I don't know if I really do have actual scoleciphobia, but I'll tell you all of this. As a little kid, I was, in fact, less scared of worms than my sisters, whom I chased around with the critters. I even once dug up a massive bunch of worms (about 50, if I remember) and placed them in a pile. By the time I was eight or so, stuff began to change. I was encouraged to look at … [Read more...]
My phobias
Where to start - I am a girl with many phobias. But the ones I'm going to write about today are those in a similar category, those rooted in megalophobia (although it's odd, I don't have regular megalophobia, discomfort looking at certain images, yes, but not a big fear). I have megalohydrothalassophobia and a fear of large celestial bodies in outer space or the sky … [Read more...]
Phobia of INK!
Hello, I'm a 16-year-old girl from India, and I have wanted to talk about this for a long time. So, from a very young age (around 4-5), I developed this fear of inks from pens, markers, sketch pens, highlighters, etc. I used to avoid pens at that time, but as years passed, our school's no-more-writing-with-a-pencil-kiddos phase started, and obviously, I was a kid, so I … [Read more...]
Fear of the future everybody is talking about
It started when I turned 18 when I met a friend that has beliefs. This won't be detailed, but she told me about everything horrible that this world would turn into, from what their religion has been telling them. I started to feel like I had a phobia about the future or what this world would turn into. Now, it's 2022, I'm already 24, and this "phobia" started to grow … [Read more...]
Living With Agyrophobia
I'm 21 years old, and I live with Agyrophobia or the fear that crossing a road will result in bodily harm, as well as PTSD. It started when I was about 16 years old and was hit by a driver who was blind in one eye while crossing the street. I was crossing legally at a crosswalk after the car had already stopped at the stop sign. But they were blind in one eye and turning … [Read more...]
Me and Birds
I am a secret sufferer of Ornithophobia - the fear of birds, but I recently came to know about it. I am still researching it, trying to gather as much information as possible to cope with it for the next years of my life. So as mentioned before, I have Ornithophobia. I may not say it is medically claimed by a professional, but I get panicked and have a racing heartbeat … [Read more...]
Does Anyone Know My Phobia?
When I was about 5, I got really sick with a fever. My mom gave me some medicine, I can’t remember exactly what it was, but it was strong, and unknown to her. I hadn’t eaten anything prior to taking the medication and it really messed me up. Shortly after taking the medicine, I started getting hallucinations. I don’t remember all of them, but the one that is still crystal … [Read more...]
I don’t know what phobia(s) I have
Hello, I'm a teen girl who has multiple phobias. I didn't really notice the first one until two years after the incident that caused it. I won't say much but let's just say that I had the window open at night, and I saw a murderer (not in action, just the person). That was when I was 8. I guess at that age you're just too innocent, and things don't psychologically affect … [Read more...]
Feelings of Being Trapped and Not Being Able to Get Away
Hi all, I am a 66 year old married female with chronic health issues incl. autoimmune thyroid disease w/hypothyroidism which is being controlled with thyroid medication, LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) and diet & lifestyle interventions (eg. avoiding known personal intolerances such as gluten/dairy/soy, etc.) My husband of 37+ years & I moved summer of 2019 from a city … [Read more...]
I am 20 years old and have intense fears of normal social things
Hello readers. I hope I don't come off as complaining, my life has been nothing but filled with love from my family. I just have issues I want to get off my chest, but I become disheartened to change because I feel like at 20 years old I have no one to relate to. I am a 20 year old junior in community college who has not gone out much. It is funny because as a child I used … [Read more...]
The Worst Past Memories
I was twelve years old since I hated the word memories. I hated taking pictures with my friends and even with my family. I don't know if it's normal or what. Then I started withdrawing with my friends who are involved with that past memory. Later on I started having nightmares, popping in and out of that worst memory, then I cry a lot, I have mood swings, and sometimes I … [Read more...]
Looking for an answer
Hello! I’m a sixteen year old teen girl who has recently entered the world of phobias. It has been very helpful for me to understand what phobias I have. Talking with other people that have them and learning how to avoid triggering them has kinda been my quarantine pastime. I have found out that I have mild Trypophobia (holes) and extreme Submechanophobia (hard to explain, … [Read more...]
Multiple Fears
Hallo world. I’m a teen with a decent amount of phobias. It started with ailurophobia, or fear of cats. That one is really mild, so I don’t mind it. It’s kind of funny, actually. It doesn’t really bother me, and I even cat sitted for my friend a month ago or so. It’s just that cats freak me out lol. I’m okay with that phobia, it’s just part of me. That was back in 5th … [Read more...]
Teenager: Afraid of Mostly All Relationships
Hello, my name is Mia. I experience Aphenphosmphobia and Philophobia (Fear of Touch/Intimacy and Love). I used to be super depressed from the ages of 8-13. The reason for this was because I was bullied and also bullied others, mostly my best friend. I used to hate seeing her smile, which she rarely did, and told her that I would kill her once she hit 16, making every day … [Read more...]
I can’t find what my phobia is called
Hi, I wrote another post on here about my social anxiety (medically diagnosed) but you probably didn't see that so I'll go over who I am. I am a 15 y/o high school freshman and I don't know if a name for my phobia exists yet. I have an extreme fear of large metal things in my mouth. If you've been to an orthodontist and they took a mould of your jaw with that nasty putty, … [Read more...]