Hello, my name is Ivy. I suffer from Scopophobia which is the fear of being watched or stared at, and Trypanophobia which is the fear of needles. My fear of being watched affects my day to day life. My fear of being watched affects my life because I would start to freak out and almost have a panic attack. There has been times where I have turned down going out somewhere because of the fact there is going to be a lot of people there. One time I was out eating with my family in public and about 20 minutes I ended having a panic attack. It doesn’t help my social life at school either, most of the classrooms are really small with a lot of people in them, meaning I’m in a constant worry that someone is watching me, so I end up paying no attention in class. My fear of needles does not affect my day to day life yet. My family has a history of type two diabetes which means that I am at risk of getting it. Getting type 2 diabetes means that I would constantly have to check my blood pressure and my sugar, that also mean that I would have to take shots twice a day so my body will get the insulin it needs. My fear of needles is really bad, every time I have to get one I would start to sweat really bad, I would start to shake uncontrollably, and I would also start to laugh a lot. One time my mom was checking my blood pressure to see if it is was high, and I had to take the blood pressure test. My hands started to get really sweaty, I started to shake and laugh like crazy. Thankfully my blood pressure wasn’t high. When I grow up I want to be a nurse practitioner so coming in contact with needles should be fine as long as I’m the one not getting the shot.
Hi, this is my fear.
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Hi, I’m Kelly. I’m ten and I have a fear of babies crying, I have 2 small brothers that cry a lot and it scares me. One time I started crying because I really wanted my little brother to stop crying and I was anxious. It makes me think they are getting hurt or maybe even killed.
I also have fear of the dark and have trouble sleeping even with a lamp. I feel someone is watching me, I hear whispers and screams when I close my eyes, and see walking shadows. It might just be because I have a big imagination which is what my parents say but I still cant sleep, even if I know it’s just my brain.