Hi, I am 18 years old and I have Nosophobia, but it wasn’t always like that. When I was younger my 5th grade teacher had a small (3ft tall) skeleton she used to teach health. Every day I would see it on the shelf and I would go out of my way to avoid it until I asked her to cover it. Years pass and eventually I decide I want to work in a hospital morgue, performing autopsies on the dead. I know, weird. But I figured the best way to get over my fear of death and human body parts was to learn as much as I could so I wasn’t so afraid. Well it worked. The class I took (health science technology) got me so interested in how the body works I didn’t fear it anymore and by the end I was able to stand right next to a life sized skeleton who stood in the back of the class. However it wasn’t all great. Because the class was for Doctor/nurse students we had to learn everything about the body. That includes what could go wrong with it. I took this class when Ebola was still new and hearing about real illness and what it does to you.. it was not a fun time. Now I can’t even go to a hospital or watch a doctor show because I don’t want to see people being sick. To make matters worse last year I worked at a haunted house/theme park and one of the ‘houses’ was called “Virus” and you can guess what that was about. Needles to say I stayed far away from that side of the park.
Anyway. That’s my weird story, I hope you guys can overcome your fears and hopefully I can get rid of mine :)
P.s. I am in college now and decided not to be a doctor but a science teacher, so wish me luck :)
One fear for another
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