Gynophobia is the fear or hatred (or both) of women. Usually men suffer from this phobia, which is also known by names like Gynephobia or Feminophobia. Such individuals fear women or having a sexual intercourse with them. They might have hatred or ill will towards their own sisters or mothers or, in general, all women around them. Some gynophobics tend to put off marriage on account of such a fear.
A related phobia is Venustaphobia or caligynephobia which is the fear of beautiful women.
Causes of Gynophobia
Psychiatrists believe that the fear of women phobia usually occurs in men having unresolved conflicts with their mothers. Abandonment or physical abuse inflicted by strict mothers in one’s childhood can cause Gynophobia. Childhood Gynophobia often resolves on its own but might persist well into adulthood. Such men tend to view women as physical or emotional threat.
Often, a child on the verge of puberty might have been sexually abused by a violent woman, leading to a cycle of hatred towards all women for life.
Some cases of fear of women phobia can arise later in life when an adult man might have been put down or insulted severely by a woman. This can lead to overwhelming thoughts of humiliation and rejection leading him to mistrust all women.
Stories about Amazonian women, witches and witch hunt etc can also trigger Gynophobia.
Symptoms of fear of women phobia
Different cases of Gynophobia have different symptoms.
- Homosexuality might have been triggered by Gynophobia. However, it is important to note the difference between the two conditions: gay men do not necessarily fear women and conversely, many heterosexual gynophobic men can also have relationships with women until they are confronted with thoughts of having a sexual encounter.
- Some Gynophobics are all-out women haters who are unable to have a decent relationship with women.
- Many individuals show ill will or disdain towards all women around them. They deeply believe that all females are “filthy, stupid, liars and cheaters”.
- Often the fear of women may be targeted towards one’s own mother or sisters. Many phobics are unable to work with female colleagues or bosses. They tend to lash out at them or might question their authority.
- Many tend to feel panic or anxiety attacks etc at the thought of confronting a woman. This includes symptoms like shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, sweating, dry mouth, inability to form words/sentences etc. Many tend to avoid social encounters with females and go out of their way to avoid them.
- Sometimes, psychological disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar depression etc can also lead to Gynophobia.
- In some cases, a man might start fearing sexual intercourse with women owing to the inability to get an erection or maintain one.
Treating Gynophobia
It is important to find the root cause of anxiety leading to the fear of women in order to bring these feelings under control. This is the key to overcoming Gynophobia.
- Many phobics have found relief through cognitive behavior therapy, talk therapy and psychotherapy of different types.
- Hypnotherapy is another promising technique that delves deep into the phobic’s mind to find out the root cause of Gynophobia.
- Counseling, gradual exposure therapy and Neuro linguistic programming or NLP can also help one get rid of Gynophobia for good.
I can’t speak normally with girls, I just talk with girls about my job etc.. even if I fall in love with them, what should I do?
i can also talk with the girls…. but when i’m getting closer to them ( women ) i feel so much intense which became abnormalities inside my body and it doubles…. the pain that i feel..
I fear to ask out a girl. I don’t know how to ask her on a date and I have never been dating a girl before.
I don’t know how to face a girl face to face, what to ask her or how I should behave.. I get nervous and I can’t see them straight in the eyes because I feel shy and scared.
I love girls but don’t know how to overcome this situation…
I am a female and suffer from this. I have had a bad relationship with my mother and women in general my whole life. I try my best to keep away from them and inside I am quite scared of them. I have even vomited at times from women talking to me in public or if they get too close to me. I feel they are publicly trying to shame me and seek out my business to plan something against me. I really see women as evil, child-neglecting, over-confident, two-faced green eyed envious, power-crazed monsters. I feel they have enthusiastically and cleverly hidden behind the cause of everything bad about this world. It has made my life really hard, I am unsociable as women make up a large part of society and I dislike them too much to fake it.
What you said there is not too far off the mark from some women I know.
My sentiments exactly. I feel nearly all women want to pry into your soul and find something they can use against you. I’ve been gossiped and bullied and lied about so much, especially by my own mother. She turned everyone against me on purpose…just for the attention and chance to destroy me.
It is hard to live in a world when you are a mother and grown women gossip and shun you forever. I have two teenagers and am married. I myself don’t pry, judge, or shun anyone period.
My fear of gorgeous women is so bad and lame that I friend zone my damn self… Pathetic.
I have this fear too.
I fear my sister and her daughter, my niece, are trying emasculate me. They have always been like this, but now they are getting old and ugly and no longer attract men. So, they put a lot of their focus on me. It’s a feeling like they want to kill me. I would escape to another state, but I lack the money right now. I really, really do believe that I will have either a stroke or heart attack over this phobia. I am 72 years old and ready for the grave.
Every time a girl touches me my nose starts bleeding – it sucks.
For me it’s the feeling of vomiting and my legs feel like wet noodles.
I feel exactly the same way if I think they are interested in me sexually
I love women, but I can’t function with them. On my Dr. Appointments my pulse is almost off the scale when they take my B/P. I feel so damn useless. I’m a handsome man with nice physical attributes. I think it’s all over now. I’m at the point where I love rejection because it’s a feeling which is better than none at all.
I fear girls when I see them on straight and in a crowd. What is the solution?
I think i have this.. after my wife left me for a lesbian taking everything with her, my money, my daughter, my esteem which i’m slowly recovering.. i start to distrust women and think all of them are lesbian or bisexual. My mom wants me to find a new wife but i just can’t cause i really distrust women.
I haven’t able to maintain a conversation with a woman, it usually ends with me leaving without finishing the conversation cause i really feel uneasy talking to them.
I fear being lied to and tricked again. I can only maintain a proper conversation with a woman on the internet where i don’t know if i’m really talking to a woman.
I don’t hate women i fear them.. i love my mom and she is probably the only woman i could trust.
If you had a wife then you can’t be suffering from love shyness.
Ron, I beg to differ. I am 60, married 36 years and am terrified of talking to women, like I’m not good enough. How can that be? I was extremely afraid & shy around girls when I was young. A bossy, manipulative, immature, self-centered girl was introduced to me & got me to marry her with ease. Raised 4 children with her – too nice of a guy to leave a wife & kids. Too nice to leave her – she has no income, no friends. I’ve avoided women in checkout lines, elevators, etc. all my stupid life.
I suffer from androphobia (fear of men) so I was interested in reading about the reverse here and hearing peoples’ experiences. I don’t know if it’s just me, but there seems to be a noticeable difference in how the two are written. The androphobia page is written with a lot less emphasis on hatred. Is this accurate? I don’t hate men, I fear them irrationally, it interferes with my life and I want to fix it. I understand fear … I guess I am just shocked by the incorporation of such disdain here… I didn’t realize women had this affect for some people. The page on androphobia reads more objective/clinical.
women aren’t taught that they shouldn’t feel fear. So they react normally to it.
Very good point.
I was bullied by females throughout my childhood and well into my adulthood. I am terrified of my boss. I suffer from bipolar disorder, and one of my triggers is women, even fictional. I don’t like women. My exbf also cheated on me with women. I feel they are a significant emotional threat to me and my relationship with my current bf who is bisexual.
I am a 70 year old male Virgin and have always been terrified of girls since I was about 15. It’s nothing to do with looks as they used to approach me. I used to start shaking then make my getaway even though some of them were beautiful.
So how did you avoid them and what career were you doing?
I ignored them & have done ever since…..Roy pryer.
I just ignore them
I know what you mean. I am a 63 year old virgin…I tremble and can’t breath at the prospect of even seeing or being near a vagina. The female genitalia of a woman looks scary and disgusting like something out of a Si-fy movie. I love women on a social scale, they are beautiful, fun, exciting to be around, very intelligent. I was a moma’s boy. And absolutely hated my father. I am good looking 6’4″ 185 lbs. Go figure.
I’ve had this phobia for at least 30 years now. As a result of this I’ve never had a girlfriend and I’m not gay. Not trying to sound my own trumpet, but throughout teenage years I was asked out by several girls and wanted to but couldn’t. And they hated me with a purple passion. I’ve had women judge and throw insults at me most of my life for rejecting them. It just gets worse and worse so now I have learnt to avoid them.
So are you a bachelor?
I was jealous when I first read about your teenage days but then I realized that you were to scared to go out with any of them it made me a lot more sympathetic. Hang in there Ashford every phobia can be over come.
As you can see I have commented on here before. Since then I have been put on antidepressants & they have made me completely impotent so now I can’t even pleasure myself which was my only release. As you can imagine the frustration is unbearable. So I am warning others to stay away from drugs.
I was assaulted from behind and had my head split open on a tree root from a girl in 5th grade. The nurse lied to me and said I would be fine, but later I found out I had a near fatal injury. I am a 37 year old virgin and I thought I just didn’t trust women, but the more I think, the more I realize I am deathly afraid of single, available, beautiful, or sexually active women. I have NO experience of any kind ever with any women.
Kinda have this problem myself. I was sexually abused by a girl in school for four years, starting from when I was 12. She tended to use the don’t-hit-girls rule against me, and though I was taught to “respect” women, that was undermined by further abusive and violent experiences until one girl slapped me around, as a joke. That was pretty much the last straw, and I haven’t had a high opinion of women at all since then. It’s a strange state of affairs when the world behaves as if butter wouldn’t melt in women’s mouths and men have to be more like women apparently and yet while women are trumpeted as ‘powerful, and givers-of-life, and strong and amazing’ and other such rubbish I’m thinking ‘well, are these the same people we’re talking about, or the crazy, selfish, sadistic, inhumane, manipulative, insane, abusive lying morons that have been a blight on my life?
Who knows? But as one can guess, such fears and anger have made it hard for me to form relationships as a result.
I’m scared of good looking girls because I’ve found that they never warm to me, so I tend to avoid beautiful girls now even if one or two are nice to me in certain situations, such as bar girls or work colleagues. Its like I’m off to the snooker club tonight and the girls fit who works there I never really feel at ease.
I don’t mean this at all like a dig sp forgive me. But it seems like there’s a social need to pick at the females in the opposite phobia of this. Here in the comments, guys are openly sharing what they’ve been through which I am SO glad about. But on the androphobia page it’s several negative comments from guys about the phobia. That’s just not fair, we all are suffering enough. If it happens on this page then it isn’t right either, it’s just we seem to get picked at by guys more. Even on other sites when I am open about being raped as a child it’s always a guy that gives me a hard time. But when a male shares no one hardly gives him a hard time. It just hurts is all. Again, I don’t mean to sound hateful. I have androphobia but it isn’t “hatred”, just “fear”. And the same for this phobia.
And I am so sorry if you have either of these phobias or any other.
Ive been brought up along with an older strict sister who’d always be demanding, bossy, judgemental and practically a bully. Im 20 years now and past a brutal heartbreak from a girl who kept telling me she wasnt ready even after dating me. I now find myself avoiding girls, my heart beats super fast when im near them, i act weird, make things uncomfrtble & cant work with them, i feel judged and dont know what to do. i avoid my sister as much as i can at home to avoid conflict and judgments, fearing if i said something bk she’d yell or run from home again, and my parents would blame me. So im patient and tolerant as much as i can be. I feel like i cant last a conversation with a woman without making it awkward or getting her to dislike me, i think they’re fake and i dont see how i can change my views on them.
If you are still interested, you may be able to overcome your phobia with
I have a combination fear of falling in love and women. I’ve always been rejected and a few who I’ve had any interaction tried to take me for all my material worth. I can best describe the feeling as touching a range element, burning your hand and never wanting to do it again.
Now I feel completely lonely, burdensome, unattractive and unwanted and at best a mark for exploitation. Nothing I’ve ever done to improve myself has remotely helped in anyway.
I tried a whole bunch of different ways to defeat it, but all the results have turned out the same and completely shattered anything I have left.
I hate feeling anything for women. Women just feel impossible to talk to and get anywhere with. I wish I could rip my own heart out and make emotions go away. I wish I had some success with a women somewhere in my life so I know what it’s like to have a girlfriend. The older I get, the worse it gets
I also feel this way, but I started going to a therapist recently and I m learning to control these feelings. I really understand what you are going through. Please know that there is help out there and if it makes you feel any better you can reach out to talk about your feelings: nabhjee @ gmail.com
What have they done to help? Can you talk to women now? Or are you just a happier person?
The therapist i’m seeing is helping me externalize my internal feelings and thoughts, helping me figure out why I hold certain beliefs of insecurity, doubt and fear of women among other things.
Some strategies she said I should continue trying:
1. Positive self reinforcement when I begin reflecting on my fears, doubts, insecurities
2. List beliefs i have and think about and try to replace those beliefs that are not helping with ones that are
3. Try to understand my inner self and remember that my thinking informs my beliefs which affects my reality
I was really skeptical about these strategies, but along with weekly therapist meetings and implementing strategies, I have improved:
1) I find myself smiling more, saying hello to women I see throughout the day
2) I’ve asked several woman out to dinner (i’ve very rarely done this before)
3) Feel less anxious and worried. My perception towards women are changing in a more positive way
Lets see how this goes. feel free to ask me more
I think these strategies makes a lot of sense and I have used it to help, but sometimes I still feel weird when I have the thought that she might not like me in our first meeting or when I asked her out for dinner or when I have a close encounters, I feel sweaty when I have these fears and my heart begins to pumps faster then I begin to loose confidence and then I will get out of control and the date will no longer be a nice one, I can have a good conversation over the phone but physically I have a challenge unless I have forgotten to spend time with the person and been more close but sometimes the fear just comes automatically.
The condition exists, and it’s viable. What’s off is the misandric tone that you penned this with.
The problem is you, not the reader.
Young men: don’t fall for Cultural Marxist shit like this.
You can avoid women all you want, and you know what?
That’s their condition, not yours.
It’s on them to figure it out and cope, not you.
This is America, forcing people to interact with other people is illegal.
Shaming people for avoiding other people is wrong.
The Lost Word is “NO!”.
Use is liberally.
There is nothing wrong with you.
There is everything wrong with them (bullshit Liberals and their social engineering).
Feeling gratitude for your answer thanks man.
Mind your words by which you abused some people.
I despise women. All women have always considered me a piece of s*** because of my own needs I hate women
I feel many women get their pressure off by hurting men, physically or emotionally. Even though I am a woman, I hate when they call men mean things, but aren’t we all equal? Women fought for equality, but how lots of them treat men today is not equality.
When I was 16 I went outside trying to find my cousin and I see this whole crowd of women marching to me holding signs and yelling I eventually got caught in the crowd. At first nothing happened then more people starting looking at me with disgust and hatred. After that a small lady thought that I was sexually harassing her when I tapped her by the shoulder, everybody started yelling at me and hitting me and I eventually passed out. Next thing I new I was in the hospital with my cousin standing next to me. I broke two rips from blunt force and broke my index finger. After that day I started to grow more and more hatred for women and I realized that all the women in my life have been backstabbing me even my mother. I hate women and I hope for their downfall to be painful.
Dude my mom is narcissistic I feel you, they’re emotional threats, if you really think about it.
Well me I love girls and I do ask them out but I always feel like they want to break my heart and my other problem is that when a girl starts to like me I reject her. Sometimes when i see a girl I like too often, and I don’t approach her, I tend to fear even approaching her, especially when she’s around her friends.
I feel the same way. I’m not afraid to approach a girl if she is alone
@tokyo, you may be lithromantic. Lithromantic means liking someone, but once they like you back, you feel no attraction to them.
I am 25, had sex only once in my life and it was last year. I don’t know if i fear women but what i can say is that i always avoided them, my interactions with them used to be mostly small talk and nothing more (most of the time i end the conversation). My childhood was characterised by avoidance and conflict with girls. My cousin, sister and older girls who liked my hair and used to play with it while i was a child and I used to just move away, been once on a boat with two women and almost got lost which caused my mom to freak-out. All of which caused me to avoid them not fear but just avoidance. Now i still can talk and maintain conversations but still once i get to the point of making a move i withdraw, except in that one time. I got so many hints in the last couple of years but never acted on them. I am attracted to them and want them so hard but am stuck in this endless loop. I don’t know if its a phobia or not.
How was it like with the girl you had sex with? Was it a relationship or anything like that? A one night stand or something like that?
You are following your bodies intelligence. You didn’t need involvement with any of those females. You have to learn about females before you feel comfortable getting to the bottom line.
I’m bisexual but I still find women attractive but I do my best to avoid them all the time according to my friends I’ve been doing it for years and i never realized it. At first I couldn’t understand why I was like that but when i look back at my encounters with women, I noticed that almost all older women were mean, cruel and outright evil. Also most women around my age were so mean to me I could never understand why but i guess women especially little girls can be so cruel. That was when I was a little kid now I’m 24 years old and I’m always on edge whenever women are near me and i never attempt to start a conversation with them, so now I guess I lean more towards men now because of my fear. The thing that really puzzles me is now i’m cross dressing and I like it, I guess it’s a classic example of the only way to over come something you fear is to become it?
Im always trying to understand women id even ask google for help and learned mechanics of courting from books and playboy friends but it just wont work for me. I think they dont want the best they just want good so they may have chance to look for better.
I experienced Munchausen by proxy. I just cannot understand the concept of “male power” and “patriarchy”. Well I do intellectually, but I sincerely believe that women are the bullies who confuse morality with their own needs. I believe that they are the defining force behind the distinctions of “good” and “bad”. I fear them for that. I do not hate them, but rather pity them. While fearing them dreadfully. I am attracted to them though, but just cannot wrap my head around what I perceive to be their need for attention. I believe I could only date cold hearted clear minded women. I’m not trying to anyhow.
Even though I am a woman (demi girl, to be exact), I always feel it’s women who control everything. I feel it is because of society telling them to be powerful. I still think women should have power, but I also feel it should be equal among every gender. They also call out lots of unnecessary things like beauty and weight loss. My fear is pretty mild and stems from my maquilliaphobia (fear of makeup). Every time I see a woman wearing lots of makeup, they kind of scare me.
The first time I ever spoke to a girl I was punched in the face and then later laughed at. The second time I ever tried to speak to a girl on my own, she threatened to call the cops for sexual harassment. And then that was it, that’s all it took to prove to me to fear women. I don’t know how to get a date, my parents never taught me anything, there were no classes for it in school, nothing. I’m 39 years old and I still know nothing about women, and as a penalty to this ostracization, I don’t have the financial or social means to move out of my parent’s house. How do I go through life without love? Can anyone answer that?
You’re going to have to get over it unfortunately. Your financial situation is an excuse you’re using to keep from getting with a woman. I say that having been physically and emotionally abused (not as bad in hindsight – but very traumatic as a child) by my foster mothers. I also lacked a deep bond with my biological mother. I was socially ostracized by my peer group as a child and sexually harassed by girls throughout high school. I can talk to women very well and get along with them. You just need to look up the resources on Youtube and google. If you’re still interested in learning how to get out of your pain bubble (I believe we can help each other out), just reply with an email you’d like me to respond to. P.S. You need to learn to love yourself and alter your mindset. Just work on developing and maintaining a positive mindset and you’ll get out of this.
Try soul retrieval
I’m 30 years old and my mother ruined me and destroyed me as a man. I am a loser and a failure. I have nothing and nobody. I’m deathly afraid of women. I’ve never had sex before, because of my anxiety and social issues. I go into high alert whenever I’m near a women or when touched by a women. I hate myself for being this way.
My father couldn’t stand her narc tendencies and cheated on her with another women. My mother having no access to my father took her anger out on me. She terrorized me and sabotaged me. So much so I cant deal with my own self anymore. My family rejected me and I’ve been homeless on and off for many years now. Usually moving between relatives, until they cant stand my behavior anymore. I freak out and burst into tears and emotional incontinence for no reason at all. Worst of all. My mother implanted her anger towards my father inside of me. Whenever I’m around him or his other family, I become enraged and violent. I cant live like this anymore. I hate myself. I want these feelings to stop.
You need some kind of psychological support/therapy. Abusive and unloving parents do terrible damage.
It’s too bad for all of you inferior, afraid men that us women are rising to one day be just as powerful as you. Your intimidation of us is finally being brought to light in society and we won’t have it.
It’s men who are afraid of women who put us down. In order to feel as if they are not actually intimidated and afraid of our strength and sexual power over them they have to make us look like the weak ones. Just because you men feel inferior to us does not mean you can then intentionally put us down to feel better. Your downfall will come. Get over this phobia and maybe women won’t feel as though they need to be defensive and stronger than the male population.
Obviously this does not apply to all men but I saw many comments badgering women as a whole and a lot of men I know that are afraid and intimidated by women and more so relationships with them that are the same ones that contribute to sexist remarks and actions to women. It’s like how in reality, bullies are picked on and feel weak in some aspect of their lives so they take it out on someone else so they can gain the reassurance back that they have control over something. I encourage all of you to try and seek help and understanding of women and their complexity so you can accept them as your equal rather than a different species.
“It’s too bad for all of you inferior, afraid men that us women are rising to one day be just as powerful as you. Your intimidation of us is finally being brought to light in society and we won’t have it”.
Project much?
“I encourage all of you to try and seek help and understanding of women and their complexity so you can accept them as your equal rather than a different species”.
Look up MGTOW – they will share all the information you need fellas. Don’t listen to this fool.
It’s not powerful women they are afraid of, it’s the ABUSIVE type they fear most. This may all start because of the way their mom’s treated them. At least, that’s what I read about this condition. A powerful woman has nothing to do with it.
Everyone is afraid of anything. Even the god is. I never argued that which gender is stronger. Because i knew that none of them are actually stronger than each other. I think they are just equal in each aspects. Men are physically stronger and women are mentally stronger.
But it depends on both of their cooperation so they can use their skills and work together to make the world a beautiful place. And remember this information is on group level not individual level as every individual is different and unique. Love to all readers.
This thread is about a specific phobia, Gynophobia. You seem to confuse it with misogyny, which is something completely different.
Your way of expressing yourself about individuals suffering from a phobia that is treated in clinical contexts indicates a total lack of empathy, to the degree that a person holding no previous negative prejudice against women could easily turn into a full-on misogynist.
44 year virgin. Ex prisoner. Crime caused as direct result of needing adrenaline to feel anything because without it i feel nothing, because of a direct result of the daily torture i suffered as a child at my mothers, and then states care. I don’t hate women, i fear them! I only have a tiny part of my soul left, the rest was killed off by women as a child. If a woman kills off what tiny piece i have left. Hence i fear women, even though i cry out desperately to be with one.
I am seeking therapy at the moment, i hope it will help. I just had to say to the people that have shared their feelings, thank you! It really does help to know other Men are out there that have suffered. There are millions of places women can turn to for help, but, unfortunately, help, or even acknowledgement, that males can have suffered at women’s hands is still difficult to find. Knowing you are not alone in the World means the difference between life and death to many!
There is this girl in my grade. Whenever she is near other females, she becomes agitated or extremely nervous at times. She goes as far as avoiding them, (including me). There was an incident where she hit another female. The assaulted girl was trying to talk to her. She is even afraid of the female teachers, and principal. She told me that she was scared of her mother. For some odd reason, she would rather be near male students than her fellow class women. I think this is her phobia. I am not completely sure but based on her behavior and accident. Can anyone tell me the signs or symptoms of this phobia.
I’m 28 years old. I have never dated, been in any relationship, or had sex. When I was growing up, I was always shamed by lots of girls throughout my school years. I was a poor kid in middle income schools, raised by a single mother – my Dad was never involved. I was one of the ugliest kids in school and had a bad hygiene. Lots of girls were so hateful towards me and they loved doing anything they could to shame me. The only thing I was lucky enough not to experience was being beaten up by any of them. I feel that after a number of years of experiencing this, it has damaged a part of me. I’m always too afraid to ask a woman out or to make any moves. I don’t hate women but I definitely do fear them. At least I can somewhat socialize with them (only in a friend aspect). I have improved myself quite a bit over the years, especially my hygiene. I do feel I also aged pretty gracefully. I just can’t get past this obstacle in my life. I feel like another factor of being afraid of women is the fact I never had a male figure in my life (to teach me how to approach or act with women).
Welcome to the club. :)
I am in the same position as you are, in my early 30s. More or less.
Don’t worry too much about this as life will give you the right person at the right time, but the problem is that you will need to fall in love at least twice until you will be ready to attract the right one for you, to whom you could commit to a marriage/longer relationship.
So, my advice to you would be to go out there. Don’t be afraid of rejection, but expect that the first two girls you would be falling for, won’t be the right ones for you.
That’s how life is made, and I believe that the both of us have the same journey.
OK. You would inevitably fall into this trap where you will think that the first ones, they’re “the one for life”, until you will realize otherwise. Love is painful, and we do need to grow up.
And after those two times you’ll be so sick of love that you will get to a point where the 3rd one will take you by surprise, when you expect it the least.
I hope this helps.
I get headaches and have real anxiety when I must talk to a girl I find attractive. It ruins my life. It doesn’t matter if she is interested and it doesn’t matter how beautiful she is, no matter how friendly she might be, I always get anxiety. It’s a real phobia that everything can laugh about, but not me. Because it leads to depression, loneliness, missed chances and wasted time.
My mother was an alcoholic, and she got rageful when she drank. She would emotionally and mentally abuse my brother and me when we were just small boys. My father would leave the house in his vehicle without us. I couldn’t talk to any woman I liked and hardly any others. I’ve grown old with no family. The loneliness and humiliation have been awful. I’ve no one to bury me when I die, which I hope is very soon. I smoke and drink all the time to make sure I don’t live a long life. I’ve tried counseling, meds, hypnosis, and it never helped. Neither have the mean looks I got from women when I couldn’t act like a normal man around them. There is no cure for this but my death.
I have gynophobia, and unfortunately, I’m a woman myself. I basically just started looking up stuff about it since I did pretty much only once a couple of years ago or so in 2019. I really would like any possible help from men who can give advice or anything, please.
Hello Nikki, I didn’t think it was possible for a female to be afraid of her own kind, but all I can say is not all of you are monsters. I love the ones in my family, not because they are blood, but because they are down-to-earth and supportive. Nonetheless, I am a gynophobic due to the fact ones outside my family mistreated me in school during my childhood. The bottom line, confronting your triggers can be helpful. Stay strong, dear.
But why? How could that be? What gives? How come?
This so-called phobia is nothing BUT a complete joke and a total mockery towards women and overall the female gender.
Could you please go into more detail about your statements? You use descriptive such as nothing, complete, total, and overall. Do you perhaps see females as all the same, a stereotype? If a child has been abused by a female teacher, it can have long-term effects. Could you expand more on your point of view, please?
To anyone thinking this fear doesn’t exist, keep in mind that anyone can be afraid of anything for any reason. Human psychology is not often going to be politically correct. I personally have a phobia of black people as a result of trauma and intrusive thoughts. That phobia doesn’t make me “a bad person”. It’s just part of being human; sometimes, brains do unusual or controversial things.
To those with gynophobia, I apologize if this scares you, but just know that as a woman, I fully respect you and support you. From one “problematic” person to another, there is nothing wrong with having controversial thoughts, and it is okay to be afraid of what you are afraid of.
I think this is a little biased, but boys will boys. What about girls who were abused when they were kids or the boys who picked on the girls – what about them?
That is called androphobia?
This website is not biased. It just compiles reasons why people might be afraid of each sex.
If you think that women can experience androphobia but that men can’t experience gynophobia, then you might be misandrist. Men are abused at a similar rate to women; they just tend not to talk about it as much.