Hello strangers. I’m not positive that this is a type of phobia at all, but here it is in all it’s glory (I’m scared to type it because I think people are definitely gonna judge me based on my writing skills).
Hi, I’m a teenage girl who just entered high school and I’m experiencing a new life in high school. Except, I still brought my old life to my new life of middle school. I have anger issues and I don’t know how to solve it.
When I get angry I start thinking of very imaginative short stories in my head, that usually are pretty gory and straight up terrible (it’s ironic to think about because I can’t watch scary movies with gore or something similar like that because they scare me and get me nightmares).
I think it normally happens when someone has insulted me or someone did something to get me mad (I’m not actually sure). But when it happens I start thinking if I just had that person’s life in my hands and what I would do with it.
What I’m trying to say is, when I get angry I start thinking of what would happen if I did something differently or if I just, you know, eliminated them..
Anyway, that’s the end of the story, hoped you enjoyed it. Oh and also, if anyone has any solutions to this, I’m happy to read it!
I don’t know if it’s a phobia either, but I totally understand your situation. This may not work for you, but I find getting a little squishy doll or something, and if you ever feel like that, just squeeze the doll. It helps me get my anger out and to not think about those things.
I agree with you, Charlie. Maybe you can bring a stress reliever or a squishy and think of positive thoughts.