Hi, I wrote another post on here about my social anxiety (medically diagnosed) but you probably didn’t see that so I’ll go over who I am. I am a 15 y/o high school freshman and I don’t know if a name for my phobia exists yet. I have an extreme fear of large metal things in my mouth. If you’ve been to an orthodontist and they took a mould of your jaw with that nasty putty, although the putty is disgusting and made me gag, the part that scared me the most is the chunk of metal the putty is in. When they used it my heart was basically beating out of my chest and I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to pass out or something. Even just thinking about it just surrounding my teeth with the metal is giving me anxiety. Another thing is a large piece that they used to keep my tongue from touching my tooth when putting on my brackets. My chest tightens and I stop breathing, even if I try to my body won’t let me. The thing is though, I’m fine with dentistry and orthodontics, I have no fear of any of that. I just can’t do the large metal things in my mouth. When they do an x-ray of my jaw and stuff- I can’t do it. With the x-rays it’s a bit better because it’s not holding onto my teeth, it’s just me biting on it, but I still get mild anxiety from it. Large metal pieces in my mouth. I can’t find any sign of it online no matter how hard I look. Like it’s not metal on my teeth because tin-foil and stuff doesn’t bother me. Only large solid metal in my mouth. Another example is the tool they use to break off a bracket, but just because it is pretty big and obviously metal. If anyone could help me find out what my phobia is, I would love to hear your opinion. Again, I’m fine with metal, and orthodontists but the reason why all my examples are from that is because that’s the only place where they stick large metal stuff in your mouth. I just want to know what I have. Thanks! :)
I can’t find what my phobia is called
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I can’t eat with metal. I can’t even think about anything metal in my mouth!
I agree, nothing else in life scares me, but metal objects touching my teeth do. I have nightmares of metal things touching my teeth, and they all crumble and fall out. I’m deathly scared of metal near my teeth. It makes no sense because I have never had any history of problems with it. I never had braces or lost a tooth to something metal, just an irrational fear.