My choking phobia started when I was 12 years old. I started with that when I went to the hospital and they put a tube in my throat to see what was going on because my stomach used to hurt a lot. Then they took it out and my throat was hurting so badly. When I went home that day I was just scared to eat. I remember my mom got me chicken noodle soup. I ate it but my throat was hurting so the next day I was just not eating and I did not eat nothing for 2 weeks. That’s when I realized I was scared of choking. My mom took me to the doctor and they said I had lost weight. I was 54 lbs and they said I had an eating disorder so they sent me to a program (UCSD Eating Disorder center) and I was there for 6 months. I gained weight, I was 85 now and they helped me through my swallowing and eating. I was in a slow recovery and when they let me out I ate more foods and I wasn’t so scared of eating, but yeah I was kind of, so I kept going with my recovery, but a week later I relapsed. I got so scared again so my mom took me to my doctor and told me I lost weight again. I was 80 lbs but they helped me. My goal was to gain the weight I lost. I lost 5 lbs but I gained them back so I was recovering again and I kept going with my recovery. Now I’m 14 years old and I’m still on a recovery better than I used to, now I’m 85 lbs and I’m really proud of how great I did in my recovery. I went through a lot but, I’m really surprised that I went from 54 lbs through 85 lbs and my goal is to keep recovering. Now I eat more and im not letting my thoughts get in my way so if I could do it I know you can too.
Scared of choking
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Ayyyy 80 pound club here. I don’t have this fear, but I have globophobia instead (fear of balloons), which is a fun fear to have, but that must have been scary, being 54 pounds at 12.