I have always had this fear. When I got very drunk I went off with this guy and got pregnant. The moment I knew I was pregnant, I went straight to see my psychiatrist and asked her if it would be okay to put me forward for an abortion. Because of my severe mental health issues she did do this for me. Ever since I have avoided being with men because of the intolerable fear … [Read more...]
Reader Stories
Do you have a phobia or fear that affects your life and daily activities? You're not alone!
Scared of dogs and generally anxious and angry
I know I have been attacked by German shepherd dogs three times in my life. I really can’t remember the first two times except that my mother told me I was just a toddler the first time, aged between two and three years old, and as a result I developed Alopecia, and my hair fell out in huge patches, and I started to be terrified of dogs. I don’t remember anything about the … [Read more...]
My fear/shyness of crowds
Hi. My name is Meke, I'm 17 years old and I'm from Namibia, Africa. Living in such an overly social community, it is rare to find someone who fears groups of people. We tend to have many family and friends gatherings, and that is not the best place for me in the world. When someone is afraid of crowds, the elders call it ridiculous and child's play, saying that they should … [Read more...]
Hi, this is my fear.
Hello, my name is Ivy. I suffer from Scopophobia which is the fear of being watched or stared at, and Trypanophobia which is the fear of needles. My fear of being watched affects my day to day life. My fear of being watched affects my life because I would start to freak out and almost have a panic attack. There has been times where I have turned down going out somewhere … [Read more...]
Terrified of dark houses
While the fear of the dark generally speaks of being terrified of the dark in general, my fear is very specific. I'm not scared to go after dark and in fact find it quite relaxing to walk around in the very early hours of the morning. However, I'm terrified of being alone while I sleep. I need to have at least three rooms filled with light; my own, the hall outside my room … [Read more...]
Fear of letters
I have a phobia which doesn't appear on the list, and I have no idea what the medical term would be either (epistolaphobia maybe?). You will probably know. It's the fear of letters (especially in plain envelopes without any company name). It's not so bad with letters when I know the sender and am expecting them, like e.g. the phone bill. But any unexpected letters that … [Read more...]
Afraid of seeing holes
When I was in the tenth grade, I discovered I had trypophobia. I was in anatomy and we were looking at spongy bones and I just remember not even being able to look at the board and take notes that day. I was TRIPPIN. I was freaking out hard that day. Like my heart was beating fast and I felt uneasy in my chest. And that uneasiness feeling stayed with me the entire day. No … [Read more...]
A phobia probably nobody has – PSAs
This phobia is really weird but true, and unfortunately I have it. I am afraid of PSAs (Public Service Announcements). Why? When I was young, and still to this day, I see some really scary commercials about certain topics like fire safety, cigarettes and even an unsettlingly silent milk commercial with a pure black background. Okay, okay, the last one is pretty dumb, … [Read more...]
Afraid of the moon
I have had the weirdest phobia for as long as I can remember. I think it is called selenophobia. I am 57 years old and I think it started when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I used to like watching the old Dracula, Frankenstein, werewolf films and when I was about 9, they used to show them at 10.30pm and my mum would let me come down and watch them with her. I think this … [Read more...]
Unspecified/Unknown Phobia
Uh, okay.. To begin, I'm turning 17 in two months. I'm a female, senior in high school - Online schooling. I'm just a typical awkward and antisocial teen who's afraid of crowded spaces, the dark, and public school. But, I don't think those are phobias I have. However, I'm pretty sure I do have a phobia of speaking to other females, in specific. I feel nauseous when … [Read more...]
Entomophobia is getting progressively worse
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been petrified by any kind of bug. Anything - ants, roaches, centipedes, mosquitoes, flies, hornets, bees - EVERYTHING. Any time I think I feel a bug on me, I spaz out. Any time I see any kind of flying bug, I run and scream like a little girl (I’m a 20 y/o male). For the past few months, there have been many nights where I’ve lost … [Read more...]
The Fear of the Cover of Jaws
Okay, so get ready for a post that sounds 100% made up, but in fact is very real. I was not terrified of sharks, but I did have that fear of knowing that they could kill me if I encountered one, ya know, common sense. I'm not quite sure when this phobia manifested, but I know it has been an issue since I was a small child. As a child, I loved movies and would often … [Read more...]
A phobia of nothing?
When I was little, I had a gerbil. He was cute as a button, and used to crawl all over me. Then he died. He stopped existing. He had once existed, but then he stopped existing. Living, breathing. Being. He used to be an ‘is’, now he is a ‘was’. It frightened me, how he suddenly ceased. My mom had thrown away all his toys, so I wouldn’t get sad seeing his things. He just … [Read more...]
My Fear of Something Really Weird or Random
I am really afraid of the strangest and weirdest things. I'm talking about those things when something turns randomly into an apple, then vomits a weird looking liquid, then something forms from that liquid, etc. It's like a never-ending cycle of everything turning into everything. And not just that kind of stuff. I have had a really weird dream twice in my life already, … [Read more...]
Scared of choking
My choking phobia started when I was 12 years old. I started with that when I went to the hospital and they put a tube in my throat to see what was going on because my stomach used to hurt a lot. Then they took it out and my throat was hurting so badly. When I went home that day I was just scared to eat. I remember my mom got me chicken noodle soup. I ate it but my throat … [Read more...]