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The Ultimate List of Phobias and Fears
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Thanks for all the great info. I’m learning so much about new phobias I never knew existed.
This is the most thorough site about phobias I’ve seen. Good job!
Thank you, this was very helpful because I am doing a report on fears. I got good notes.
Thanks for showing me all the cool phobias that people have.
Thank you so much, you’ve really helped me recover from my phobia. No-one teases me anymore! It’s receiving to know that I’m not the only one!
Hi, I really like this website. It has loads of information. My only complaint is that, when researching the phobias that I have to learn more about, the pictures of the fear will often cause me to freak out. For instance, I have arachnophobia, and when I clicked on the section about arachnophobia, there was a spider right there and it caused my fear to activate. I think that having pictures of what people are afraid of will only make that fear worse by seeing it right there. Other than that, I think this website is very useful for learning more about phobias and how to overcome them.
Oh totally! I am terrified of clowns and dolls so yeah, I struggle when I go to the circus or the toy store.
Yeah man, you’re really cool. I actually wanted to know about 50 phobias but I saw an awesome 100 phobias (cool). And I think I wanna study phobias now.
Same here!
I appreciate your good effort bringing all these together, well done bro.
I didn’t think I had any fears or phobias until I worked in a school. On occasions children have had unfortunate accidents which has lead them to come into school with pots on their arms wrist. I remember my stomach turning over feeling very sick when a child accidentally knocked me with the pot on. I can’t bare to see it and I cringe when a child asks me to sign it. I’m just so glad my lads have never had their limbs in a pot.
I’m going to carry on reading this website for more useful information as I felt I was being weird.
I have severe Nyctophobia and Ornithophobia. Just thinking about the dark is making me sweaty and nervous and I can’t breathe properly. Flying animals are terrifying, and when one flew into my house a few months ago I had to get a neighbor for help, and even when it was out of my home, the feathers lying around were worse than it being in my house. I go to every length to avoid the dark, however with a husband who works away, I am alone every night. My rituals to sleep are not working as well anymore, I have a tv on, bathroom light on, tuck the covers in a certain way and yet I still picture every bad thing being in my cupboards and under the bed and I just lie and wait to hear something coming down the passage and opening my door.
I am 25 and it’s not cool anymore.
I am also suffering from spectrophobia, fear of ghosts. Every time someone I know dies I think they are following me, specially at night.
I am 41 and have the same problem. I have to have night lights on in every room of my house. Glad I’m not alone.
Hello Jacob!
I found this site to be detailed and loaded with tons of valuable information. I have an upcoming speech to give in class and I will be sure to highlight this website in my presentation. Great job and keep up the good work!
Hi Jacob,
I love this site. It has been humorous, often hilarious, but also seriously revealing. As a 42 year old man that fears almost nothing, I didn’t realize that my panic attacks and eruptive reaction to the mere sight of roaches was a legitimate fear. The mere picture of the roaches on that page made me leap out of my chair, run into the street, writhing my shirt off to make sure there were none on. The idea of therapy involving touching a dead one to acclimate? Hell no, that’s called inhumane torture in my book.
Anyways, I’m wondering if there is a fear of grocery stores and cooking? When I enter a grocery store, the need to compare prices, choose adequate quality without paying too much, getting harped on by a parent, girlfriend, friend or whatever for making bad shopping choices or picking unacceptable offers, or worse being stuck there for hours making the evaluations; it’s all too much. If I don’t get in and out within minutes, I start getting light headed, short of breath, intensely stressed, shacking, sweating, dizzy, weak. It’s terrible. I’ve tried to explain it to my parents in my early adulthood, friends and girlfriends over the years, but they just laugh saying I’m being lazy. It’s not crowded places, or being in public, and I don’t experience the traumatic response when shopping for anything other than food.
Even worse is my cooking issue. I’m a master machinist who can easily conquer the most complicated of schematics. An extreme kayaker who paddles with some of the worlds best pro kayakers on the worlds toughest and most dangerous rivers (above Class VI, unchartable rivers). But when it comes to cooking, it is so emotionally daunting, so mentally depleting, I can’t even put it into words. Timing multiple dishes to end at the same time, following the directions, reading all the steps until I get tunnel vision, I’ve learned to just live off of microwaves. One at a time. I can’t even pour a glass of milk AND nuke a hot dog without feeling overwhelmed the way most people feel after surviving major surgery. Afterwards I have to sit in peace and quiet, relax and rejuvenate. It’s not the fear of food, or eating, or of knives or even the kitchen – I’ve worked many positions in a kitchen, just can’t do the cooking. And it’s not the heat. It’s multitasking all the items, quantities, choreographing all the different steps, ensuring that it tastes ok or doesn’t get ruined, etc.
Are these legitimate fears? What do I do?
I just joined a few min ago. Thank you for sharing about roaches. I thought I was the only one…
Thanks very much, I truly appreciate your work here, I’ve been threatened by bathophobia, achievemephobia and basiphobia but now, it’s over. Thank you very much, more grease to your elbow.
What are bathophobia, basiphobia? Does achievemephobia suggest achievement phobia?
I am very afraid of wasps and bees, and on the bus (school bus) there was a wasp. It flew near my seat and I started crying. I couldn’t control my fears, and crying about a “measly” wasp in front of kids I know at school, it is embarrassing. Luckily, a kid smashed it against the window, but up until then I was crying my eyeballs out.
I took the anxiety test, and I scored 18 points, or 45%. I think my anxiety comes from the fear of wasps and bees, and maybe because I moved to a new city. Some days, I just feel overwhelmed about school, and on nights when I have a lot of homework, I start to stress out and my breathing becomes choppy and my palms get sweaty. Is there such a thing as “school phobia” or “homework phobia”? I’m not that afraid of school, I think it’s more of the overwhelming homework.
I did like this website, in fact I bookmarked it. I didn’t realize there were help options for my seeming irrelevant fear of wasps. Not only am I afraid of wasps, I’m afraid of bees as well. My family was walking on a trail that is practically ‘carved out of five foot tall grass and flowers’. That is like, a home for bees, and I was crying and jumping and running away from the bees. It affected the whole trip, and whenever it’s mentioned I worry about facing the bees or wasps. My family says I must get over my fears and not let it control me, but I didn’t know it was possible.
Thanks to this website, I can finally get help for my fear of wasps and bees.
Thank you for making this website. I used to have Mysophobia but I got over it through willpower, but some things that I touch still get me queasy or anxious. I also suffer from Eremikophobia, and I signed up for the newsletter. Thank you for offering to help.
Hi. I LOVED your website! I had a research project on Acrophobia. I was wondering.. what is the fear of surprises, or jump-scares called? My class watched a video called “What makes things creepy” and when people said “creepy”, to me it was absolutely terrifying. It was horrible. Anyways, great job!
Hi. I read through your post thoroughly and I was really happy reading through because it gave me the hope that I can finally overcome my phobia. I suffer from anthropophobia – the fear of people and society which I figure you will know a lot of detail about. I’ve battled with it for 7 years if by my count I’m not wrong. It has really been hell trying to survive living with it everyday. It has destroyed my social life and has sometimes made me hate existence. It has so much affected the way I walk and the way I co-ordinate myself around people which people will find eccentric. I cry most often out of self pity and sadness. I’m happy God has helped me overcome the thoughts of suicide.
Hello! I am using your research for a dental hygiene presentation. Its amazing how many of the phobias you have listed are present in the dental office. I would like to cite your work. Thank you!
Dear Jacob,
Thank you so much for this very detailed and beneficial website. I’m continuously researching information for a couple of books I’m writing. I’m writing about anxiety in one chapter and your website came up in my search. I am definitely listing your website as a good resource for those seeking insight into their anxieties.
Although phobias are not considered normal, it is quite common to find people living a normal life with one or more phobias. After perusing your website, I will have to recalculate how many phobias I might have. :-) Fortunately, I am able to provide self-therapy to move beyond the two phobias that cause anxiety. I must say that I am shocked that one of my phobias is not in the top 10.
On another note, I am a poet and a few years ago I actually wrote a couple of poems about phobias.
Thanks for all your help. It really helps with all my Phobias. :)
Like others, I’m much obliged to you Jacob for the grace you’ve to disseminate this wealth of invaluable thoughts which have touched countless lives around the world. They are chorusly enlightening and curing.
What continents or races are vulnerable to these phobias? Here in Africa, technically Nigeria, the incidence of these phobias is rare. Another interesting question to ask is: why are people, especially the Caucasoid, so affected by them?
Hello, Jacob
I am glad that I found your website. I have been suffering without knowing why. Now that I know I have those phobias, I think I may find a way to overcome them. I hope I can make friends, be in relationship, and attend any evens without anxiety and fear. Live my life and communicate the way others do. :)
Thank you sir, it’s wonderful work. Right from childhood I have had fear of butterflies, I just ran away and even attempted to hit and injure myself.. But now I am slowly recovering. You gave me confidence. It’s because of you. Thank you sir and God bless you abundantly.
I have a few phobias. My main one I am having trouble with is roaches. They are at my job badly. They pulled out something to clean behind it. They came out everywhere. Next thing you know im on a chair crying and shaking. Would have walked out but couldnt move. I am 41 years old and had a complete meltdown that everyone laughed at. Also I cannot sleep in the dark. I hate the dark and lord forbid if the power goes out. Must have night lights in every room. I used to be afraid of spiders and still am a little but have gotten better. Same with thunderstorms, unless its extremely loud I can tolerate it.
I’m glad I found this website and did not even know there was a name for fear of roaches.
I hope you can help me. Thank you.
Ohh… roaches(shudder, shudder) Ew…
Great website for researching phobias. I have the worst fear of swimming pool drains! I have intense fear about them (drains, filters, cleaners, lights). Its scary to take a simple shower or a bath, even to look at one. I have panic attacks and cry and scream, it started when i was 3 in the pool and i saw a drain and i placed my foot on it and i could feel the suction holding my foot down and i couldn’t get my foot off so the lifeguard had to turn the drains off. They will also drown you and they don’t look very nice at all, I’ve also had nightmares about them and my dad picks me up and throws me in the pool. My face once touched the drain and i passed out, could have died! :(
Jacob, I am glad you’ve been able to help so many people; that’s wonderful. As for me, my hatred, fear, and revulsion toward animals deepens daily. I feel this way toward all animals, but it’s the dogs that are the main concern as I live in Mexico and they wander free in my neighborhood. One of my friends taught me to pick up a rock, which helps, and she’s told me to find pepper spray, which I am trying to do. I am also considering simply never leaving the house. I haven’t ever read of an anti-aversion therapy that does not involve being in the vicinity of an animal, something I would never do willingly. I would have to be bound, gagged, and drugged to go near an animal. So I thank you for your email and wish you and all these people good luck. I know how prehistoric people must have felt daily as they saw slavering beasts from the mouths of their caves..
For Athea Marcos Amir: I am so sorry to hear about your phobia. I love animals, so it’s hard for me to imagine how you must feel, but I can understand it must be terrible for you. I hope you are able to seek treatment. You are missing so much not being able to love and admire animals, our fellow creatures, with whom we share a common ancestor. But please don’t hurt any of these animals: it’s not their fault that you feel as you do, and the life of a stray dog is miserable enough anyway.
This website is amazing! I have arachnophobia and it’s horrible. I get scared over little spiders and big ones and… almost every spider I see. I’ve managed to control myself, so now, whenever I see a SUPER LITTLE spider I don’t get that scared (only if I start thinking about the big ones) and I can even smash them with my own hands without a napkin or something. I know it sounds weird, but yea.
Now, when it comes to “normal” sized ones or tarantulas, it’s not the same. I start to panic and cry (scream when I see them) and I can’t breathe normally. I also get up and shake like there was something on me, and I tend to look everywhere to look for a spider. I can’t even keep myself in the room, I feel the anxiety to get out of the place as quick as possible. Oh, and about spider webs, I always get nervous around them. People always make fun of me saying that spiders are cool and that I shouldn’t be afraid of them, people at school call me an idiot when they see me overreact over an image of a spider. I had to cover all the images that contained spiders in my science book.
It all started when I was 7 years old. I was at a picnic with my parents, and I used to love all the bugs. And when I say all I mean ALL. Even spiders. There was this kind of cave, but it was open on the back and front, so it had light, and in front of it was a river, if you can call it that. Anyways, I was in the cave, and my dad told me to look up and I did. There was a huge ball made of (I don’t know if it is how you call them) spideys (aranhiços in portuguese), bouncing on the ceiling of the cave. I’ve never felt so scared in my life. I literally jumped to the river. It was awful.
I tried to control my fear by seeing movies or documentaries about spiders, or even tried to google images of them but I just can’t get over this phobia :(
Just as a tip:
When you are treating a phobia you have to at least for a moment be brave and say to yourself “I will not get scared” and just watch the photos or videos. If you just cannot get over this phobia by the means you say here I recommend you looking for a “harder” therapy: getting in contact (physical) with real spiders with the overwatch of a professional.
Also: don`t feel bad for being scared of spiders, we humans are scared of them by nature and only a very small amount of people like them.
Good luck :)
To Salomé: I can appreciate your arachnophobia (although I don’t suffer from it myself). But I was shocked to read that you now apparently enjoy “smashing” spiders (I imagine you must mean “crushing” them) with your bare hands. Having a phobia is one thing but your treatment should not include wanton destruction of and cruelty towards the subject of your phobia. These poor little creatures have never harmed you. Leave them in peace, let them live and learn to love them for what they are: your fellow creatures. And very beautiful ones at that.
Thanks the ideas were very helpful
Sir thanks for your guidance.
As far as it comes about my biggest fear.. I fear about trusting people. This fear of mine is related to my past and yet I am not able to overcome my past. Plz help me out. Regards.
Thanks so much for this.
I’m glad to be aware of situations and disorders even I didn’t know about. And though I don’t even know you in real life, it feels like you’re a great friend who’s done me a great favor!
I hope more people find this site, and I pray that it helps them find a little bit more knowledge for themselves.
I really like your website and hope you can help my son. Thank you.
Yo great website helped me a lot! I researched the fear of long words, thank you.
Hello Sir,
Perhaps this is the first site in which I came to know my inherent fear has the name “Tachophobia”! I used to think low about myself for having this phobia (I didn’t even know what a phobia was). But now I am quite happy about being one among you all having the same phobia.. Need general advice on going into systematic desensitization.
I just started, so i haven’t gotten over my fears yet, but its great to know that someone out there is willing to help.
Hi I’m making a report on phobias and I found this website very useful esp because I have a crazy phobia of reptiles. I have a question about the test.
I’ve just started so nothing has really changed yet, but you are very helpful! <3
Keep up the good work its takes a tremendous amount of courage to do what you’re doing and skill.
Thanks for all the information. Before i visited this page i thought i had fear of depth, however after i read through the information i think i don’t belong to that group. I am still looking for the exact fear that i’m scared of. I like water but when i am in the middle of the pool, i feel insecure. Whenever there is water splashing on my face i will become even more nervous.
Hi Jacob,
I am doing some research into fears that surround technology & have found that your site is extremely helpful.
Hey! I was just doing some research on phobias for a story I write. One character is supposed to have some kind of phobia, and your site did me a great help. Thanks!
PS: The characters name is Jaycob, actually. :D
I’d just like to say thanks for all of this helpful info it has helped me do a project on phobias, thanks.
Great job! Keep up the great work!
Simply amazing. Knowledgeable. I was awed at the findings. Thank you Jacob.
This is great man. Keep it up and continue helping others.
This is a great website. Very informative.
yes its a great website.. a reward to thank this author. thanks alot sir and salute this site.
The anxiety test was really helpful now i actually know where i stand.. thanks.
Thank you … I feel like I already have an edge now over my Glossophobia. I declare to myself that this is the end of the road for my Glossophobia.
This is a useful website with a lot of information about phobias. I also like, that you write about psychological aspects such as possible causes of phobia.
thank you very much jacob
thanks for the information.
😊 thank you
this has really helped me with my class essay on fears. my fear was bananaphobia. i got an a!
I like to learn everything and simply everything and so the list concerning all kinds of phobias kind of delighted me. I never knew that so many existed and now that i do, i can just tell people what their particular phobia is called, and sharing knowledge with someone makes me happy. So, lots of thanks to you.
Thanks Jacob. Sending me details of the chat room so grateful. I wish you all the best Gerry Scotland.
Thank you Jacob for giving so much details of different phobias and fears. And i just got to know about cherophobia and i guess i do have the same. It’s like i want to be happy and i try to make all the efforts to be happy but then whenever i get a chance to enjoy happiness, second thought comes into my mind that I don’t know what bad things will come next as i am happy now. Ugh..
Same. I can’t enjoy my life now. Even my friends, when i try to voice out my thoughts they always says I’m just paranoid.
I love this site! I’m doing a 5 paragraph essay about fears and phobias in English and this helped so much! My essay was about Pogonophobia (The fear of beards) ! :D
Omigods, I’m doing an essay on phobias too! This website helped me a lot on that.
This website helped me so much on the research I’m doing!!!
Hi Jacob, thank you for this useful website.
Thanks for your helpful website.
This really helped me write a lot of my novel since most of the characters are based on phobias. Reading about different phobias really helped me develop the personalities of the characters and just made my life so much easier while writing the novel. I also found quite a few ways to help control my own phobias. I don’t know how I would find the info I need for my novel if my school ever blocked this site.
That sounds like a really interesting book!
Its very nice of you to create this website, any phobiac who reads this article will get hope for sure. Frankly, I’ve got a phobia too, fear of heights. I will face my fear. God bless you.
I wanted to say thanks to you for the wonderful tips and emails.
It’s great having your help.
I would love it if you send tips on specific fears just like public speaking which is most common.
I love your email back to Mr. Jacob. And I love your comments on fears of public speaking. And learning of many other areas of fears, and how to overcome them. Thanks
I have a speed phobia and i am overcoming it. Thanks. Much love to you. God bless you.
Hello! I love this website! Although I am using this website for a project, I will definitely check this out again.
Thank you Jacob for this comprehensive list of phobias plus possible causes. I’ve just read about almost every individual phobia on your list. I have suffered from bananaphobia and phobia about dolls (is that Pediophobia?) since I was a small child. However the fact that I have these two phobias doesn’t bother me. It’s not so much an actual fear of dolls, but rather a sense of horror, disgust and repulsion. And obviously I didn’t have any dolls as a child: I had cuddly pluche animals. In your list I discovered a large number of phobias I really dislike and/or find unpleasant or even repulsive, but again, it isn’t even a fear let alone a phobia. And I’ve also read some of the comments here. There are a couple of people who have a phobia about one particular animal species, or even about all animals. This must be dreadful for them as we humans are surrounded by animals of all shapes, sizes and species. I hope your site has helped them to seek treatment. Animals are wonderful creatures, we share this planet with them. Learning to love & respect them and admire their beauty is SO important.
Thanks for your dedication to help, the best.
I fear spiders and your post really helped me learn more about my phobia. Keep writing!
This is amazing. It is very interesting and I will definitely check this out when I have more time!
I really want to thank you for this work that you have done. It has simplified the techno terms to everyday people like me.
I am grateful for your work, I am currently using it and going to cite it. Overall, I love it, it helped me a lot. Thanks.
I am so glad I found this website. This helps me understand myself, and see that I am not alone.
I love your site! It helped me figure out what my phobia was so I could get help.. thank you so much!