Hello, I am from Brazil and I want to write about this subject because I have never seen anyone talk about it. Yes, I’m a maquillaphobic, and I’ve had it as long as I can remember. My first memory about maquillaphobia was at the age of 5, when, at the 1998 World Cup, the nursery school teacher painted on my cheeks. Two green and yellow stripes corresponding to the flag of my country. I hated having it painted on me, and wanted to remove it anyway.
As I grew older I realized that it made no sense for women to paint their faces, and I felt a huge revulsion for even looking at a makeup woman. Yes, my case is so severe that I get goose bumps just thinking about cosmetics and makeup. Just talking about or hearing the word “makeup”, I already feel a pain in my chest that makes me extremely disgusted by it. If someone on the street simply says the word “lipstick” or “mascara”, perfume and things like that, I start to shiver and feel hatred and anger, as if to run away. I also feel the same for nail polish, and now the problem comes: I’m a straight man, so I need to relate to women, but they all wear makeup, so what to do?
Yes, I’ve kissed girls in high school, and yes, some of them wore makeup, and yes, I hated it, and hope never to go through it again. I’m a handsome man, and no woman would say no. At school I was admired by girls, and not a few asked to kiss me. Beautiful girls, sexy, blue-eyed blond girls, green-eyed brunettes, which I was very attracted to, but put on makeup, I refused to kiss them, and not a few.
The subject “woman” is a complicated thing for me, because I see beautiful women, and I feel a lot of attraction, but then I see their makeup, and I feel disgusted. It is ambiguous to want and at the same time repudiate the same thing. Whenever I see a woman, I always notice her nails, makeup, and if that’s their custom, I give up of trying something. There’s no way!
I never had the courage to tell this to a woman, so I once created an internet post talking about it. Some women were extremely offended, and they cursed me, called me crazy, said I needed a psychiatrist, compared me to criminals, but I was never disrespectful to any woman. The reaction of women on the Internet made me even more afraid to tell someone in person. The truth is, even my mother doesn’t know I’m a maquillaphobic, and luckily, she almost never wears makeup. Luckily, I have no sister, and I wonder what I will do with my life if I have a daughter.
Daughter? I think it will be hard for me to have one, because in 2014, at 21, I definitely gave up on relating. Today I am 26 and I am a virgin. That’s right, I’m a beautiful man, and I’m a virgin. I haven’t kissed anyone for 5 years. I haven’t even held a woman’s hand in five years, and I know it will be forever, because my extreme disgust for makeup makes me want to run away from anyone.
I am a handsome man, I live in a big city, and I see beautiful women every day, and I know that until I find a woman completely abdicated from any makeup article, I will never relate, ever.
I wonder if there is a woman in the world who has the same phobia, because if there is, I would really be curious about her story.
Life with Maquillaphobia (fear of makeup)
What Now?
Read comments from others who are dealing with this phobia or share your own experiences below. Remember, you're not alone!
Hey I am a girl 18 years old and after reading your story i feel relieved to know that i am not only one with this weird phobia. You know even my parents don’t know that i have this phobia they simply consider that i just don’t like it but you know what it’s far more than dislike. Since i was kid i used to avoid makeup a lot. I would even hate to touch them and secretly i have even thrown out a few beauty products. For me it’s hard to watch someone with lipstick and kajal. Since i was a kid i was worried how I would get married because for me i thought it was compulsory to wear makeup. Still i know i should not be happy about it but i am relived that i am not the only one.
Yeah, I hate makeup too. I don’t like to touch it. By the way, I am from Pakistan. I like to live my life as a tomboy, and I like to play cricket. I am in the 9th class. My parents promised me if I take good grades on my board, they would buy a bike for me, and I am also joining a cricket club.
I’m a girl and I really hate touching makeup stuff! Am I maquillaphobic?
My condition is also like yours, but I am a boy.
Thank you for opening up about your experience with the issue. I too am a guy with maquillaphobia, (also kosmemophobia, but that’s a separate issue) and yeah, unfortunately most women in the world look ugly to me, so there isn’t much chance of dating/getting married for me. It’s unfortunate that your condition is much worse than mine. Hearing discussion of it is mildly disgusting to me, but for you it seems to cause physical revulsion.
Hope you find a girl with the same condition. That would seem to be the only solution!
Hi I am a guy and have always felt makeup makes people look like clowns and they are hiding their expression. I like natural skin, I like blemishes, spots. It’s real. Shay
I feel the same way. I’m much too afraid to open up to my family about it because I know they just won’t understand. Now that I’m getting older, I’m actually scared of what they must think. I am a woman, and not only do I have the makeup phobia, but I fear hair salons and hair products too. I also hate to dress up. I remember being forced to put on makeup for Halloween as a kid, and it would be slimy and would pinch. My mom and my aunt insisted I wore it and curled up my hair too. It was awful! My sister is older and only a half-sister that never lived with us. She can’t help me. My mom doesn’t wear makeup. I kind of wish I really had help with this phobia cause sometimes it takes over my life. All I worry about is that next haircut. Like the end of the world is coming.
I´m a woman, and I´m disgusted by makeup too, and I think it is ugly and makes people look like weird monsters or clowns. Most makeup is also tested on animals, so I hate it for ethical reasons too.
You should go after tomboyish women who don´t use makeup. Or maybe a good match for you could be a woman who wears makeup just because society says so and doesn´t enjoy it and believes she has to wear makeup to be even considered for dating. Plenty of women use makeup only because they believe every man will reject them if they will not use it and are hated by society if they don´t conform to the typical gender roles.
I’m not afraid of standard makeup or other people having makeup, but I will not allow myself to put face paint on. Even the idea of it being on me is disgusting to me.
Yes, I also have this condition, and I am a woman. Not as bad as some people here, but I still have a fight or flight response to anything goopy or sticky put on my face or person. I used to throw fits as a kid and scream.
As an adult, I can only wear powdered eye-shadow, and if I add water to it, it’s ok (because I know it’s only water). I can wear lip-balm, but that’s it, though.
It’s gotten better as I have grown older, but it’s still a struggle to relate to other women because of this.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your story.
I’m a 34-year-old man, and I’ve lived with a very specific form of this all my life. Makeup does not generally bother me at all. It’s specifically lipstick. I hate it. Thinking about it, talking about it, saying it, and even typing it out totally makes my skin crawl. God help me if I ever got it on me. I’d probably faint. I wish I was exaggerating, but I’m not. I don’t know why it bothers me so much.
A few years ago, I made the mistake of telling a few of my friends about it. They thought it would be funny to try putting lipstick on me. When they hauled it out, I had a panic attack when I realized what they were going to do. They immediately stopped when they saw my reaction. They had no idea how bad it was and thought I was exaggerating. I was in my early 30s, and I completely fell apart just thinking about it getting on me. I did get some massive apologies and free beers for the rest of the night, though.
One of my earliest memories is of me getting grossed out by lipstick in a cartoon. It was an episode of Talespin of all things when Baloo put on lipstick for some reason. I was maybe 4. The memory is so vivid even still. I thought this triggered it somehow, but my mom insists I hated it when I was even younger than that.
My female family members would go out of their way to NOT wear lipstick around me as far back as I can remember. I really wish I knew why I’m like this. I was always told I’d grow out of it as I got older, but I never did. I’m just as revolted now as I ever was. Luckily lipstick isn’t nearly as common as it was when I was younger. Lip gloss, lipstick, etc., don’t bother me at all. It’s a ridiculous thing to be afraid of, but I just cannot help it.
I’ve been struggling with this since I was around seven years old, and I’ve never met anyone who’s had or even heard of makeup phobia until I saw this post. I get extremely lightheaded, blurred vision, tinnitus, and loss hearing, and occasionally I faint when I see or think about makeup, although it’s usually just a steady low level of nausea. There’s no anxiety or repulsion, so I’m not sure if phobia is the right term. It’s comparable to people getting sick from seeing blood. It’s had a substantial impact on my dating life and professional life, although I’ve made some progress through exposure therapy. Good to know other people understand what I’m talking about.
I’m a woman, 21 years old, and till now, I had makeup on only three times, and this never was by my own will. I tried to remove it each of these times as soon as possible. The same goes to nail polish, even though, luckily, I had to suffer from it only once. The last time my mom persuaded me to do some lashes-thingy that was supposed to make them look longer without using mascara, I wasn’t able to look at myself in the mirror without going hysterical ever since. As my family says, the moment I see my eyes with these “beautiful lashes,” I immediately start having a panic attack. And I barely manage not to cry each time I remember that this thing will last at least two months. Strangely, I do not react to other people with makeup. That’s actually good because my mother and sister don’t spend even a day without it even if they stay indoors. But on me – immediate hate and panic. I hate how it feels, I hate how it looks, I hate how it smells, and I really wished that my family stopped trying to put it on me.
This is precisely what I have. On other people, I really don’t mind – I understand that appearance is a choice and that I cannot expect people to conform to my phobia. However, on the few occasions I have had to wear makeup or nail polish, I have frozen, struggled to breathe, and in the worst case, I threw up. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing someone that is not my natural self, and on the rare occasions I have, it has made me want to peel my face and fingernails off.
Male, 41. I have a mild form of this. I can watch or talk about cosmetics, but the more they’re evident on a person, the more I’m disgusted. In my case, it’s also related to colors: red lipstick and tooth paint are the worst, softer colors are more tolerable.
I’m Ryan. I’m happy to hear that more people are like me. I just freeze if I see any sort of thing like eyeliner, blush, or lipstick.
It sounds like you just need a woman that doesn’t wear makeup or nail polish. They are out there.
Hey, I have this too, but I’m 15 and have been living with it all my life, but mainly face paint is the problem. It’s quite bad. I’ve always refused to go to festivals or friends’ birthday parties when I was younger just for the chance of it being there. I know I’m still young, but I am absolutely sure I’m never gonna wear it ever. It also comes with fears of change and physical change as well for me, so haircuts as well. So yeah, my hair is down to my thighs because I’ve not had it cut for ages. I’m sure you’ll find someone. It makes me so happy to know I’m not alone here :)
Male, 37. I’ve always had problems with it, but it has worsened as I get older. I fell in love with my wife partly because she often didn’t wear makeup when we met. She wears it a lot more often now and doesn’t really understand my problem. Fake tan is the worst for me. It seems to be compulsory for women to wear it at weddings in Ireland, and I have major problems with weddings because of it. We usually end up having an argument at every wedding. I feel really sad that so many people think they have to hide who they are for society’s sake. People are so much more beautiful without it, more real, more honest. It means a lot to hear other people talking about it. Thank you for making me feel a bit better about myself.
My name is Annie, Female 16, and I have the most extreme fear of makeup ever. When I was smaller, I used to not mind nail polish on my toes but NEVER on my fingers or anything that could potentially be in my mouth. I hate how it looks, feels, and smells, omg the smell could make me sick. I have two older sisters and one younger sister. All are obsessed with makeup and barely ever go anywhere without it. I think it’s genuinely disgusting. Another problem is I’m at the age where I go to parties and discos where everyone wears full-face heavy makeup, and I’m the only one there frightened to even think about it. It’s not just about putting it on or being comfortable around it. It’s about fitting in. Society has become so used to women (or men) wearing makeup that it’s expected when going someplace nice. Anyway, that’s my take on it, so just know that there are people out there that hate makeup as much as you do -Annie
Hi, I’m 15, and I’ve always felt uncomfortable around makeup for a while now. Today my friend sat down next to me, but she was wearing a lot of makeup, and I felt really uncomfortable, and I couldn’t even sit next to her. Do I have maquillaphobia?
This is the first thing I have seen on makeup phobia, and I am so happy that I know I’m not crazy; thank you, handsome man.
The lipstick left behind on mugs or cigarette butts, lipstick kiss marks, even if made by a rubber stamp or printed, closeup photos of fingers wearing it (holding an object in an online auction or whatever), chipped fingernail polish on a food service worker, knowing those chips have wound up in food, the feel of someone’s fake nails putting change into my palm *shudder*.
Makeup on people in movies or real life is tolerable, usually. Though I often wonder why people are so susceptible to peer pressure and advertising that they want to use it or think it looks good and have been made to believe it’s worth the time and money.
Close interaction – touching or kissing, or being touched or kissed by someone wearing it, is repellent. I don’t want to see, feel, taste, or smell any of that crap. I cannot consider a relationship with someone who would use it, even if only rarely.
I’m so sorry you’ve gone through all this. It really sounds awful.
If you’re looking for someone unlikely to wear makeup, look up some autistic women. Some of us wear makeup because people think it’s weird if we don’t, but others – like me – rarely wear it because it just doesn’t feel good from a sensory standpoint.
We take some getting used to it because the way we communicate is atypical, but unlike the stereotypes, many of us are very understanding of other people. Suppose you had explained to me that you have a phobia towards makeup – you don’t know why and can’t control it – I would have accepted it. I wouldn’t have criticized you about it, even over the internet. However, I may have accidentally asked questions you may have found insensitive. I’m a pretty curious person, and if someone’s doing something I don’t understand, I want to ask questions until I understand. Getting into a person’s headspace is interesting. (Wanting to understand other people better is why I tracked down this website – I kind of figured that by understanding people’s fears better, I’d have more of an understanding of how the human mind works).
I feel bad that you haven’t encountered any women who accept your quirk before. Accepting people do exist. I hope that you find a support system soon.
I feel that neurotypical people are some of the least understanding people I have met, to be honest.
I am a 15-year-old male. I have also felt repellent towards makeup for as long as I can remember. Once when I was about 5-7 years old, it was Halloween, and my whole family was putting on makeup and face paint. I could not bear the thought of even touching the containers, so I hid in the attic for hours. I have always been careful not to be too close to someone using makeup and try not even to touch them. Once, I was in the mall with my friends. There were two comfortable chairs to sit in, and I managed to get one of them. The others would have to either share a chair, stand or try to sit on the railing. After about 20 seconds, I realized there was a container of mascara or something like that and immediately got out of the chair. I would rather stand for the 40 minutes we would have to wait in complete silence than sit in the chair that a container of makeup had touched for a long period of time. Do I have Maquillaphobia? If so, to what degree, or am I just crazy?
After hearing your story and the comments, I’m happily convinced I’m not the only one, lol. I’m 17 and a girl. I used to take part in dance competitions at my school, and they used to apply makeup on our faces, and that’s when I realized how much I hated it. Like, it felt like a burden on my face. Lipstick sends shivers down my body after even thinking about what it feels like on the lips. I used to keep my mouth still like a damn robot so that I didn’t have to use my lips. I couldn’t even lick my lips and hated the smell and taste of it. The same goes for nail polish and henna. I hate the smell of these things to the extent that I might vomit if I smell it for more than 15 seconds. Basically, I hate everything that tries to leave a mark on my skin, I guess. It was just an occasional discomfort for me as a kid, but as I age, I see the girls around me putting on makeup and everything. I don’t know what I’ll do in the future when everyone has applied at least basic makeup, and then there’s me with a bare face. I don’t know how I am going to keep up with them.
I’m a 23 woman with autism. I am about as natural in my appearance as I could be. To start, I have always hated the feeling of anything artificial on my skin, especially if it is wet, like lotion or hand sanitizer that stays on my skin. This goes for deodorant, too, so I use baking soda. I am also sensitive to smells, so I don’t wear perfume as smelling it causes a gagging reflux. And because I use unscented laundry detergent, sometimes people smell me. And yes, I don’t mind washing my hands.
When I was little, I always liked how the fake tattoos looked. So I tried it. After applying it, I immediately wanted it off as it was causing anxiety. I would ask my mom to help me scrub it off with a scrub brush and hot, soapy water- that really hurt. I still think tattoos look cool, but I would never want one, as it would probably make me anxious.
I also don’t like face paintings. I tried it once a couple of years ago, even though I knew I would hate it. I was very aware of how it felt on my face and felt uncomfortable. I washed it off after a couple of hours when I could.
My mom is gender fluid, so she was never into makeup. However, one thing she did have was the tan cover-up makeup. When I was still at home, whenever I got a noticeable blemish on my face, she forced it on me to cover it up. I hated how it felt and how it looked. I’d rather have the blemish show. I let my blemishes show, and I don’t mind.
I also don’t like lip balm or lip gloss as I don’t like how it feels. I get an impulse to lick it off. Often, seeing other people wear lipstick makes me grimace. I hate the way makeup looks in general. I hate the painted/fake nails and feel disgusted upon seeing them. It makes me uncomfortable as I see other women trying to match the stereotypical gender norms in everyday life. Not to mention, all this stuff isn’t good for the earth or your wallet.
At least I am okay with having friends who wear makeup, even though I get awkward and anxious. If they wear it all the time and I see them often enough, I eventually get used to it. But if someone only wears makeup occasionally, I don’t want to look at them because looking at them makes me anxious.
I am a 24 year old female. I wore a lot of makeup AND self-tanner age 15-19. I cannot tolerate makeup or self-tan now and hate the feeling of all my skincare products. It sucks about the skin care. I’m very happy I don’t care for makeup, though. I thought this was a form of claustrophobia. I hope it’s just a phase because I love how skin care products make my skin look when I wake up. I just hate the feeling of putting it on my face with my hands and then sleeping with that on. I hope this phase ends. I don’t know what it is.
Hello, it’s amazing to just read all of your problems and know I’m not the only one who fears makeup and thinks it’s disgusting. When I was 10, I had to do a ballet performance, and I had to wear makeup. I hated it and refused to wear it. They tried talking to me about why I didn’t want to wear it, but I just couldn’t explain it. It was just scary, ugly and disgusting. Happily, I was able to go on stage without makeup. There’s a new performance coming up soon, and my ballet teacher told me she wanted to help me get rid of my fear and explain my problems to the rest of my classmates from ballet. But there are only three lessons left before the performance. I’m pretty scared but also happy I’m getting help. I hope I will be able to get rid of this fear in 3 hours.
Hi, I don’t know if you believe in God. If you read the origins of makeup in the Bible, the harlots would wear it to entice men. Jezebel wore it to capture the attention of men to trap them. I wore makeup when I was in my 20s, but I always felt like it wasn’t me or like I was trying to cover something I was ashamed of. Fast forward to today. I have come to know God Almighty, and there have been too many beautiful miracles in my life not to believe in Him. Now I understand why I hated makeup.. it says in the Bible to adorn yourself with a heart for the things of God, like a compassionate, helpful, giving heart. God looks at the heart and the intentions of the heart, so we (women, or in this period, anyone) who adorn themselves should adorn their hearts inward instead of outward. If you want to meet a good woman, someone sober-minded, it might be nice to go to a church. Someone who wants to please God first but truly has a relationship with our Heavenly Father will treat others respectfully and have a humble heart. We are not perfect by all means because we are all humans in need of a savior and guidance from God, but in this time and age, it’s refreshing to meet people who will have similar beliefs about makeup. I’m not saying all ladies from the church will be makeup-less, but I’m sure you’ll meet someone God has guided to be modest. I don’t judge ladies with makeup because God has not revealed to them yet (to be modest and set apart), but He will.
I’m a demigirl asexual with a hatred for makeup. Now, not every makeup is horrifying to me, like face paint, fake tattoos, or tiny amounts of blush, but I hate most. I’m 13, and lots of girls have started wearing makeup at school. I also really hate how “hot” men look. The first instance of this was when two girls asked me which guy looked cuter when showing a picture of 2 men that looked so unnatural. It looks like every “pretty” person is deformed or alien to me. I’ve never liked wearing makeup or curling my hair. It pains me that so many people wear a ton of makeup and get plastic surgery just to look normal, but they really just end up looking worse to me. I also hate getting nail polish on my fingers but not my toes.
I also deal with maquillaphobia. It’s incredibly hard as a female (or anyone for that matter) to have this fear. With society telling all women to wear makeup, perfume, and nail polish to be accepted, you feel like you’ll never be able to fit in or be respected. I’ve been bullied countless times for this fear (girls in my school chased me around, basically threatening me with skincare), and everyone just keeps telling me, “It’s a phase; you’ll feel the need to wear it one day.” I can’t wear it for more than 5 minutes at max before I wipe it off. I hate nail polish, but I’ve worn it more than once, for long periods of time, to make my mom happy. I cannot wear lipstick or lip gloss because I get the urge to lick it off. People wearing makeup always send me into the uncanny valley and make me feel high discomfort. I recently found out I have tactile sensory disorder and ADHD, which is most likely the cause of this fear. Personally, I don’t feel embarrassed about zits or blemishes on my face, but my mom does. She doesn’t know I am a maquillaphobic and forces me to do skincare so I will “fit in” (good luck with that mom; I am a certified weirdo and nerd) and get boys to like me (nuh-uh). I don’t think this fear will ever go away, but to be honest, I’m chill with it. I don’t need to impress anyone, as I am aromantic and don’t feel romantic or intimate attraction. When people ask me why I don’t wear makeup or do skincare, I basically give them my life experiences with my phobia and tell them how it shouldn’t be expected for any female to wear makeup.