flinching or shaking my legs and arms vigorously. Then guess what. I saw another spider in my room. An actual one, not in my mind. On the wall. First it went behind my wardrobe and I was waiting for it to come out the other side and so I was standing there and I didn’t realise it had actually made its way to the front of the wardrobe and was right in front of my face. When I saw it I screamed so hard that my flat mate ran and checked on me. She was convinced it was a hallucination and told me to sleep in the front room. She was definitely pissed off. I waited for so long with my phone torch on to find it again and thank god I did because I would not have slept ever again. I managed to hit it off the wall and squash it on the floor with a Tupperware lid. Now I’m in my room and am never going to switch the lights off and my eyes just keep darting around everywhere like a lunatic. So I googled my fear to try and get a better understanding of why I feel and act this way. And now I’m on this website and needed to share! I’m pretty sure I will never sleep again and be on the spider lookout for the rest of my life.
Currently the apartment complex that I live in has somehow out of nowhere been overrun by a ton of spiders. All brown and the size of a 50 cent coin with all the same webbings. I have no idea where they came from. I feel like this infestation was probably the result of one of the pranks of someone who lives here. But god I’m still on edge from taking the trash out. 30 minutes ago there were 2 webbings over the dumpsters and oh my god they’re just everywhere outside. When I got back inside I felt like how I feel when I get off a roller coaster. That aftershock of the adrenaline rush and it’s barely starting to go away. I found one in my apartment a week ago and at first I jumped on the sink LOL, but then sprayed the s*** out of it with febreeze and dumped so much Ajax on it. I too came across this website to try to find out why I’m scared of spiders so much and I guess it has to do with my childhood cause I remember always seeing spiders and finding them weird and off putting. When my grandma would bathe me she would laugh and scare me more with them. God I wish I wasn’t so afraid of spiders it literally impacts my life so much. I wish I could get over this fear. I’m a 19 year old male. For 19 years I’ve been extremely afraid of spiders.
My mom was an electrician. I haven’t a clue how she did it. She said, “I learned to live with spiders.” I wanted to cry out, “Why?”. Spiders are creepy and are unnecessary after the invention of flypaper. Some people aren’t afraid of sticking their hands in dark places. You couldn’t pay me enough money. I stayed away from professions like grape picking, mover, garbage person, and mechanic for a reason. The world needs them, but I avoided anything that involved spiders. I carry Raid to work in case of a spider nest under my desk. Thank god I have only used it once in a while on tires. I jump, scream, and shoot to kill over the tiniest spider. I would be a complete case if I worked in contact with spiders every day. My coworkers would think of me as a total nut job. “She sounds like Freddy Krueger is after her!”
I almost ate a spider when I was a little kid. I play Minecraft and one day I played all day after school. Then, at night I woke up from a nightmare and thought there were spiders crawling all over the walls and I could even hear them. They sounded like the Minecraft noise for spiders. And I was crying and shaking and yelling about spiders on my walls trying to kill me like a lunatic.
I was just laying in my bed then I just looked up and I saw a huge black spider and it ran and it was so fast. Then it disappeared so I just thought it was another one of my hallucinations of spiders. Then I went back to bed but then it came out behind my curtains next to me and I got up and moved to the edge of my bed, but I got so scared my heart started racing and I couldn’t breath and I started sweating and froze in terror. After like a minute I could move so I ran in my living room and now every sound and a little thing moves I thinks it’s a spider, it’s like I’m in hell.
Omg that is scary. That same thing happened to me once but 2 spiders were fighting on my ceiling right above my bed.
That sounds so scary. Me? I actually LIVE in a house with spiders!
Oh my God that is terrifying!
That is terrifying. I had the same situation where there were two spiders in my room. The spiders were baby’s but I have extreme arachnophobia. Anyways, I got to sleep out of my room that night, but the next night my dad made me go in there. I was so scared I was sweating, couldn’t breath, crying/sobbing, and I thought I was going to die. My dog was on my leg and I felt I was gonna faint because of it. I am still scared to this day. I even put things in the cracks of my bed cause I’m afraid spiders will crawl out of it, anyways sorry for ranting.
Epilepsy runs in my family, but I swear it was triggered in me by a black widow bite. I’ve had a million nightmares of something crawling on my skin, pain, the feeling nothing is real, except the sight of a big black one on my hand, and screaming. Therapists have told me, “spiders rarely kill anyone.” I started having seizures a month after a black widow bit me and they’ve never ended. Death is not the only scary result of venom. Venom is a neurotoxin. If one neurological disorder exists in a person’s DNA those little monsters have the potential to cause disability. Scary but true. Some fears are not that irrational. Mine keeps me buying bug bombs. Nightmares tell me, “Hey, time to purchase Raid.” I wish my parents had been more afraid of freaking spiders.
I feel sorry for you.
Man, that sucks. I feel bad for you.
I had a moment in the forest where i saw a black widow and i screamed and ran back down to my house and could not sleep that night.
I saw a BW while dining at a restaurant in LA. We were outdoors and the thing was on a palm tree next to our table. Talk about a sudden loss of appetite!
I’m using the information found on this website for a research project I’m doing for fun.
I have always had this fear so badly one time I was riding my bike and a tiny spider landed on my face and I started freaking out I can’t even look at a picture without getting shivers
I hate spiders so much.
I almost drank a spider once. The memory still haunts me.
I am doing an art project that involves phobias and I am pretty much Arachnophobic.
I hate spiders so much and wish they just went poof along with the other venomous predators.
Years ago visiting in the southwest, I got into a shower and pulled the curtain closed only to find lurking in the folds the largest, hairiest arachnid I have ever seen! Later I met someone who had as a pet a similar creature he named Rover. He liked to wear Rover around the apartment. Knowing one of them as someone’s pet has slightly reduced my fear of them.
One time I found a spider in my pants. I just froze for a few minutes.
If I had a spider on me I think I might pass out or die of a heart attack. I had a massive freak-out over a web in my car.
Me too. I have been so scared since the day I was making a birthday card for my mum when a giant spider crawled under the table, and I ran to my parents screaming. They told me to grow up and not be scared like a baby. People would bully me and make fun of me in school. I have been traumatized by spiders since that very day. I can’t bear to see a spider because I will freak out about it and go crazy and get a rapid heartbeat.
I have had arachnophobia for a long time. It started when I was little. I was going to take a bath when I saw a family of wolf spiders crawling along the floor. Ever since then, I have been super scared of spiders. I am at the point when even looking at a picture of a spider makes me feel like I will die. The worst part is people don’t understand how I feel and laugh at me.
I know how you feel.
Same. I also have a minor fear of spiders. They are just really creepy. I am also afraid of bees and wasps because I have never been stung by a bee or a wasp in my life, and I also don’t know if I am allergic to bee or wasp stings. I don’t want to get stung to find out.
I’ve been afraid of spiders since my 2nd cousin played a cruel prank on my 3rd cousin and me on Halloween when we were both two years old. I can’t remember much, but the tarantula he tossed at us turned out to be fake. It still scarred us both for life. My parents never let me around him again. 5 years later, I had a brother. We now lived in Baraboo, and I happened to get a room that spiders LOVED. I’d be trying to fall asleep and see a black dot moving across the ceiling.
I once saw a huge spider in my dream. All I did was just stare and I was also frozen.
I am terrified of spiders. I don’t know when it started. I don’t like the way they move. If I see one, I feel like I have to keep my eye on it until I can get something to kill it with. When I’m at my desk working, I sometimes wonder if a spider has spun a web underneath near my legs. Anytime I open a closed window or have to put my hand in any dark nook or cranny, I think about spiders. I cannot enjoy being under trees or in the woods because I’m afraid of walking into a web (which has happened) or one falling on me. They hide everywhere and curl their bodies into a ball so one might not see it until it’s too late. I love animals and bugs, but I just can’t handle spiders. They move so fast. If one gets on you, it can very quickly get down your shirt or up your pants. Yep. That’s how I feel about spiders.
I hate spiders, but I don’t have a phobia. I now know that :)
Hi guys, you might see me on this website everywhere. Anyways, let’s get started. I’m Morgan, by the way. Honestly, I get why everyone is very scared of spiders. It’s probably most likely because they kill people by simply biting into the skin. However, there are some people who aren’t scared of spiders. (I don’t know why they aren’t scared of them, but let’s just say that they are really brave) Am I scared of spiders, though? That’s a yes and a no. I barely encounter spiders, but whenever I see one, I must ask my dad to kill it, or I will end up burning the house to the ground. Yet, If you asked my brother if he was scared of spiders, the answer you’d get is no. Whenever he’d see a spider, he wouldn’t think twice about picking it up. He picks them up just to mess with them. Anyway, I don’t really have nothing much to say about spiders cuz I’m not really scared of them. Hopefully, y’all finished your snack and drink. Bye :)
I do not like spiders.
Arachnophobia is a common fear that many people face. Unfortunately, I’m one of those people.